Courtney Evans
  • Chicago, IL
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Courtney Evans posted a blog post

Knowing Your Customer vs. Looking for the Sale

How well do you know your sales and service customers? Not just the customers who have purchased a car in the last month, or the ones who get their cars serviced on a regular basis, but all of your customers? Considering your dealership has thousands of contacts in its DMS, it’s highly unlikely —and unrealistic—that you know your customers well. Yet as a business today,…See More
Mar 27, 2020
Courtney Evans's blog post was featured

New Trends Require New Marketing Strategy

What are your marketing goals in 2020? One of the biggest pain points for dealers is deciding where to spend their marketing dollars to get the results they want. Many dealers feel like their marketing strategies don’t perform as well as they used to, which, when combined with declining sales profitability, puts extra pressure on marketers to up their game. However, doing…See More
Mar 1, 2020
Patrick Comley-White liked Courtney Evans's blog post New Trends Require New Marketing Strategy
Feb 29, 2020
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

New Trends Require New Marketing Strategy

What are your marketing goals in 2020? One of the biggest pain points for dealers is deciding where to spend their marketing dollars to get the results they want. Many dealers feel like their marketing strategies don’t perform as well as they used to, which, when combined with declining sales profitability, puts extra pressure on marketers to up their game. However, doing…See More
Feb 28, 2020
Courtney Evans's blog post was featured

Owner Retention Programs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Most auto dealerships do some, if not all of their service marketing with their manufacturer owner retention programs (ORPs). The purpose of ORPs is stated in the name: to build customer loyalty. But how well do these programs deliver on that promise? The results from ORPs are all over the board. Some dealerships effectively use ORPs to increase customer retention, while…See More
Feb 1, 2020
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

Owner Retention Programs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Most auto dealerships do some, if not all of their service marketing with their manufacturer owner retention programs (ORPs). The purpose of ORPs is stated in the name: to build customer loyalty. But how well do these programs deliver on that promise? The results from ORPs are all over the board. Some dealerships effectively use ORPs to increase customer retention, while…See More
Jan 31, 2020
Courtney Evans's blog post was featured

Beyond the ORP: Creating a Single, Cohesive Marketing Strategy

Owner retention programs (ORPs) are one of the most used marketing tools and have been used by dealerships for many years. However, most ORPs are run in a silo, separate from the rest of the dealership’s marketing strategy. This practice results in an inconsistent, less than optimal experience for dealership customers. The way it currently works is dealers sign up with…See More
Jan 10, 2020
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

Beyond the ORP: Creating a Single, Cohesive Marketing Strategy

Owner retention programs (ORPs) are one of the most used marketing tools and have been used by dealerships for many years. However, most ORPs are run in a silo, separate from the rest of the dealership’s marketing strategy. This practice results in an inconsistent, less than optimal experience for dealership customers. The way it currently works is dealers sign up with…See More
Dec 27, 2019
Courtney Evans's blog post was featured

5 Essential ORP Communications

Your dealership has probably been using an owner retention program (ORPs) for years, but when was the last time you evaluated the effectiveness of each communication?One thing is certain. Sending out the same communications with the same messages via the same channels, again and again, isn’t a winning strategy. The goal of an ORP is to increase customer loyalty and…See More
Nov 13, 2019
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

5 Essential ORP Communications

Your dealership has probably been using an owner retention program (ORPs) for years, but when was the last time you evaluated the effectiveness of each communication?One thing is certain. Sending out the same communications with the same messages via the same channels, again and again, isn’t a winning strategy. The goal of an ORP is to increase customer loyalty and…See More
Nov 8, 2019
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

Use Data to Improve the Customer Experience

When we think of using customer data, it’s often in the context of marketing. I’ve written previously on how data can be…See More
Sep 13, 2019
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

Use Customer Data to Build Better Relationships

For such a small word, the word ‘data’ packs a pretty big punch. Some marketers get overwhelmed when they hear it because they believe it’s complicated. Others give it a bad rap without really understanding the benefits. Yet it’s difficult to deny the advantages of data-driven marketing: 2 out of 3 leading marketers admit that data-based decisions beat gut instinct78% of…See More
Aug 9, 2019
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

Increase Your Marketing ROI with 3rd Party Data

Most marketers think of third-party data as something to be used in conquest marketing. While it's true that we must rely on 3rd-party data to acquire new customers, it's important not to overlook the value of this data in marketing to your current customers. Most companies use only 12 percent of the data they have on hand, which means 88 percent of their data is not…See More
Jun 21, 2019
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

Why Your Marketing Goals are All Wrong

Most people think about marketing as a way to generate immediate ROI. For every email campaign sent out, we measure its success with metrics like open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), number of sales or ROs, or even dollars generated. While it's important to expect accountability from your marketing partner, sometimes it's easy to get lost in the weeds of campaign…See More
Jun 7, 2019
Courtney Evans posted a blog post

Let's Get Visual: Targeting Auto Shoppers with Video

One of the biggest challenges for dealers today is knowing which marketing channels deliver the best reach, frequency and ROI. For marketers everywhere, it can be difficult to reach an intended audience, and when they do, many times the audience isn't paying attention. Take television, for example. Many dealerships still create and air commercials on TV and cable for…See More
May 3, 2019

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Courtney Evans's Blog

Knowing Your Customer vs. Looking for the Sale

Posted on March 27, 2020 at 10:03am 0 Comments

How well do you know your sales and service customers? Not just the customers who have purchased a car in the last month, or the ones who get their cars serviced on a regular basis, but all of your customers?


Considering your dealership has thousands of contacts in its DMS, it’s highly unlikely —and unrealistic—that you know your customers…


New Trends Require New Marketing Strategy

Posted on February 28, 2020 at 10:16am 0 Comments

What are your marketing goals in 2020? One of the biggest pain points for dealers is deciding where to spend their marketing dollars to get the results they want. Many dealers feel like their marketing strategies don’t perform as well as they used to, which, when combined with declining sales profitability, puts extra pressure on marketers to up their…


Owner Retention Programs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Posted on January 31, 2020 at 9:30am 0 Comments

Most auto dealerships do some, if not all of their service marketing with their manufacturer owner retention programs (ORPs). The purpose of ORPs is stated in the name: to build customer loyalty. But how well do these programs deliver on that promise?


The results from ORPs are all over the board. Some dealerships effectively use ORPs to…


Beyond the ORP: Creating a Single, Cohesive Marketing Strategy

Posted on December 27, 2019 at 9:58am 0 Comments

Owner retention programs (ORPs) are one of the most used marketing tools and have been used by dealerships for many years. However, most ORPs are run in a silo, separate from the rest of the dealership’s marketing strategy.


This practice results in an inconsistent, less than optimal experience for dealership customers. The way it currently…


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