Michal Ann Benedict Enders
  • Female
  • Middleville, MI
  • United States
  • Shift Digital
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Michal Ann Benedict Enders's Friends

  • Alain Lustig
  • Shawn Clos
  • Bill Gasson
  • Jessica Collins
  • Melanie Colley
  • Rachel Swanson
  • Niosha Kazerouni
  • Ian Nethercott
  • Daniel
  • Mathew Koenig
  • Paul Chesher
  • Phil S. Dixon Jr.
  • Jamie Faulkner
  • Michael Dullea
  • Scott Baumgard

Michal Ann Benedict Enders's Page

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Vendor Partner
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Shift Digital
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eCommerce Process Strategist
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Grant Cardone
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27 GREAT years in the auto business.

Michal Ann Benedict Enders's Blog

It's Not You, It's ....

Posted on October 2, 2012 at 10:26pm 3 Comments

As I ate dinner with a large group of friends this weekend the topic turned to car salespeople.  Everyone seemed to have a story about being treated poorly when they wanted to purchase. They were ignored, abandoned, patronized and abused.  

I will spare you the details.  You’re welcome.

As I listened politely and carefully I began to hear a uniform pattern that struck me as odd. Every friend also had a reason for this treatment with some version of the following:



How Do You Tune Up Veterans?

Posted on July 20, 2012 at 10:30am 4 Comments

In our business helping veterans improve can be a challenge.  

They know what they are supposed to know.  Usually they think they are actually doing it.

Poke around in the cupboards of the average dealership and you will find training cassettes from the 70's, training videos from the 80's and 90's and DVD's from the last 15 years.  You could reforest Colorado's wildfire area with the trees that made the workbooks from seminars that are…


3 Ways to Over Ride Your Gut Check When Hiring

Posted on July 14, 2012 at 9:30am 4 Comments

I often have discussions with employers about their dissatisfaction with certain members of their team.   How can so many prospective employees that seem like good hires turn out to be poor performers?

1. Who’s Interviewing?

Most sales managers are excellent and somewhat compulsive closers.  They want to close the job seeker on working for them.  I have often…


Shooting Straight

Posted on July 2, 2012 at 12:00pm 0 Comments

“Concentrate…..concentrate….”  The instructors voice is intense and close to my right ear.  I concentrate.  I try to remember the 7 or so things he has just taught me. I squeeze the trigger as slowly as I can.


It’s a little Smith and Wesson M&P compact.  It is at home in the gun safe with a variety of sibling guns used by my husband for trap and skeet shooting.   I take it out every so often and go to the gun club range and shoot at some paper…


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At 1:20pm on May 21, 2010, Grant Cardone said…
MABE- need your people to come here and vote for me. Dave Anderson is closing in on me hard... Need all your people to vote for me....I will owe you ...again....gc



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