The following comes from a guy who hasn't been seen working deals in a dealership since 1991 (or earlier)

Grant Cardone here,
I need your last little bit of help here.......I know you are finishing the month but this only takes 3 minutes and poll ends tomorrow.

As your training partner I need your help..I am in a poll for most influential trainer at http://www.dealerelite.netCan you please get each of your people to log onto the link above and join and vote for Grant Cardone

This is important because the guy that is closest in the poll is a throwback to the 70's and should not represent where our industry is going.

You guys could easily get me some votes each today....only takes 3 minutes and its a great site for auto information.

Help me crush this guy today.

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Replies to This Discussion

Jimmy, keep it real baby. You want to talk retail and real deals....Tuscon Summer of 2008....
At the negotiating table two men ( A sophisticated real estate buyer and Me), four lawyers, 2 analysis Wall Street suits and three real estate brokers. The market was already going backwards...

I called you but you were picking tomatoes so I just shut him down.
$78,000,000 all one deal, all one close -- all one guy!

Excuse me Elvis, you're getting nervous and you should. You lied, cheated and done every despicable thing to win this insignificant poll. Your credibility is crap because I've kept my honor and you're a bogue with a lot of money and no character. People are seeing you for what you are and the King is naked.

tell me about your real estate deals...excuse me where is the car talk? You can't do what you talk about. complete phony...and they're seeing it as you self-destruct here. Bye Grant. You're career is sinking as you expose yourself to be what you are. I will never sink to that level. They're all watching.

You brag about your NADA endorsement...let me ask you a question to which I already know the you or LightspeedVT pay the NADA anything for this? They offered me the same deal. I turned them down.

I extended you friendship, but you double-crossed me at every turn. I helped you more than once but you came at me in what you thought I wouldn't find out. As little as a month ago you asked for my help, as little as a minute ago your employees slandered me and told lies. You have no honor and no ethic and these people see it. JIM
What kind of car was that???

Grant Cardone said:
Jimmy, keep it real baby. You want to talk retail and real deals....Tuscon Summer of 2008....
At the negotiating table two men ( A sophisticated real estate buyer and Me), four lawyers, 2 analysis Wall Street suits and three real estate brokers. The market was already going backwards...

I called you but you were picking tomatoes so I just shut him down.
$78,000,000 all one deal, all one close -- all one guy!

Didn't you post 1 hour ago "As for this Poll on Dealer Elite. I won't be baited, I don't do spiteful nor nasty or pissy...My entire campaign to earnestly win this poll has been on the high road."?

Way to not take the bait, Jim. I'd hate to see it if you did get "spiteful nor nasty or pissy..." I guess the high road got a little bumpy...

James A. Ziegler said:
Excuse me Elvis, you're getting nervous and you should. You lied, cheated and done every despicable thing to win this insignificant poll. Your credibility is crap because I've kept my honor and you're a bogue with a lot of money and no character. People are seeing you for what you are and the King is naked.

tell me about your real estate deals...excuse me where is the car talk? You can't do what you talk about. complete phony...and they're seeing it as you self-destruct here. Bye Grant. You're career is sinking as you expose yourself to be what you are. I will never sink to that level. They're all watching.

You brag about your NADA endorsement...let me ask you a question to which I already know the you or LightspeedVT pay the NADA anything for this? They offered me the same deal. I turned them down.

I extended you friendship, but you double-crossed me at every turn. I helped you more than once but you came at me in what you thought I wouldn't find out. As little as a month ago you asked for my help, as little as a minute ago your employees slandered me and told lies. You have no honor and no ethic and these people see it. JIM


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