CRM TOOL Which one are you using and do you like it? Is it easy and effective?

We are currently on Reynolds & Reynolds contact management,  not a bad system but lots of complaints about acting up and not user friendly from the sales force. We are almost up with our contract was wondering what any body else may be using. What ever we go with has to intagrate with R&R.....

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As Internet Director for a group, I spend most of my life on a CRM. Eleads.  It does what we need it to do, but I hate it for several reasons.


1) Too many clicks. Here's just one example: When looking at a customer record, I might see several emails that have been sent and received. If Eleads had it together, the user could just hover the  cursor over the email subject, and a balloon would open up with the email body. This is not the case, you have to click on the email, wait for it to open, and then close it when you are finished looking at it.

2) Too robust...This CRM tries to do everything, from appraising cars, to working deals, to figuring leases, and every other task having to do with the car business.

3) Email editor is incompetent. Very limited HTML email capabilities. Can't embed, limited attachments, email editor quits displaying words typed intermittently and you have to click again in the text entry area.

4) Frequently does glitchy things.

5) Frequent retrieval of the wrong record. Click on a prospect name and a different record is brought up.

6) And on and on and on.


In a few days we are going to switch over to ADP CRM.  It too seem to want to everything from CRM to desking, to appraising, and on and on.  It looks like it will be better that Eleads, but time will tell.

What I wish for is a CRM, that is only a CRM. Not a bunch of other tools. I wish for a CRM that is a great CRM, and not just a so-so everything program.

I once used a CRM called Zoho that I found on the net. One user was free. It was just a CRM, and had no other functions that were not related. It was fully customizable, and did what I needed it to do.

The trouble with todays computers tools is that we tend to get them from several different sources, and what our dealerships end up with is a cluster of unrelated programs trying to work together. All electronic tools and programs should be integrated, and homogeneous. This is not only my wish for the CRM, but for the whole Internet department as well.

How about a CRM that ties itself together with our web pages, you tube, all social media pages we are using, as well as reputation management.

We all have a long way to go with our computer tools that we use in the car business. I have a ton of ideas, but not the smarts to make them work from scratch.

Back to the CRM...I wish for one that is just a CRM. Something simple, fast, and intuitive.

By the way...I'm sure you will find that just about all CRM's currently available are compatible with R&R... I forget what it's called, but R&R has a CRM of it's own...Sadly, its another lead balloon like so many of the others.



I switched over to Vinsolutions years ago and have had great success.   They are so confident in their product they do not use contracts to hold your to.  Instead you get to hold their feet to the fire, because if you are unhappy you can leave at any time.  This has intergrated ILM, Inventory tool and the CRM all in one.  You can access just about any report at any time from time clock, to ROI to Customers in Equity.  Call Randall Horn at Vinsolutions and check them out. 

hi Bryan,


We were using Reynolds and reynolds which is a good system , perhaps a little cumbersome and an unfamiliar environment for new users.  Experienced users find this system quite comfortable.

We as a company were seeing rising costs to operate and a lack of substantial upgrades.

this year we have moved to the serti sds dealer system and have noticed a substantial decrease in operating costs while providing an easier user interface.  Is it a perfect system?  in my opinion no but it is an improvement over our last system.


Here is a link to the website give them a call and listen, it may be worthwhile.




Jon Grant

Service Manager

Mountain Hyundai - Hamilton , Ontario, Canada


I have used Vinsolutions/ Autobase and Car-research.


Currently I am using Car-Research


1. Great support

2. XRM - It's very new age, I am the Internet Sales Manager so 10 hours a day I am using it and it's very user friendly. It has a Dashboard which give you an overview for you ISR's and Dealership and SalesPeople. I work with 4 Roof tops and I can easily swtich between stores in seconds. 

3. Very good reporting - I can pull up ROI's for every lead source and just about anything else I could want, I can even check what everyone in the dealership has click on in our CRM. Very Very Deep in the reports.

4. Their ILM tool has come a long ways and is very effictive for followups and staying in contact very user friendly.


But for my personal experience it has been over 5 years since I've used Vinsolutions but they are still in my mind and are my favorite, I do like their approach to customer tailoring their CRM for each individual dealership and the ofcourse the no contracts is great too!


if you have any questions let me know hope this helps a little bit.  

Hi Bryan,

I recommend Dealer Socket.  It is easy to use, very intuitive and effective.  The best thing about it, you can customize it to your sales process, follow-up and marketing campaigns.  Like any CRM it will depend on usage and managing it to maximize it's ROI.  Any questions, please call me at 612-804-1706.

I use SendOutCards, I think it provides a great solution for individual salespeople and businesses, alike. Their contact manager is a easy way to store client info and the searchable dated notes, groups and photo storage makes things really easy.

It makes follow-up fun, and it is affordable enough for salespeople to invest in it for their own use; $15 gets you started and there are no long term contracts.  I have been using it for 4 years , and have shared it with some of my other colleagues in the industry, and there are some Dealers and Dealer Associations using it too.  I have heard many other say positive things about it.

You can try it here:


Feel welcome to get in touch with me if you have questions.




Tobias Sedillos


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