Hope you are having a wonderful day, Carbucks Guests!
Today, in our little group on fb, the 600 guests of Carbucks the Coffeehouse for Car Guys and Car Gals were challenged by one of our members. Craig Lockerd from AutoMax wrote, and I quote,
" Try this on for size group...How about tomorrow we offer to do a "favor" for somebody else in Carbucks?....not sure what exactly,offer a service for free? Fill in for somebody somehow? Endorse another person....600 people each doing another a "favor"...wonder what could happen from something like that being done?"
Already, many folks have come forward, so graciously offering their services... while expecting NOTHING in return! In the spirit of Og Mandino, author of so many business/integrity/self-help books, we have named the day after him, because of his philosophy of living a life of helping others! This favor can be privately offered via a message or an email or even a phone call. It can be kept anonymous by the favor giver. It could be over an extended period of time, not necessarily limited to tomorrow. What a fantastic idea, Craig...Thank you!
I leave you with a quote from Og .....
“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.” ~ Og Mandino