dE member's I need advise...

What are some of the best ways to get your salespeople to sell instock units?  

We are to fast to say we can go get what you want.  How do you change the culture to sell from instock?

Instock units

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"folks.. if you're a little bit flexible on color or options... the very best value may be right here... You are looking for the best deal isn't that right?"

"Yes, it is true that we have several hundred available.. the best incentives are on these we have here.. so if the deal were right would you be willing to pick from one of these?"

"Yes, as you know the dealer trade is always a possibility.. truth of the matter though folks.. we can't always control the aftermarket profit builders they install on their units... If we trade for one you may have to pay those fees.. is that okay with you or would you prefer the opportunity presented here where you can see exactly what you're getting?"

These are just a few of the word tracks I use... I really don't like dealer trades.  Good Luck and Good Selling!

I'm going to use this, Craig. Thank you.

Craig, you do risk the chance of raising the customers defensive posture when you start talking about fees and extra add on's that might come with a dealer swap.  Again, only a savvy salesperson, I suggest try your work track. At the end of the day, we just need to get the customer out on the lot to see the inventory.  As I said earlier, 60% will change their mind on color, style or trim level once they say what is in stock.

I agree, Joseph and I would only use it after showing the customer everything in  stock, and not being able to successfully land them on anything.

Train, Train Train, the rest is well.....pure masturbation.............TRAIN YOUR PEOPLE! A well trained staff is the secret weapon of the future....this business has always been about training and not talk....discuss all you want,, waste of time.... TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN>>>>>>>> get in the tranches and they will follow,, if you don't then you get left behind.... SIMPLE! do as I do, not as i say!..Are we really asking this question again?  It is not rocket science!   Sorry to be so rude, but come on........ Train your people. most managers say they have no time to train, but they are on facebook, you tube, texting their girlfriends etc.. the average workday now has over 5 hours of lost and wasted time by lazy, unprepared managers... get off your phones and train your people......PERIOD.....

I can't agree more TP.

Tim is spot on! There is not a trainer alive that I learned more from than Jackie Cooper! Sell what you see!

Not as easy as it sounds if takes mastering the art of selling! Out of 24 years in car sells I did two or three Dealer Locates!

How? Selling on your feet!

Buyer comes in I knew what cars I was going to show them with powerful reasons why this color will hold its resale value more than the want to locate!

Never tell a customer "if we have to locate one it will cost more" All they will do is go down the road and buy elsewhere! 

It all starts at the point of contact and gaining unheard trust!

Best suggestion:  Inventory walk with the customer.  Fact: 60% (6 out of 10) customer will change their mind on color, model and trim level, once they walk your inventory and have a chance to see whats on the lot.  Besides the fact that walk the inventory begins the most critical step of "mental ownership."  Hope this helps.

Daniel, do your salespeople guest sheet a customer, to determine their needs, when they arrive?

That is being put into place ASAP  

I am working on it  I agree needs to be done 

Hi Daniel,

The varied answers to your question about selling in-stock units vs. ordering or locating a vehicle evidence that it has been asked and answered before for obvious reasons.  In addition to the wisdoms already shared I suggest that you focus on introducing your customers to your inventory as soon as possible in your sales process regardless of the vehicle request that brought them to your door.  Odds are that they have already visited a less professional dealership that landed them on a vehicle and they are seeking a price comparison or they are looking for the vehicle like their friend just purchased even though they may have completely different transportation needs and/or budgets.

The point being that it is likely that they were not properly qualified to confirm that that vehicle is the best match for their needs.  Surface what they THINK they are looking for and ask them why and how they arrived at that decision.  Once their needs are properly defined take them to the vehicle that you have in-stock that you are confident will satisfy their needs vs. their wants. 

Make sure that your showroom display, front line, test drive vehicles - if staged separately - and of course your inventory is logically ordered, clean, ready to drive and most importantly reflective of not only your stores historical sales but of your regions.  All too often dealers stock vehicles based on their previous sales forgetting that they have always ordered that type of vehicle creating a self fulfilling result.

Word tracks and control techniques seem like a fast track to establish a consistent sales process but the truth is that customers will see them as scripted generic responses to their very personal questions so I hesitate to suggest them.  The better more scalable solution is to hold your staff to a sales process that includes an initial meeting and greeting, a qualifying process, a Manager TO to defer any pending price objections and direct the customer to an inventory walk on the proper vehicle - inventory age friendly of course - a test drive and the eventual sale.

Another priority should be to insure that your staff is properly trained on your products with a focus on features/benefits so they can build value in the vehicle they are presenting.  It is amazing how much more value and interest can be generated when a vehicle is in front of the customer vs. in a brochure or proposed as a dealer locate.

Sometimes less is more when solving a universal problem since too much focus on details like what and how to overcome objections can best be answered with an honest discussion with your customer that convinces them that your primary goal is to earn their trust, friendship and business - in that order!  If an in-stock unit fits their needs then it is in their best interest to drive it home today. If after we discuss your needs we don't have one to fit we can always locate one.  After all, what are friends for!     

Love the response Phillip 

Now we just need to act on it


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