Time: January 19, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm
Location: http://www.dealeron.com/webinar/learn-elise-kepharts-entire-internet-sales-process-2-0/
Website or Map: http://www.dealeron.com/webin…
Event Type: webinar, free
Organized By: Eliana Raggio
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2016
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NEWSFLASH: Your internet leads DON’T suck – your follow-up process DOES! And Elise Kephart is going to show you how to fix it!
In her previous record breaking webinar, she broke down her entire internet sales process 1.0 which earned her an incredible 30% close ratio. But that was over 2 years ago…and IT’S TIME FOR AN UPGRADE!
In this tremendous never-before-seen presentation, Elise Kephart is going to teach The Elise Kephart Experience Internet Sales Process 2.0 which delivers increased profits without spending more money on leads!
She has been working with BDC, Internet and Sales Departments nationwide and has made her new and improved process even easier to implement and more effective!
The value of this unparalleled 1 hour presentation cannot be understated. Attendees will learn:
– The Bulletproof Voicemail
– YouTube Video Email is so 2009
– Email Confirmations
– Text Best Practices
– Templates vs Real Emails
– Pattern Habits of Your Customer
– Sending a VIP Packet in the Mail
– The Phone Call
– Getting your Appointments to Show
– Branding Yourself
This is an Hour of Automotive Awesomeness that simply must not be missed!
If you are ready to learn Elise Kephart’s full front-to-back internet lead handling process 2.0, then don’t you dare miss this webinar! Please only show up if you can handle this onslaught of amazingness!
PRESENTER: ELISE KEPHART is the founder of The Elise Kephart Experience, a company focused on helping dealerships strengthen their process, sales teams and lead handling utilizing tactics with an emphasis on improving phone skills and utilizing video email. An international sales/marketing phenomenon in the auto industry, Elise is nationally recognized as “The YouTube Diva” for her persuasive personalized video greetings. Since 2007, she has sold countless vehicles to clients by creating a strong bond with her customers through the power of unique video messaging. Among her high volume sales, she has also earned top performing CSI. With her unique approach to videos, her phone skills and sales background, Elise has visited dealerships across the country teaching her one of a kind method. Her approach has been praised by the likes of Ziegler, Cardone and Bradley and she has been published in magazines both in the US and Canada. Elise has presented at seminars including Ziegler’s IBP, Driving Sales Executive Summit, Digital Dealer and The General Motors 2015 Compass Tour and she can be reached at elisekephartexperience@gmail.com.
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