Time: April 24, 2013 from 9am to 10am
Location: http://kpa.co/KathiKruseFixedOps
Website or Map: http://kpa.co/KathiKruseFixed…
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Patric Timmermans
Latest Activity: Apr 17, 2013
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Attract Visitors, Build Genuine Fans, Generate Leads & Sales
Join us for a fascinating Webinar on the new Social Economy and learn how to create more business in the Service Drive using Social Media. Studies show there's never been more pressure on dealership Fixed Ops to capture business from Independents and Aftermarkets. Social Media leverages your already-existing customer database, fosters repeat business and attracts new customers.
Complimentary webinar Wednesday April 24, 2013, 9:00am Pacific Time
In this timely Webinar you’ll learn how retail automotive has shifted toward the Social customer and how to capitalize on Social for Fixed Operations. We’ll discuss “best practices” for marketing on Social and how to maintain a great online reputation.
What You’ll Learn:
We welcome Kathi Kruse, automotive Social Media expert, author and Founder of Kruse Control Inc., a leading Social Media coaching & training company with 30 years in the car business!
Don’t miss this Webinar! You’ll takeaway valuable information that you’ll use immediately! The Social economy is here. Register now.
Presented by: Kathi Kruse, Founder, Kruse Control Inc.
Kathi Kruse is an Automotive Social Media Expert, Blogger, Author, Speaker and Founder of Kruse Control Inc. Kathi started at the ground floor of a dealership in 1979 and methodically worked her way up through all levels of dealership operations. Since 2001, Kathi has bridged the balance between 30 years of ‘best practices’ dealership management experience and creative new ideas to generate results for dealerships and manufacturers across Southern California and US.
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