Our website, www.classicchevybeaumont.com, is ranked in the top 2% nationally according to the reports I get from GM. We average about 6K uniques per month. My question, as simple as it sounds, is one that I have had for many years. How do you take a site with that much traffic and get more from it. According to Cobalt reports, we get 6K per month. According to Google analytics we get about 4500-5000. I have Google analytics setup to not count our IP address here at the dealership. Last month we had a whopping 76 email leads, and 472 phone calls. These are not broken up for sales and service. I do know that most of the phone calls are fixed ops related. It seems that are email rate never breaks 100 in a given month. If I understand this correctly, I am doing a very poor job on email conversion rates.
According to my math. Google says I had 5090 visitors in January. There was a 37.090% bounce rate, which I expect due to name recognition with the other Classic's. That leaves about 3200 actual people digging into my site. avg page view is about 4 minutes, avg number of pages viewed is 3.5.
What I am looking for is how to get better. Any and all help is appreciated. I have attached my analytics page for reference.
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