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Here's a quick tip... when preparing a vehicle for a test drive, get the temperature comfortable (a little warm) and put the music on really low. Make sure the headlights are on and make it really easy for our customer to get all settled in for the demo ride!
Don't ask -- just do! Checking the vehicle for equipment and damage is one example of a legitimate reason to take the customer to it -- among many -- while forcing a walk around that will end with an assumptive test drive as you take it off the lot with the customer in the passenger seat. lIke I said, don't ask -- do!
Sales people drive off the lot first!  It helps control the process and allows the customer to acclimate to the demonstrated vehicle before getting behind the wheel!
Trial Close all the time.  Reinforce what the customer experiences.  As they look in the rear view mirror, trial close with "isn't the rear visibility good";  as they brake at the stop line  ask "Aren't the brakes powerful".  Cause and effect closing at work here - as they do something, you reinforce the action and how it felt.
Hand the seatbelt to the person, just after they get in. Only give directions when you drive.

Make sure the traction control is active,,,, ended up flipping a Z06 5 times end over end.

In Florida, right turns only. I value my life!

I teach salespeople that asking someone if they want to drive is the same as asking if they would like to pay your mortgage or college tuition bills?  NO DEMO.... No gross and maybe no deal!!!!!  DO NOT ASK....

....... and its a Demo ride  you can fail a test.  :)


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