Motivation is that driving force which allows you to achieve your goals and go after what you want in life.Everything will be easier accomplished if you are properly motivated. How can you properly motivate your employees, coworkers or friends? How can we use this in a dealership to truly believe in our own abilities? So how can you develop motivation in life?

You can only be motivated for your business and sales once you fully own your own personal happiness and OWN your goals. One of the best ways I believe is to focus on one goal at a time, write them down in a goal diary. I write it down so that I have a visual representation rather than letting it all get lost in your head.Get rid of all the distractions which might prevent you from achieving your goals and dreams. Block out any negative influences, relationships or people - It never did me any good to listen or surround myself with any of that.

A goal doesn’t do you much good unless you are constantly thinking about it.Write down your goals and place it somewhere that you will see it at least 1-2 times a day. When you read your goals when you wake up you may begin to notice that you find yourself doing more each day to help you reach your goals.

Motivation is the fuel that you need to continue striving and wanting it more than anything else.It’s human nature to have days were you aren’t very motivated. However, if you continue to surround yourself with positive and motivational things those days become very few and a more rare occasion.






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You always move in the direction of your currently dominant thought.   Nice writing Lizelle.



Oh Troy thank you! You know me :-)

Troy Spring said:

You always move in the direction of your currently dominant thought.   Nice writing Lizelle.



Nice...very nice.  Well I already told you that.  But keep doing your thing and it will pay off.
In the book "One Minute Salesperson" there is a quote that goes something like this "People don't buy our products,services or ideas,they buy how they imagine USING them will make them FEEL"....I read that and exchange the word ideas with goals,outcome,self motivation.....soooo if it's true that we all are motivated by basically two things,avoid pain and seek pleasure,both FEELINGS....If we move toward what brings us a feeling of pleasure and move away from what causes us pain and encourage others to do the same,we can motivate ourselves and others in this way.What would somebody that works under you want,what would bring them pleasure,find that out and helping them reach that feeling will motivate them.

Hi!! Yes I mean at the end of the day depending what your overall goal is and the impact you wish to have on a persons life and success, is defined by the individual.  Feelings, happiness, emotions, experience etc all really defines and creates our own Motivation. In my opinion - drive, passion and success basically are formed from either DESPERATION and or  WANTS/NEEDS. 

How do you get them to do business with you? My question would be WHY WOULD THEY NOT?

Its relationship selling and trust that a person either has with you or not. I WANT IT, I WANT IT ALL!!!

Anyone that really has a passion and love for their profession would not want anything from me. I want to give them ME! Anyone who ever works or would work under me MUST think " I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE HER!!". If they do not then I failed my job.

Too many ordinary basic businesses and bosses - Be unique and a magnet for motivation. Have you ever noticed people are naturally Attracted to people who smile and choose happiness?Be sunlight to whoever your daily path crosses!Never stop learning from anyone - if failed already!

I do not want a person to forget our first initial meeting. I want to be unforgettable - WHY would the shop anywhere else?

Craig Lockerd said:

In the book "One Minute Salesperson" there is a quote that goes something like this "People don't buy our products,services or ideas,they buy how they imagine USING them will make them FEEL"....I read that and exchange the word ideas with goals,outcome,self motivation.....soooo if it's true that we all are motivated by basically two things,avoid pain and seek pleasure,both FEELINGS....If we move toward what brings us a feeling of pleasure and move away from what causes us pain and encourage others to do the same,we can motivate ourselves and others in this way.What would somebody that works under you want,what would bring them pleasure,find that out and helping them reach that feeling will motivate them.

Anthony Robbins says it best I think Craig with his PPP.   Pain  Pleasure Principle.   He says, the only reason Someone won't do something that will propel Him / her to success is that they associate more pain with the action than they do pleasure.   An over weight person who wont push away half a plate of food as an example is simply because they associate the pain of feeling a little hunger or not enjoying the euphoric taste of great food they want to keep eating.  Instead he teaches the mind set that if you want to lose weight the only way is to associate the pleasures of the result you are looking for.  To push the plate away and to think how great you will look when you lose the weight ....etc.


The same PPP pain pleasure principles apply to every action we make or do not make.  If a salesman only thinks about the pain  of cold calling and the rejection he will face, the wasted time etc.. he will simply stop making cold calls.  If he associates pleasure of the commissions made, maybe a cold call he once made that turned in to a sale, a great new client  etc..he will make the calls.  I am a huge believer in this principle and thought it relevant to this blog post.   Lizelle, this is a bit more mechanical than your answers and find your passion welcoming.   


I find this to be a great way to train the minds of new salesman and in particular new managers who need to move outside their normal comfort zone.  I always say if i could teach only one thing to a salesman or manger it would be HOW TO THINK...........

Lizelle Landino said:

Hi!! Yes I mean at the end of the day depending what your overall goal is and the impact you wish to have on a persons life and success, is defined by the individual.  Feelings, happiness, emotions, experience etc all really defines and creates our own Motivation. In my opinion - drive, passion and success basically are formed from either DESPERATION and or  WANTS/NEEDS. 

How do you get them to do business with you? My question would be WHY WOULD THEY NOT?

Its relationship selling and trust that a person either has with you or not. I WANT IT, I WANT IT ALL!!!

Anyone that really has a passion and love for their profession would not want anything from me. I want to give them ME! Anyone who ever works or would work under me MUST think " I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE HER!!". If they do not then I failed my job.

Too many ordinary basic businesses and bosses - Be unique and a magnet for motivation. Have you ever noticed people are naturally Attracted to people who smile and choose happiness?Be sunlight to whoever your daily path crosses!Never stop learning from anyone - if failed already!

I do not want a person to forget our first initial meeting. I want to be unforgettable - WHY would the shop anywhere else?

Craig Lockerd said:

In the book "One Minute Salesperson" there is a quote that goes something like this "People don't buy our products,services or ideas,they buy how they imagine USING them will make them FEEL"....I read that and exchange the word ideas with goals,outcome,self motivation.....soooo if it's true that we all are motivated by basically two things,avoid pain and seek pleasure,both FEELINGS....If we move toward what brings us a feeling of pleasure and move away from what causes us pain and encourage others to do the same,we can motivate ourselves and others in this way.What would somebody that works under you want,what would bring them pleasure,find that out and helping them reach that feeling will motivate them.
Thank you!

Great article, Liz.  Too many salespeople lack the personal motivation to strive for greater numbers and higher profits.  They are perfectly happy coming in day in and day out, doing their 12 cars for the month, and going back home.

Beyond simply writing down the end goal, I think it is important for salespeople to track the numbers they have historically reached to know how to get there.

If a salesperson sells 12 cars - and they have tracked that they had 3 people in front of them each working day for the month (22 working days) then they know it takes all 66 people for that month to move 12 units.  Simply put, if they want to be able to afford those Chicago Bears vs. Jets Super Bowl tickets (I can dream, can't I), then they'll need to sell another 6 cars.  Mathematically, they can determine that getting on the phone, doing solid follow up, and upping just an additional 33 people for the month (come in on a couple of off days) and they'll reach their goal.

The Super Bowl can be their dominant, motivating factor, but some work must be recognized and performed to allow them understanding on how to reach that end goal.

Motivation is within you. I was at a Paul Webb seminar and he posed this question. "Can you motivate any one person"? The answer is "No" you cannot motivate the unmotivated.


A favorite quote of mine. "Unlimited potential awaits from within ... Ask and it will be given".


The biggest motivation anyone can have ... "Believe"!

Everyone's comments are spot on and irrefutable, but the question begs to be asked; why are so many automotive sales people de-motivated and seemingly without goals? It all starts with the reason they become car sales people.

Someone goes to school, gets a job, loses a job and finds them self in need of a job.  Whatever they meant to do in life didn’t work out; so they apply for one of the easiest jobs on the planet to get (and one of the most difficult to do well), selling cars (see the classified ads in any city).  When they are hired, their family is aghast; and they have to find all new friends.  All the people that are important to them tell them they have a bad job.  Then they show up for their first day of work.  Orientation?  Benefits? Vacation? Holidays (LOL)? Pay Plan?

Any training they receive is probably video-based featuring a trainer who hasn’t changed his selling strategies in thirty years, or maybe one whose most famous close is “It’s better to live rich than die rich, that’s why your payment is so high; sign here.”  Or they find themselves watching a guy wearing more jewelry than Mr. T.   Then they sit in front of a computer and two-days later they are factory “certified” to sell a product that is a technological marvel and costs on average, $30K.  It gets better...

They quickly discover that the buying public feels they have a right to treat them rudely and they find their management team is ill-equipped (because of lack of training) to grow and develop them.  Most sales people adopt a plan that reads like this; “I’m going to try automotive sales until something better comes along.”  And they end up spending more time looking “for something better” than they do studying their profession.  Soon just about anything seems better than selling cars.


Then the 'piece de resistance;' they discover that rather than a new career opportunity they have a “30-day opportunity” because that’s all anyone cares about, the 30-days that make up the current month.  Once the current month is over the whole circus starts over again, minus those who didn’t have such a good 30 days.  People who work in “30-day worlds” seldom concern themselves with creating a long-term relationship with a customer who spent 3 hours “grinding” any profit (and commission) out of the transaction nor do they care much about any follow up that isn’t required and closely monitored.


It’s easy to talk about the strategies required to motivate one's self, but if the culture and environment is de-motivational only an exceptional few can pull it off.  The dealers who recognize this have the motivated and goal oriented sales teams. 

You will achieve grand dream, a day at a time, so set goals for each day / not long and difficult projects, but chores that will take you, step by step, toward your rainbow. Write them down, if you must, but limit your list so that you won't have to drag today's undone matters into tomorrow. Remember that you cannot build your pyramid in twenty-four hours. Be patient. Never allow your day to become so cluttered that you neglect your most important goal / to do the best you can, enjoy this day, and rest satisfied with what you have accomplished.”

 Og Mandino quote

How about this for motivation…I wanted to make sure I hit it home with my goal of losing 20 pounds (not that I need to..ya right)so I enlisted the help of about 60 salespeople and managers at my dealership's first general sales meeting of the year by announcing I would give anyone 50 dollars if anyone saw my putting money in a vending machine, eating any type of hamburger, eating pizza or drinking any soda through April 1st


Talk about motivation and a goal…I challenge everyone that is reading this post to make a super commitment to something and tie it into other people helping you. It’s very hard to let other people down…Try it, you might figure out that things aren’t as impossible as they seem.


We all live with some sort of pain in our lives…The pain of discipline or the pain of regret, the good news is that we get to choose.  


I'll see ya all at Micky D's on April 1st!


Have a kick ass day!


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