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I was lucky,my Dad "Fast Eddie Lockerd" was one of the best "Car Guys" I have ever met! He taught me the importance of treating the customer with respect,listening,working hard and smart, and never giving up.

He told me that there might be a salesperson across town making one more call,writing one more letter,taking one more car to somebodies house or office........and that somebody may have been somebody I talked to may be smarter than me,but you can't out work me!


Who Trained You?........What did they teach you?

Craig, brings back great memories.

The first trainer who took me under his wing was a gentleman named Kieth Jacklich. His first methods of training me was to send me out to other dealerships to shop for cars so that I would experience the difference in sales greetings and steps to the sale, or lack there of.

I started out at a dealership who's hours of operation were open from 8A.M. until Midnight. He taught me that the majority of sales consultants would fall to the waist side and lose focus as the evenings approached. Due to being taught focus while others lost focus, long story short I sold many cars in the evening.

I love your fathers quote "you may be smarter than me,but you can't out work me" I couldn't agree more. Smart work, consistent actions, and doing more than the competition, prevails...

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, if I could sell a car then anybody can.

Awesome share!


Craig Lockerd said:

I was lucky,my Dad "Fast Eddie Lockerd" was one of the best "Car Guys" I have ever met! He taught me the importance of treating the customer with respect,listening,working hard and smart, and never giving up.

He told me that there might be a salesperson across town making one more call,writing one more letter,taking one more car to somebodies house or office........and that somebody may have been somebody I talked to may be smarter than me,but you can't out work me!


Who Trained You?........What did they teach you?

Great topic!!!  Craig...WOW...this made me really think... I initially trained myself!  Sure I was taught daily procedures and principles of the company, sure I was thrown an automotive accounting manual and told take this home over the weekend and if you have any questions, see me on Monday morning... BUT.......

I, being the inquisitive person that I am...always asked "Why?"  And the most unfavored answer to this question was and always will be...."Because that is how we always did it!"  I always searched for a better way,,, more effective, more effiecient and most proficient!  I started reading and watching whatever training materials I could get my hands on, and discected and decypherred its content until I formulated the process I thought to be most logical and sensible!

I had many "mentors" along the way who showed me a tidbit or two....learned a whole bunch from focus groups and 20 group meetings, NADA convention workshops, and OEM meetings.  I believe everyone should work for more than one dealership in their career... I worked for 6 over a 33 year span of time and being able to cherry pick the finest principles from each and compile to a custom-made best practices sort of structure is a fantastic thing!

Thank you to Peg, Tony, Bob, Grace, Barbara, Art, Ray, Karl, Bob, Helen, Walter, Kevin, Cindy, Kris, Alex, Tom, George, Kathy, Joe...All of you played some part over the years assisting me in my past career in the dealership world!

Thank you to Craig, Ernie, Rick, Joe and all from AutoMax and Jim Ziegler, Jim Bernardi, Troy, Fran, Lane, David for helping me as I begin this new journey assisting dealers to enhance their retail operations and increase profits!

Paul Giorgio and Craig Appel at Stockburger Chevrolet in Newtown PA July of 2003 to October 2006 Craig taught me something just about everyday.
Thanks Bobby,great comments by you as always!...and great advice!

Bobby Compton said:

Craig, brings back great memories.

The first trainer who took me under his wing was a gentleman named Kieth Jacklich. His first methods of training me was to send me out to other dealerships to shop for cars so that I would experience the difference in sales greetings and steps to the sale, or lack there of.

I started out at a dealership who's hours of operation were open from 8A.M. until Midnight. He taught me that the majority of sales consultants would fall to the waist side and lose focus as the evenings approached. Due to being taught focus while others lost focus, long story short I sold many cars in the evening.

I love your fathers quote "you may be smarter than me,but you can't out work me" I couldn't agree more. Smart work, consistent actions, and doing more than the competition, prevails...

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, if I could sell a car then anybody can.

Awesome share!


Craig Lockerd said:

I was lucky,my Dad "Fast Eddie Lockerd" was one of the best "Car Guys" I have ever met! He taught me the importance of treating the customer with respect,listening,working hard and smart, and never giving up.

He told me that there might be a salesperson across town making one more call,writing one more letter,taking one more car to somebodies house or office........and that somebody may have been somebody I talked to may be smarter than me,but you can't out work me!


Who Trained You?........What did they teach you?

Thanks Stan,if there was one thing that stands out that you were taught early on that you still use today by these gentlemen,what would that be?
Stanley Esposito said:
Paul Giorgio and Craig Appel at Stockburger Chevrolet in Newtown PA July of 2003 to October 2006 Craig taught me something just about everyday.

That great 3 letter at times the very best teacher...depending on who gives you the answer.....keep asking!

Love having you with us ,Nancy!


Great topic!!!  Craig...WOW...this made me really think... I initially trained myself!  Sure I was taught daily procedures and principles of the company, sure I was thrown an automotive accounting manual and told take this home over the weekend and if you have any questions, see me on Monday morning... BUT.......

I, being the inquisitive person that I am...always asked "Why?"  And the most unfavored answer to this question was and always will be...."Because that is how we always did it!"  I always searched for a better way,,, more effective, more effiecient and most proficient!  I started reading and watching whatever training materials I could get my hands on, and discected and decypherred its content until I formulated the process I thought to be most logical and sensible!

I had many "mentors" along the way who showed me a tidbit or two....learned a whole bunch from focus groups and 20 group meetings, NADA convention workshops, and OEM meetings.  I believe everyone should work for more than one dealership in their career... I worked for 6 over a 33 year span of time and being able to cherry pick the finest principles from each and compile to a custom-made best practices sort of structure is a fantastic thing!

Thank you to Peg, Tony, Bob, Grace, Barbara, Art, Ray, Karl, Bob, Helen, Walter, Kevin, Cindy, Kris, Alex, Tom, George, Kathy, Joe...All of you played some part over the years assisting me in my past career in the dealership world!

Thank you to Craig, Ernie, Rick, Joe and all from AutoMax and Jim Ziegler, Jim Bernardi, Troy, Fran, Lane, David for helping me as I begin this new journey assisting dealers to enhance their retail operations and increase profits!

Paul was big on follow up prospecting and finding common ground with the customer. Craig taught me how to take control and steer the customer in the direction we needed. He also had a great line "nothing good can happen between the handshake and delivery." So we spotted everything we could.

Craig Lockerd said:

Thanks Stan,if there was one thing that stands out that you were taught early on that you still use today by these gentlemen,what would that be?
Stanley Esposito said:
Paul Giorgio and Craig Appel at Stockburger Chevrolet in Newtown PA July of 2003 to October 2006 Craig taught me something just about everyday.
I was hired and then attended two full weeks of exceptional training by George Anselmo (the in-house trainer).  Every step, every philosophy of the sale was covered.  Then trailed a veteran trainer for a week or so, yes my deals became splits, but at the end of the process I was more than ready.  George was demanding and those that applied themself and adhered to the ins and outs of the process all became very successful.   Most of my early managers and leaders are still in the business today and are very succesful as owners or GM's of stores today.   I can tell you that "old" knowledge remains very practical today.  Of course it is all updated to mirror today's customer, but the fact is, the core is the same.  My thanks to Roy Greenblatt, Nick Wypich, Nick Provenzano among others for providing a solid foundation upon which to build a career. 

Craig Lockerd said:

I was lucky,my Dad "Fast Eddie Lockerd" was one of the best "Car Guys" I have ever met! He taught me the importance of treating the customer with respect,listening,working hard and smart, and never giving up.

He told me that there might be a salesperson across town making one more call,writing one more letter,taking one more car to somebodies house or office........and that somebody may have been somebody I talked to may be smarter than me,but you can't out work me!


Who Trained You?........What did they teach you?

PROSPECTING!!!!!............Don't give up the control the client has given us when they come in!

Stanley Esposito said:
Paul was big on follow up prospecting and finding common ground with the customer. Craig taught me how to take control and steer the customer in the direction we needed. He also had a great line "nothing good can happen between the handshake and delivery." So we spotted everything we could.

Craig Lockerd said:

Thanks Stan,if there was one thing that stands out that you were taught early on that you still use today by these gentlemen,what would that be?
Stanley Esposito said:
Paul Giorgio and Craig Appel at Stockburger Chevrolet in Newtown PA July of 2003 to October 2006 Craig taught me something just about everyday.
A good start....2 weeks of every step...= Successful Career!

Ernie Kasprowicz said:
I was hired and then attended two full weeks of exceptional training by George Anselmo (the in-house trainer).  Every step, every philosophy of the sale was covered.  Then trailed a veteran trainer for a week or so, yes my deals became splits, but at the end of the process I was more than ready.  George was demanding and those that applied themself and adhered to the ins and outs of the process all became very successful.   Most of my early managers and leaders are still in the business today and are very succesful as owners or GM's of stores today.   I can tell you that "old" knowledge remains very practical today.  Of course it is all updated to mirror today's customer, but the fact is, the core is the same.  My thanks to Roy Greenblatt, Nick Wypich, Nick Provenzano among others for providing a solid foundation upon which to build a career. 

Craig Lockerd said:

I was lucky,my Dad "Fast Eddie Lockerd" was one of the best "Car Guys" I have ever met! He taught me the importance of treating the customer with respect,listening,working hard and smart, and never giving up.

He told me that there might be a salesperson across town making one more call,writing one more letter,taking one more car to somebodies house or office........and that somebody may have been somebody I talked to may be smarter than me,but you can't out work me!


Who Trained You?........What did they teach you?

I was hired and trained by an AutoMax trainer years ago, so in reality Craig I own the start of my career to you. Thank you sir!!


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