Women in the Auto Industry: How did you get your start in the car business?

Hey Ladies! 

As part of Women's Month here on dE, I thought it would be fun to hear from the ladies and learn how you actually got started in this crazy business of ours!  For most, we stumble into it and awake one day to find it (the car biz) under our skin and running through our veins!

I am certain we will hear a vast array of interesting stories, but looking forward to listening to each and every one!  (Thanks Stephanie for friend requesting me today and asking me how I got involved in the business...You gave me the idea).

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It's amazing how as women in a field mostly dominated by men, I still always see the "cliche" car salesman down the road and I'm so thankful because that's my competition! :) 

Michal Ann Benedict Enders said:

26 years ago I was going out with the girls hitting the hot spots.  I frequently ran into a persistant, obnoxious, self absorbed car salesman who bought me drinks and told me how fabulous he was every time I ran into him. 




Me- no $

Him- Big wad of cash


Me- 1975 Malibu with the hood of an ElCamino (diffent color) tied down, and red tape over the broken taillight

Him- Brand New Mustang


Me - nice

Him - Not nice


It seemed so obivous  to the 22 year old me.  If he was doing it I should be doing it.


I answered an ad in the paper.  They kept breaking the appointments saying they were too busy to talk.  I would keep calling and coming in because I actually didn't realize they were just trying to get rid of me.  I had no idea how few women sold cars.  I also didn't know there was a difference between GM, Ford and Chrysler.  I was blissfully ignorant and politely persistant.  They thought I was the most aggressive applicant EVER, and hired me.







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