Understanding, Working with, and Selling to the High "I" Influencer Personality

I’s are relationship people. They make up 11% (eleven percent) of the population, a little over one in ten. They are fun loving, gregarious, and enjoy being the center of attention and will take the stage
with ease. Optimistic and outgoing, they always look for the best in others.They are generous and sincere at heart, and are expressive about their emotions.  I’s love to tell stories and memorize them easily as they are passionate communicators. “I”s can also be egocentric, poor listeners, and become angered easily. In stressful situations the “I” may pour out every last emotion or draw up into a self-made cocoon and not breathe a word. Be an incredible listener with the “I”, compliment and acknowledge their sincerity, accomplishments, and choices.

This is a tip on how to recognize the “I” customer on your lot… very friendly, often smiling, “Hi! We are looking for a … Do you have any”? Or “Who wants to sell a car”? People who come in and ask this question seem to always leave in the same car they drove in. Ever wonder why? No
relationship was built before the task was started. I’s are relationship first and task second. Spend some time with the “I” and get to know them first! You will greatly increase your sales.

Here is how to respond. Introduce yourself. Smile! Compliment them on something and engage. “Hi! It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Joe. What’s yours? By the way, that’s a great watch you have on. Where did you get that? I wish I had one like that”. Sounds a little cheesy, doesn’t
it? That’s because you are not an “I”. The “I” personality will love it! Tell the “I” their vehicle of choice looks great, they look great in it, and everybody will notice them when they pull up. The “I” wants to look good. Let them know they do, and the demonstration drive will come easily with the” I”.

Inside the dealership, never interrupt the “I” as they can go off on a tangent or two. Ask them where they live and ten minutes later they may have told you how many bedrooms they have and the color each of them are painted. Listen and don’t interrupt. Remember “I”s buy from friends, and the
minute you interrupt, they think you don’t care and are insincere, and your deal is over.

Learn and understand the qualities of the “I” and you will always have a friend, get referrals, and sell more cars and make more money.  What are your thoughts on this subject?

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Replies to This Discussion

These are awesome posts! I've already learned a bunch and I look forward to the rest of the series.
Thank you Alan and thank you for joining Carbucks dE eXpress! I appreciate your comments. I will go over the S personality tomorrow followed by the C personality on Friday. I am glad you are enjoying these posts. How will you use this in your daily routine?

Alan Mosher said:
These are awesome posts! I've already learned a bunch and I look forward to the rest of the series.
"I" am a strong "I" and this describes me to a "T"... I know in regards to all industries, "I" am always trying to help people along in their career by connecting them with others who may be Influential folks for them to know! And you are right, since we love to tell stories, and "I" will tell everyone about their experience at your dealership so make sure It Is a good one!

This is such powerful Information, Joe! You are Incredible and Ingenious!

Looking forward to learning how to get along with my "S" and "C" relationships. I know how to get along with the "D"'s already... suggest Ideas I might have, but make them feel they have control!
Yes Nancy... You are definitely an "I". Don't you hate it when people don't listen or interrupt you. I am sure that you are able to connect with almost everyone by being such a wonderful communicator. Great point on the treatment... If you take good care of someone they just might tell a few people, but if you don't they will tell everyone they know. As an I, what do you think is your biggest strength Nancy?

"I" am a strong "I" and this describes me to a "T"... I know in regards to all industries, "I" am always trying to help people along in their career by connecting them with others who may be Influential folks for them to know! And you are right, since we love to tell stories, and "I" will tell everyone about their experience at your dealership so make sure It Is a good one!

This is such powerful Information, Joe! You are Incredible and Ingenious!

Looking forward to learning how to get along with my "S" and "C" relationships. I know how to get along with the "D"'s already... suggest Ideas I might have, but make them feel they have control!
"I" feel my biggest strengths are found in my genuine concern for others and the desire to help them out. Being gifted with an influential type personality, I also have the ability to communicate this with a client (or a friend) so they are comfortable with our relationship and trust that my compassionate interest in assisting them is sincere, with no hidden agenda!

"I" am a strong "I" and this describes me to a "T"... I know in regards to all industries, "I" am always trying to help people along in their career by connecting them with others who may be Influential folks for them to know! And you are right, since we love to tell stories, and "I" will tell everyone about their experience at your dealership so make sure It Is a good one!

This is such powerful Information, Joe! You are Incredible and Ingenious!

Looking forward to learning how to get along with my "S" and "C" relationships. I know how to get along with the "D"'s already... suggest Ideas I might have, but make them feel they have control!
Outstanding information...ALL salespeople/managers need this!
great post Joe, What I know about Influential people is therir general characteristics are , enthusiastic, trusting,
optimistic, persuasive, talkative . emotional and persuasive., great encourager, motivate others to achieve, good negotiatior, and peace maker. They do have a few weaknesses I think , maybe more concerned with popularity,inattentive to details,overuses body language gestures, listens only when it's convienient for them.They fear rejection, they are motivated by flattery ,praise and popularity. Good at problem sollving too
This is such great information Joe! So many salespeople never get beyond learning a bunch of canned phrases that they use on everyone. Then, when the customers don't respond the way they would like, they assume that the customers are just "strokes".

I think another issue arises when the frustrated salesperson is directed by his manager to "go tell your customer...". Of course, the manager hasn't even left his seat and has no idea what the customer is all about.

Salespeople would become so much more successful by learning and utilizing this information. No doubt their CSI would increase dramatically as well.

Thanks for sharing this excellent information Joe!
Joe, just awesome man! Nothing else to add, I typed about three sentences and re-typed...lol... so I'll just stay with, just AWESOME!
"I" personalities truly care about people. Nancy, you are definitely an "I".

"I" feel my biggest strengths are found in my genuine concern for others and the desire to help them out. Being gifted with an influential type personality, I also have the ability to communicate this with a client (or a friend) so they are comfortable with our relationship and trust that my compassionate interest in assisting them is sincere, with no hidden agenda!

"I" am a strong "I" and this describes me to a "T"... I know in regards to all industries, "I" am always trying to help people along in their career by connecting them with others who may be Influential folks for them to know! And you are right, since we love to tell stories, and "I" will tell everyone about their experience at your dealership so make sure It Is a good one!

This is such powerful Information, Joe! You are Incredible and Ingenious!

Looking forward to learning how to get along with my "S" and "C" relationships. I know how to get along with the "D"'s already... suggest Ideas I might have, but make them feel they have control!
Thank you Automax! Understanding people is paramount in today's world.

Craig Lockerd said:
Outstanding information...ALL salespeople/managers need this!
Spot on Aaron! Great comment!

aaron kominsky said:
great post Joe, What I know about Influential people is therir general characteristics are , enthusiastic, trusting,
optimistic, persuasive, talkative . emotional and persuasive., great encourager, motivate others to achieve, good negotiatior, and peace maker. They do have a few weaknesses I think , maybe more concerned with popularity,inattentive to details,overuses body language gestures, listens only when it's convienient for them.They fear rejection, they are motivated by flattery ,praise and popularity. Good at problem sollving too


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