You don’t get what you merely wish for. You get what you live for and what you work for.

The life you experience does not depend on what happens to come your way. The life you experience is based on how you choose to live it.

The priorities that matter in your life are not the ones you just talk about. Your true priorities, the ones that determine which way your life proceeds, are the ones you consistently act on.

You have the opportunity right now, today, to bring great quantities of richness and fulfillment into your life. Yet that richness will not come from what you wish for, or what you talk about, or what you plan to do someday.

That richness will come from what you actually do with the time and the energy and the resources you have available to you. That richness will come from working the possibilities that are uniquely yours.

Skip right on past the wishing for and talking about and planning to stage. Get right to work on your best possibilities, and experience the unmatched joy of bringing them fully to life.

— Ralph Marston


Views: 55

Replies to This Discussion

Now this is what I'm talking about...

Joanna Weber, Simply Put - YOU ROCK...

Inspiration and Motivation Right Here on dealerELITE....
I couldn't agree more....We all seem to from time to time get into the "I should do this,I should do that"...and soon we find ourselves under a huge pile of should! Thanks Joanna,good stuff

JoAnna, great inspiring post...don't just stand around and wish-got to work and achieve. Thanks for the boost!

We sure have many paths we can take in our life and travels. I think most try to follow the "yellow brick road" in hopes of financial gain. The fact remains there are many forks in that road and choosing the correct one is not always easy or necessarily the best choice. Working with a good team, putting your heads together will allow us to take less risks and better choices. Stay with the people that show diligence and a proven track record for making the most intelligent, honest path decisions . Those people are your true friends.
Thanks Joanna for the post.  It is so easy to get caught up and end up doing nothing of significant value during the course of any one day.  This post is about doing.  Whether right or wrong, actions speak louder than words.  Chances are if we are taking action the outcome will more than likely lead to our goal.
Good Stuff JoAnna !!

Nice share and reminder JoAnna...I love the works of Ralph Marston!

Marston is great and thanks for posting these on FB everyday as well Joanna.....we appreciate you!


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