My company has a product called VinLens which lets our dealers monitor Website traffic in combination with CRM/ILM activity. Why am I writing this? We have several dealers who have Woman to Woman pages on their websites ( ) and we are now able to track several things so here are a couple of examples-
1.) Women who visited stores that did not buy a vehicle- came back to the dealer website either on their own or because of a follow up email and went to the Woman to Woman tab. When the Dealer has a Woman call them back they are easily convinced to come in the store and purchase a vehicle.
2.) Women who visit a Dealership Website before a visit to a dealership are 72.3% more likley to purchase during the first visit when helped by a woman rather than a man.
Our software has the ability to close the loop after a purchase and a customer is communicated with VIA email. In other words, if someone visits your Website and we have no idea who they are- When they show up on the lot and their information is entered into the our crm that includes email we instantly close the loop and can now tell you that they visited the website, what they looked at and all Website visitation info from that point forward. This is how we get our info.
We are gathering more information on this and will soon publish exact information I just thought I would share our preliminary information on this blog.