Motivation Station

In our chosen careers, we all need a little motivation once in a while. This group is for sharing Quotes, Sayings and Guidance To help get you through your day! Add your favorite quote that gets you motivated on a daily basis.

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  • Cathy Aron

    That hits home Fred, "...what lies within us".  It's a Great statement to focus on for the day!

  • Fred G. Slabine

    Holiday Giving

    by Bill Mansell


    The holidays are a time of giving.  People scramble around rushing from store to store, spending hours online scouring newspaper ads—just to find the perfect gift for a loved one.  It’s a wonderful time of year when we tend to appreciate our relationships and thank those who mean so much to us. 

    Ironically, because it is so busy, it’s also a time of year when people get a little grouchy and surly with each other.  We tend to snap at people, even our loved ones.  We often fill every free moment with preparations or celebrations, and leave little time to relax with family and friends to feel the joy of the season.

    The best gifts you can give to your loved ones don’t cost money.  They do take effort, but they will make a huge impact.  What more could you want: free gifts with a huge, lasting impact!

    Here are my top 5 free gifts for the holidays:

    1. Smile and be pleasant. This can take work, especially during the holidays, but it will make someone’s day and improve yours at the same time.
    2. Spread only good news (not just about other people, but about everything!)  There’s always plenty of bad news to talk about, just give it a rest until January.
    3. Spread holiday cheer (wish people well, go caroling, decorate, visit neighbors, participate in community holiday events)
    4. Set aside time for family and loved ones.  Why not set aside at least one “family night” where you don’t have anything planned.  Turn off the TV and just enjoy talking.  Relive happy memories of holidays past, share stories, play games, laugh and love.
    5. Do a random act of anonymous service.  Whether you do it alone or as a family, nothing brings the holiday spirit better than serving someone else quietly, without credit or fanfare.
  • Fred G. Slabine

    Thank you Cathy, your kind words always bring me encouragment. Smile!

  • Jack Higginbotham

    "A healthy attitude is contagious, but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. "
    ~ Mike Jones  

  • Cathy Aron

    WOW Fred!  These words of Holiday Giving are Brilliant!  With your permission, I would like to pass it on to others I know by way of a blog post, reference Motivation Station group on dealerELITE as the source platform and yourself and the message deliverer.  I'm not sure which of the 5 things I'm going to do first, I want to do all of them right NOW!  I'm smiling, that 's a good start. 


    THANK YOU to all the contributors of this Group!  It's a pleasure to communicate with like-minded people in the auto biz.  Happy Holidays to you! 

  • Jack Higginbotham

    Fred, Thank you for your excellent post, Holiday Giving. and for that matter, all of your posts! You are truly an inspiration to us all and I appreciate the time and effort you put into our group here. Thank you so much!! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Take care my friend.

  • Jack Higginbotham

    ‎"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent."
    ~ Mike Jones


  • Fred G. Slabine

    Cathy and Jack, Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and the ability to post on DEalerelite; knowing you enjoy the posts adds to my desire to be a contributor. Thank you all very much, smile and enjoy your life!

  • Fred G. Slabine

    Give Your Spouse Positive Reinforcement


    I once saw this advertisement: "Make sure you're part of a winning team." The way to be part of a winning team in marriage is to bring out the best in your spouse.

    Remember to keep your focus on your spouse's strengths and not his or her weaknesses. Remember to believe in the potential of your spouse. Believe that your spouse has untapped wisdom and goodness that both of you can reach. Remember to notice positive changes and to express your appreciation. Express appreciation and gratitude for positive words and actions, even if they are not totally what you would have wanted.

    By giving positive reinforcement to a movement in the right direction, you encourage your spouse to keep moving along the best path for both of you.

    (From Rabbi Pliskin's book entitled "Marriage" - ArtScroll Publications, 1998, Chapter One, pp.30-1)

  • Fred G. Slabine

    We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

    Winston Churchill, British prime minister


  • Fred G. Slabine

    "Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things."

    Denis Diderot, French Philosopher and Writer

  • Jack Higginbotham

    "There is no reason, no excuse, no alibi, no fate, that can hinder an individual that is focused on a specific purpose."
    ~ Mike Jones

  • Fred G. Slabine

    The Continuous Improvement Formula

    By: Brian Tracy

    Put Your Career on the Fast Track
    There are many things you can do to put your career onto the fast track. You can set clear, specific goals for each area of your life and then make plans to accomplish them. You can plan your work and work your plan.

    Ask For Greater Responsibility
    You can accept 100% responsibility for everything you are and everything you become. You can refuse to make excuses or to blame others. You can tell your boss that you want greater responsibilities and then when you get them, put your whole heart into doing an excellent job.

    Utilize Your Inborn Talents
    In the parable of the talents in the New Testament, Jesus says, "Oh good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over small things. I will make you master over large things."

    If you too will carry out every assignment to the very best of your ability, you will be given larger and more important things to do and you'll be paid more as a result.

    Dedicate Yourself to Continuous Improvement
    The key to long term success is for you to dedicate yourself to continuous improvement. If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that amounts to 1/1000th improvement per working day. Is that possible? Of course it is!

    Improve A Little At A Time
    If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that amounts to one half of one percent more productive each week. One half of one percent more productive each week amounts to two percent more productive each month and 26% more productive each year.

    The cumulative effect if becoming a tiny bit better at your field and more productive amounts to a tremendous increase in your value and your output over time.

    How to Double Your Productivity
    Twenty-six percent more productive each year, with compounding, amounts to doubling your overall productivity and performance every 2.7 years. If you become 26% more productive each year, with compounding, times 10 years, you will be 1004% more productive over the next decade. That is an increase of ten times over ten years.

    The Reason For All Great Successes
    This is called the Law of Accumulation, or the Principle of Incremental Improvement. It is the primary reason for all great success stories. By the yard, it's hard. But inch by inch, anything's a cinch!

    Become A 1000% Person
    Make a decision, right now, to be a 1000% person. Commit yourself to continuous personal and professional development. Read, listen to audio programs and take additional courses. This process will completely transform your life.

    Action Exercises
    Here are two things you can do to put these ideas into action immediately.

    First, make a plan to become a little bit better every single day. Learn and apply one new idea each day to help you to become more productive and effective at your work. The incremental effect will amaze you.

    Second, be patient. Don't expect overnight changes or instant results. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Become a little bit better each day and your future will take care of itself.

  • Fred G. Slabine

    Don't Take Disagreements Personally

    When someone disagrees with your ideas, realize that he's not attacking you personally. This perspective will help you be more open to listen to someone who disagrees with your position.

    As an experiment, go an entire week without reacting defensively (unless it is necessary to do so to protect yourself from loss or harm).


    Rabbi Pliskin's "Gateway to Self Knowledge,"

  • Fred G. Slabine

    "One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered. "


    Michael J. Fox, Actor

  • Fred G. Slabine

    "I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed." 


     Booker T. Washington, Educator

  • Fred G. Slabine

    A Special Kind of Courage

    By: Brian Tracy

    There are several different aspects of courage. Perhaps the most important is the courage to endure, to persist, to "hang in there" in the face of doubt, uncertainty and criticism from others.

    Practice Patience in Adversity
    This is called "courageous patience," the willingness and the ability to "stay the course" in the face of uncertainty, doubt and often criticism from many quarters.

    Stay the Course
    In my experience, there is a critical time period between the launching of a new venture and the results that come from that venture. During this hiatus, this waiting period, many people lose their nerve. They cannot stand the suspense of not knowing, of possible failure. They break and run in battle, they quake and quit in business.

    The True Leader
    But the true leader is the person who can stand firm, who refuses to consider the possibility of failure. The turning points of many key moments in human history have been the resolution, or lack thereof, of one person. Courageous patience is the acid test of leadership.

    To encourage others, to instill confidence in them, to help them to perform at their best requires first of all that you lead by example.

    Allow Honest Mistakes
    The second thing you can do to help alleviate the fears of failure and rejection in others is to encourage them to take calculated risks and allow honest mistakes.

    Build People Up
    Give the people who look up to you regular praise and approval. Celebrate good tries as well as success, large and small. Create a psychological climate where people feel safe from censure, blame or criticism of any kind. Then do things that make people feel terrific about themselves.

    Become Unstoppable
    Courage comes from acting courageously on a day-to-day basis. Your personal development goal should be to practice the behaviors of a totally fearless person until you become, in your own mind, unstoppable.

    Action Exercises
    Here are two ways for you to develop courageous patience.

    First, prepare yourself in advance for the inevitable disappointments and setbacks you will experience on the way to your goal. Don't be surprised when they occur.

    Second, resolve in advance that you will bounce rather than break and continually encourage others to think and act the same way.
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."

    Grace Hopper, American Computer Scientist
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a
    rowboat and taking the tartar sauce with you."
    — Zig Ziglar
  • Fred G. Slabine

    There are two possible approaches to take when you see someone doing something wrong. One is to speak harshly, telling him what he did is wrong. But this approach does not help the other person understand how they can correct the behavior. This is more like stabbing than healing!

    The approach of the wise is to show people how they can correct what they did wrong. The only words that should be said are those conducive to healing.

    Today, resolve to internalize and practice this valuable piece of wisdom.

    And… think of someone you can share this with, who might gain from hearing it. 

    Rabbi Pliskin - "Consulting the Wise"
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "A vision is a clearly-articulated, results-oriented picture of a future you intend to create. It is a dream with direction."

    Jesse Stoner Zemel
  • Fred G. Slabine

    Emmet Fox, the spiritual teacher, once said, "Your main job in life is to create the mental equivalent within yourself of what you want to realize and enjoy in your outer world." Your focus must be on creating the beliefs within yourself that are consistent with the great success you want to be in your outer world. You achieve this by challenging your self-limiting beliefs, rejecting them, and then acting as if they did not exist.
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound."

    James Allen
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must
    plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win."
    — Zig Ziglar
  • Jack Higginbotham

    We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” 
    - Edith Lovejoy Pierce
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm."

    Vince Lombardi, American Football Coach
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "All you need is the plan, the road map, and the
    courage to press on to your destination."
    — Earl Nightingale
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you."
     ~William James
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "Only those who constantly retool themselves stand a chance of staying employed in the years ahead."

    Tom Peters, Author
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "The difference in winning and losing is most often... not quitting."
    Walt Disney
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."
    ~ Jim Ryun
  • Jack Higginbotham

    In which new direction would I like to head?



    When you’re dealing with something that can’t be changed, you have choices.


    You can choose to struggle, battle, and cling, and remain stuck -

    stuck in an unfavorable situation, with negative feelings.

    Or, you can choose to go with the flow -

    in other words, you can choose to accept the situation,

    let go of negative thoughts about it, and

    open up to a change in direction.


    Is there an area in your life where you’re feeling stuck? 

    Use this awareness as an indicator that it’s time to go with the flow -

    use it as your inner compass to get you moving again in a new and positive direction.


    First ask yourself:

    Will any amount of thinking, forcing, or coaxing alter my situation?

    If the answer is no, accept that fact.

    Without acceptance, you’ll continue to fight, resist, and struggle,

    which will erode your joy and energy.

    On the other hand, accepting the situation for what it is and

    choosing to go with the flow

    will bring tranquility, peace, and lightness.


    Next, ask yourself:

    Which thoughts and old beliefs do I need to let go of?

    Let go of any thoughts about the situation that are causing upsetting feelings;

    such as impatience, jealousy, fear, or anger.


    One way to do this is to trust that out of every situation, good will come.

    When you choose to believe that good will come out of every experience,

    you’ll soon discover that perceived obstacles are really blessings in disguise.

    Sometimes these obstacles serve to nudge you in a new direction -

    one that will open up your world to magnificent experiences.

    Sometimes they help you become a stronger, better, and wiser you.


    Take all the positives you can out of each experience and

    choose to leave the negative feelings behind.


    Finally, ask yourself:

    In which new direction would I like to head?


    It’s important to understand that going with the flow doesn’t mean

    you drift aimlessly and allow the tide to determine where in your life you’ll end up.


    It’s fulfilling to decide where you want to go and

    then take the steps to get there.

  • Fred G. Slabine

    GREAT Post Jack! Thank you...
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "Until you commit your goals to paper, you have intentions that are seeds without soil."

  • Fred G. Slabine

    "You are the way you are because that's the way you want to be. If you really wanted to be any different, you would be in the process of changing right now."

    Fred Smith
  • Jack Higginbotham

    Do you know why a car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the rear view mirror
    is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So,
    look ahead and move on. Look back... but only to smile :)
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "Skill to do comes of doing."

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "If you wait until all the lights are ‘green' before you leave
    home, you'll never get started on your trip to the top."
    — Zig Ziglar
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration."

    James Allen
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "The happiness of most people we know is not ruined by great catastrophes or fatal errors, but by the repetition of slowly destructive little things."

    Ernest Dimnet
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "Image is what people think we are, integrity is what we really are."
    --John C. Maxwell
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "Evidence is conclusive that your self-talk has a direct bearing on your performance."

    Zig Ziglar, Motivational Speaker
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "Being negative is easy. There will always be a downside to everything good, a hurdle to everything desirable, a con to every pro. The real courage is in finding the good in what you have, the opportunities in every hurdle, the pros in every con."
    ~Carolyn Hax
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "In the middle of every difficulty comes opportunity."

    Albert Einstein
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm."

    Publilius Syrus
  • Fred G. Slabine

    “If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”

    Thomas Edison
  • Jack Higginbotham

    "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy"
    ~ Dale Carnegie
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "Eighty-five percent of the reason you get a job, keep that job, and move ahead in that job has to do with your people skills and people knowledge."

    Cavett Robert
  • Jack Higginbotham

    Every thought you think counts

    ~ Louise L. Hay

    Life has given us unlimited choices and

    it’s up to us to educate ourselves on what really works for us.

    We’re all unique individuals and have our own special needs.

    So be aware of how your choice of thoughts makes you feel.

    When you choose angry or bitter thoughts, do you “feel” good?

    Wouldn’t you feel better if you chose a thought like, “All is well in my world”?

    Think of it this way:

    Every thought you think counts,

    so don't waste your precious thoughts.

    Every positive thought brings good into your life.

    Every negative thought pushes good away; it keeps it just out of your reach.

    How many times in your life have you almost gotten something good and

    it seemed to be snatched away at the last moment?

    If you could remember what your mental atmosphere was like at those times, you'd have the answer.

    Too many negative thoughts create a barrier against positive affirmations.

    Don't waste time arguing for your limitations:

    poor relationships, problems, illnesses, poverty, and so on.

    The more you talk about the problem, the more you anchor it in place.

    Don't blame others for what is seemingly wrong in your life — that's just another waste of time.

    Remember, you're under the laws of your own consciousness, your own thoughts, and

    you attract specific experiences to you as a result of the way you think.
  • Fred G. Slabine

    "When you believe and think "I can," you activate your motivation, commitment, confidence, concentration and excitement - all of which relate directly to achievement."

    Dr. Jerry Lynch