At the "Ave" Car Dealership how many times per week would you think an appraisal is "bumped" to make a deal and how much would you think that "Ave" amount would be?
It won't be happening again, I can tell you that. The NCM were taking the bumps for granted. But they treated the two departments as two separate places, which I have seen to be a problem in many stores. When the UCM brought up the point that it was killing his sales people, where they were used to a $2000 front now it's a $700 front, one NCM actually said he didn't think they should have been making the bigger money in the first place! Definite disconnect. We should all be after the same big bottom line, used cars is not a free ticket to cut prices deeper. Especially when, as you say, training will provide a way to make the gap. But we do have lots of training for the sales people. I think more sales manager training is needed.
Craig Lockerd
Jul 29, 2011
William Bryant
Jul 29, 2011
Craig Lockerd
Demarcation line
We always talked about this between sales and service,but it's really a huge problem if that line is drawn within the sales department itself!Jul 29, 2011