Chad Dolbier


Charleston, SC

United States

Profile Information:

Which best describes you?
What is your current position within your organization?
Internet Sales Specialist
What is your company website?
What is your Facebook page/URL?
http://Liquid Motors, Dealer Specialtys,,, ...
What is your LinkedIn page/URL?
How did you specifically hear about DealerELITE? If referred, who?
Through a Facebook Friend
Not everyone gets approved for DealerELITE. To maintain the integrity of DealerELITE, tell us what you will have to offer once a dealerELITE member?
I would like to network with other people from different backgrounds in the auto industry.

Comment Wall:

  • Alan R. Ward

    Welcome Chad, I am sure you will find much helpful info on this site. Thank You for joining! Alan aka: karshotz
  • Michael Wise

    Yeah man, good to see you on there. Let me know when we can get together again!