Brian Bennington
  • Male
  • Fullerton, CA
  • United States
  • Archer-Profit Associates
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  • DealerELITE

Brian Bennington's Page

Profile Information

Which best describes you?
Vendor Partner
What company do you work for (or own)?
Archer-Profit Associates
What is your current position within your organization?
Emperor, Head Monkey and Chief Buffoon and I sometimes take out the trash. However, mostly I do projects development.
What is your company website?
How did you specifically hear about DealerELITE? If referred, who?
Some guy in a trench coat at the local bus station.
Not everyone gets approved for DealerELITE. To maintain the integrity of DealerELITE, tell us what you will have to offer once a dealerELITE member?
Extensive background in developing and producing highly personalized customer follow-up and referral enhancement, first for myself for 20+ years and then for the reps and management of a small group of elite SoCal dealerships for 20+ years. Prior to that, I gained notoriety as a Limerick Poet and I'm credited with such classics as "I once knew a man from Nantucket" among many others. My one sentence business description "elevator speech" is: "We believe everyone enjoys hearing nice things said to them and we genuinely love helping people say them."

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At 10:40am on April 25, 2015, Rob Winters said…

Hello Brian,

Prior to my time in the car business, I owned a Convenience Store / Deli for 20 years. Before that I sold commercial printing.  I think the ability to speak with people at 5am before they had their first cup of coffee, gave me an advantage when I got into the car business.  Besides, after selling Bologna for 20 years, cars were easy :)

At 7:33pm on February 23, 2014, Mike Elliott said…

yes, I did read your profile. I enjoy seeing what everyone is doing; it's educational. Tell me more about what you do. Mike