Bill Goodfriend
  • Male
  • Kansas City, MO
  • United States
  • Automotive Data Systems
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Bill Goodfriend's Friends

  • David Farmer
  • Mark Ficken
  • Mark Odat
  • Daniela Francheska Sherrod
  • Kevin Nachbar
  • A.J. Ager
  • Yves Fournier
  • Jay Prassel
  • Stick Bogart
  • Malcolm Reid Sr
  • Robert E Lee
  • Dan Reddington
  • Eva Dillon
  • Tony Provost
  • Jason Scott

Bill Goodfriend's Page

Profile Information

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Vendor Partner
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Automotive Data Systems
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I was invited to join by Chris Saraceno.
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I have worked in both retail and served the automotive indsutry for many years. I love and support our industry and strive to help make changes and improvements to both our systems and processes as we continue forward using technology to our advantage.

Here is my Linked-In address for anyone that would like to connect. Many thanks and make it a great day.

Bill Goodfriend's Blog

Comedy Corner

Posted on February 27, 2014 at 11:52pm 0 Comments

Please post one of your funny/akward videos or illustrations that recently happened on the lot. We need the humor to keep ourselves on track, in the right frame of mind as well as make others laugh. Please share and have a wonderful weekend.

My recent vehicle puchase...If you want to sell more product or service...quit focusing on the sale

Posted on February 19, 2013 at 1:05pm 0 Comments

Recently I purchased a YUKON for my wife. I dealt directly with the DP & FI guys. Great experience overall...considering?

No 'Thank you note', no 'Service or Parts Reminder's', no Coupons or discount's for anything? Absolutely nothing for follow up. Instead of focusing on the sale; shouldn't we focus on the relatonship? IMHO!

I love being a techno geek now!

Posted on December 9, 2011 at 8:00pm 0 Comments

When computers first started making their way in the 80's, I abolished it, including my college days during floppy discs. Then came "The Worldwide Web' Still in retail mid-20's and still the youngest selling Bick/Isuzu as NCM, still blown off. I moved all the Buicks to the back & drove all the Rodeo's & Trooper's up to the front....guess what? That's right, it worked...what a miracle. Tired of being tapped on the head like a little boy, I left! I did govt. work, counted beans, all…


Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 7:36am on March 26, 2012, David Farmer said…

Thank you Bill!

At 1:09am on December 20, 2011, MANNY LUNA said…

Bill Give me a call when you have time ok.

At 4:35pm on October 13, 2011, Tom Wiegand said…

Thank you, Bill.  I appreciate you!  I'll have our complete detailed $21 Million 21-Week Free Power Synergy Course ready next week.  Look for it.  Find where you will fit in very effectively, then let's talk. 

Blessings!  Tom

At 11:10am on January 22, 2011, Steve Richards said…
I am honored by your request!  Steve
At 9:11am on October 30, 2010, Doug Wilson said…
Bill...I responded last week....did it go thru ?
At 1:40pm on October 27, 2010, Doug Wilson said…
Didn't get that....everything is going great.

I'll get on here with my desktop and try to fix it
At 9:27am on October 27, 2010, Anna Hildebrandt said…
Hi Bill!

Thanks for reaching out. I must apologize for not accepting your friend request sooner. I spend a minimal amount of time on these sites. I just pop on every once in a while when a discussion is interesting. I should pay more attention to my connection requests.

I must admit I had to google the Life of Reilly. I got that it was a 50's sitcom where Reilly gets himself in predicaments that miraculously work out in the end. Anyway I guess that would apply to Greg ;-). I hope you are doing well.

Take care,

At 11:32am on August 17, 2010, Mark White said…
Thanks Bill,
If I can ever do anything for you call or email.



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