Eve Witter
  • Female
  • Clearwater, FL
  • United States
  • CES, Inc
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  • Bradley Belford
  • Rob Grant
  • Jack Higginbotham
  • Grant Cardone

Eve Witter's Page

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Car Enthusiast
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CES, Inc
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Legal and finance
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http://Ford, Chrysler, MErcedes Benz
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Sales Legal, Finance and IT

A tidbit

I once unwittingly told a Luxury Car Dealer owner, while he admired the art I was selling, and had commented that several pieces he was considering, "looked expensive" that he was "allowed to have expensive things if he wanted them and that he should just buy them" - I did not know he was a luxury car dealer - He left suddenly - came back with his business partner - bought the paintings and offered me a job in his dealership.

I did not take the job offer, I was happy doing what I was doing .. but I realized that day that people should have the things they want ... I wanted him to have those paintings just because he wanted them. Each of us got what we wanted. How often are we told .. not to want for more than we need ....... balderdash ...

And sometimes I daydream about selling fancy beautiful cars ...test driving them with those who love those kinds of things ... and whispering to them ... you can have it! And perhaps not saying another word than that.


Eve Witter's Blog

Don't just sell em a car ..... ........

Posted on May 15, 2010 at 7:37am 0 Comments

How about a little story about car dreams that come true .....

When I was a little girl ,around 8 years old, we were by all accounts very poor. My father drove an old black station wagon with red interior, so old that the floor boards in the back seat area were rusted through. We kids , six of us, had to sit with our feet on the center bump, so as not to have our feet fall through.I used to watch the road go by through the h***,somewhat curios,amused and afraid at times,that my foot… Continue

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At 7:53am on May 13, 2010, Scott Tullar said…
I love your outlook and motivation.

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