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Training and Testing Your BDC BDR Dos and Don’ts

There are plenty of dos and don’ts when working in a business development center. How often do you train and test your business development representatives (BDRs) to ensure they know the dos and don’ts and are performing to the best of their ability?

Of course, BDRs need to take comprehensive assessment exams over the first few months to see if their initial training is truly ingrained. Ongoing training and testing, which can be in a group…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:36pm — No Comments

Putting an Empty BDC to Use

In dealerships across the country, the doors of many business development centers are closed due to cost cutting. In the average dealership without a BDC or call center, the handling of phone calls is still abominable. In reality, business development is more important today than ever and cutting costs in business development can have devastating effects.

In some cases, manufacturers are putting more pressure on their dealers to focus on…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Integrating the Internet Sales Department and Business Development Center

For some reason, when the word "Internet" is put in front of the word "sales," it becomes something different than car sales. But it shouldn’t; it’s still selling cars. By integrating the Internet sales department and business development center, Internet sales should become more efficient. Why would you have the two departments separate, or why would you have one without the other? I suggest configuring the two together, so all leads are properly…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:31pm — No Comments

Outsource to In-House: The Final Stage of Transitioning to an In-House BDC

Up to this point in the outsource-transition can take up to a year to-in-house-BDC transition, the bulk of the in-house preparation has been planning, along with some training. While the entire transition can take up to a year or longer, the final stage should be completed in a month or less.

By this stage, buy-in should be dealership-wide, key members of management are trained, the functions of the in-house BDC are defined, the actual BDC…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Outsource to In-House: The Preparation Stage

In a earlier dealerELITE blog post I covered the 40,000-foot view of implementing business development in your dealership, first as an outsource service and later transitioning to an in-house business development center (BDC). During the preparation stage, most business development efforts should be outsourced, and the dealership will assume the bulk of the business development duties in the final stage.

The preparation stage involves four…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:27pm — No Comments

Outsource to In-House: The BDC Ramp-Up Process

The ramp-up process is a vital stage in the transition from an outsource business development solution to an in house BDC. Once you’re at this stage of the game, there are several aspects to cover before the final steps. During the ramp-up process, there are several tasks to complete:

•Get buy-in from the rest of the staff. It’s "grow or go time!"

•Determine the functions the in-house BDC will perform

• Get the…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Outsource to In-House: The 40,000-ft. View

Can a dealer begin business development as an outsourced service and transition to an in-house operation? My answer to that question is a resounding "yes." Of course, that "yes" comes with a few ifs. This route will work if everybody’s prepared for it, if everybody’s properly trained for it and if there’s proper communication between the outsourced module and the dealership’s management.

Since this is such a large topic, in order to explore…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:21pm — No Comments

Generate Sales During Tough Times: Avoid the Prevent Defense

While car sales and football don’t have a lot in common, right now many dealers are practicing what many football teams do when they’re trying to hold onto their lead until the end of the game—the prevent defense. A team with a solid lead will just try to protect that lead rather than going on the offensive to score more points. Unfortunately, this tactic often causes the team to lose because they were playing too carefully.



Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:20pm — No Comments

12 Best BDC Practices Every Department Should Implement

As in any department, there are best practices that can be implemented in a business development center (BDC) to help ensure success. Over the years, I’ve developed a long list of best BDC practices and here are 12 from which every BDC can benefit:

1. Daily Team Meetings – Start each day with a team meeting to monitor all goals, update everybody’s average production recap report and warm up prior to going live on the…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:18pm — No Comments

What Every BDC Needs: Skills, Not Scripts

Skills are what will separate your dealership’s business development center (BDC) from what customers consider the stereotypical car-buying experience to be, and skills in the BDC revolve around understanding, alignment and communication. Skills can make your dealership stand out from all the other stores in your market.

A BDC should make people feel comfortable and excited about the dealership at the same time. To do that, it’s imperative…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:14pm — No Comments

Reasons for BDC Expansion: Evaluating Core Indicators

A business development center (BDC) is a dynamic entity that needs to be able to expand and contract. Sometimes it’s necessary to expand in one area while simultaneously pulling back in another. For example, you may need to cut back one lead source and simultaneously increase the number of leads from another source.

When it comes to growth, there are different reasons to expand and several methods of expansion. When BDC ROI reports…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:13pm — No Comments

How to Compensate Your Business Development Team

By the time you are at the point of considering how you want to compensate your business development center (BDC), you have committed to the

program and have decided what type of BDC you will have:

• a large, full-service BDC that includes customer service

representatives (CSR) who will team, you have committed to the

set service appointments and conduct CSI follow-up

•a small BDC that only handles sales…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:10pm — No Comments

Train to Bridge the Gap: Connecting the BDC and Sales Department

I believe training should happen in every department, every day. If you have a business development center (BDC), it should be mandatory! Contrary to popular belief, training doesn’t have to be a complicated affair. Ongoing, daily training does produce results.

Why do we train our BDC personnel? Because we need to bridge the gap between the sales department and the BDC, and the easiest way to do that is by properly training both sides. The…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:08pm — No Comments

Hiring the Right People to Work in Your BDC Today

Before you can hire, you have to recruit and that doesn’t mean just placing an ad in the local paper. Recruiting for a business development center (BDC) is serious business because these individuals will represent your dealership to the community. They will be your voice, your first impression. If you hire the wrong people, you could inadvertently ask prospects to shop elsewhere.

I am assuming you have already hired an outstanding business…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:05pm — No Comments

Hire the Right Business Development Manager

Often, when dealers are contemplating starting a business development center (BDC) in their dealership I am asked, "Who should run the BDC?" The question I should pose to that dealer is: how good do you want your BDC to be? A business development manager (BDM) is directly responsible and accountable for maximizing sales and profitability of the BDC to agreed levels of performance. To achieve top performance, you have to hire top talent.



Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:03pm — No Comments

The Paradigm Shift to Accountability: When Is The Time to Start a BDC?

I am told that in the early 70's, finance offices were not in every dealership. They were just beginning to pop up here and there. Today, almost every dealership has a finance department that is responsible for their own production separate from the sales department. A similar thing started happening a few years ago with Internet departments. Now many dealerships have Internet departments separate from the traditional sales staff. Today, business…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 1:01pm — No Comments

Business Development Centers: The Most Accountable, Measurable Department

In today's market, many dealerships are leaking money. They are unknowingly minimizing, rather than maximizing, the effectiveness and profitability of their marketing efforts. The source of this leak is a brilliant invention more than 130 years old. It is also the instrument used for endless marketing efforts, oftentimes by some of lowest…


Added by Glynn Rodean on July 28, 2010 at 12:02pm — No Comments

What is a Facebook friend worth to your dealership?

I have read a couple of articles about what a Facebook fan is worth to a

business and there is zero consensus. This is rightfully so in my

opinion considering every business is different so won't the value be

different? Will restaurants have the same value as dealerships? I don't

think so. I want to try to figure out a dollar amount with your help for

car dealers.

First off, I said friend not fan because I thinks friends will have a higher value. Profile pages… Continue

Added by Rob Hagen on July 28, 2010 at 8:32am — 5 Comments

“Your story is not where you start - it’s where you take it to.” – Tony Robbins

Breakthrough with Tony Robbins aired on NBC tonight. You can view it at if you missed this initial…


Added by Dan Seelye on July 28, 2010 at 1:27am — No Comments

Congrats To Dealer Elite!

You guys do a great job of keeping things hopping. Very interesting and well maintained site and group. Not surprising at all you have grown so rapidly. Thanks for allowing our little start up to be a part of it.

Added by Ken Luna on July 27, 2010 at 10:15pm — No Comments

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