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In 2012 I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Saraceno through an introduction by David Lewis.

I was new to the world of outside sales as well as the automotive industry. Sure there were striking similarities to owning a salon and day spa - but the average person rarely recognizes that connection.

I’ll never forget my first meeting with Chris. I was instantly impressed with the time he took to learn more about what brought me to work for David Lewis and Associates. We spoke about…


Added by Lois Burak on June 6, 2018 at 7:27pm — 1 Comment

Why Reviews from the Decision-Maker Matter

Reviews are everywhere. Car dealer reviews are no exception. How can your dealership leverage reviews to maximize their positive impact and improve sales to women customers?

National research shows that women use car dealer reviews 50% more than men. Additionally, women are happy to write reviews when asked. This means when you ask for a review, you…


Added by Anne Fleming on June 6, 2018 at 12:37pm — No Comments

BDC Overwhelm? Use a Hybrid Solution for Heavy Lifting

Many dealers prefer using internal BDCs so they can keep control of leads and processes. Other dealerships use an external BDC for cost, management and efficiency reasons. Just about every dealer believes it’s a choice: you either set up an internal BDC or outsource to a third-party virtual BDC.



Added by Bill Wittenmyer on June 6, 2018 at 10:07am — No Comments

A Need for Good People

I have written and spoken extensively on the need for qualified technicians. This morning’s news says there are now more job openings than unemployed people nationwide. This means if every job opening was filled there wouldn’t be enough unemployed individuals to fill those positions. Many dealerships haven’t placed importance on compensating their teams…


Added by Rob Gehring on June 6, 2018 at 10:00am — No Comments

Top 7 tips to help buying a Hot Tub

Purchasing a hot tub may be a compound and puzzling procedure. Several hot tub brands and features accessible, select the correct hot tub might be perplexing. These tips will help to make it easy for you.

Be sure of Why?

Answering why buying a hot tub is a first and foremost thing. Generally, people buy hot tubs for three foremost…


Added by Daniel Ross on June 6, 2018 at 7:51am — No Comments

Luxury Vehicles Depreciated Faster

Welcome to this week's edition of Black Book Market Insights, with in-depth analysis of used car and truck valuation trends and insights straight from the auction lanes. …


Added by Black Book on June 5, 2018 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Success in Professional Sales Podcast- Episode 31: The Halfway Mark

This week, Jeff discusses how to assess yourself at the halfway mark. We've made it to June, with just six months left to reach your yearly goals! Are you ahead of target, on target, or behind? Jeff covers each category and tips to re-evaluate. Copyright 2018 Wm Jeff Cowan


Click HERE to watch!…


Added by Jeff Cowan on June 5, 2018 at 12:00pm — No Comments


Monthly Index Has Declined Just Three Times Over Last Ten Months


Black Book, a division of Hearst that provides industry-leading used vehicle valuation and residual value…


Added by Black Book on June 5, 2018 at 11:13am — No Comments

Why Don’t People Schedule Online?

According to the 2017 JD Power CSI survey, only 13 percent of consumers scheduled their vehicle service online. The progress toward online scheduling has been glacially slow, rising only two percentage points over the past three years.


This is despite the fact that nearly all dealerships now have an online scheduler and most service reminders are digital.…


Added by Scot Eisenfelder on June 5, 2018 at 9:27am — No Comments


Used & Specialty Vehicle Valuations Data Integrates for Loan Originations

Black Book, a division of Hearst that provides industry-leading used vehicle valuation and residual value forecast solutions, announced today the integration of its vehicle valuation data with GOLDpoint Systems, a leading loan origination system utilized by auto lenders across the United States.

GOLDpoint’s suite of loan management software…


Added by Black Book on June 4, 2018 at 11:17am — No Comments

Technician Time Punches

We have been in many shops where the techs and management tell us, “Hey, my guy can beat the clock on every one of these repairs and do it in less than half the time. So now what? Do I have to keep on the job to have 70% time punch?”


So let’s talk about what a labor operation and its associated time include for most manufacturers.

  • Time to bring the vehicle into the shop ( except Jag and Rover have a separate operation for this).…

Added by AWN INC on June 4, 2018 at 10:58am — No Comments

Auto/Mate Integrates with Quik Video, Helping Dealers Improve Service Customer Retention and Satisfaction

Albany, NY – June 4, 2018​ – Auto/Mate Dealership Systems has integrated its dealership management system (DMS) with Quik Video, a provider of video technology to dealership service departments. With the addition of Quik Video, Auto/Mate customers have the option to create and send videos that can change multi-point inspection (MPI) identified…


Added by Mike Esposito on June 4, 2018 at 9:20am — No Comments

Manager Development Is Everything!

Just because people are at work working, doesn’t mean they love what they do and who they do it for.

There are many people who simply hate there job and can’t wait to quit or get fired and don’t even care because they’re verbally abused, made fun of, ridiculed and made to feel inferior and stupid by their managers.…


Added by Joseph Cala on June 3, 2018 at 11:30pm — No Comments

8 Tips for Buying a Car at Auction

Buying a car from another person directly is an easy task. You give him your offer and the next words he utters will tell whether you have a deal or not. In automobile showrooms too you can take a survey to look for the car that is of your interest and when you find it you can negotiate the prices then. The cases do not remain the same always. What happens when you are to buy a car at an auction? The word auction does make people think for a good five minutes as to which strategy they will…


Added by Asad Shoaib on June 3, 2018 at 1:09am — No Comments

Who Wants To Be On Trial?

Not long ago at a prior job I was severely reprimanded by an inexperienced sales manager for not using a trial close during a proposal. If you are currently in a leadership role and have similar tactics I would strongly advise against it... that’s a conversation for another day.

This article is about why you should steer away from the "Trial Close." By definition the "Trial Close" is a technique used in selling to assess the buyer's readiness to make a purchase decision. It usually…


Added by Lois Burak on June 2, 2018 at 11:13am — No Comments

Hiding Your Mistakes

“We can fix the tickets before the factory comes in. We don’t need the hassle of trying to fix every ticket now.” Joe service manager said.


I wrote this down as Joe said this because I almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing. But there it was, and I know there are others out there that feel the same…


Added by AWN INC on June 1, 2018 at 10:32am — No Comments

The Theory of 5 book launch is on June 6.


Added by DealerELITE on May 31, 2018 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Write Service Podcast: Episode 31- The Myths of Writing Service Part 3

This week, Jeff continues with the next five myths of this series. Stay tuned to hear what they are, how to bust them, and back them up with facts. Each one is perfect to use as a training tool, meeting topic, or simply food for thought! Copyright 2018 Wm Jeff Cowan




Added by Jeff Cowan on May 31, 2018 at 12:00pm — No Comments

In Marketing, Make Sure You Partner with the Best

For decades, advertising enjoyed a fairly predictable business. Print, radio, and TV coalesced into a three-pronged approach that was mastered after decades of relative stability. Simply put, if a vendor demonstrated expertise, then clients willingly trusted them, generation after generation. Then the Internet happened.


The ones and zeros that began streaming…


Added by Steve White on May 31, 2018 at 9:34am — No Comments

Top 6 Fuel Efficient Petrol Cars

Fuel efficient petrol cars

If you’re struggling to pick between the used cars for sale and don’t know which option’s best for you, it’s a great idea to check out how fuel efficient they are. By using less petrol when you drive, you’ll be saving costs on fuel and tax, as well as helping the environment. It’s an all-around win!


To help you out, here…


Added by UmairAmjad on May 30, 2018 at 1:23pm — No Comments

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