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myKaarma and MDL autoMation Announce Partnership and Integration

Partnership enhances customer interaction with auto dealer

service customers, boosting sales and retention


LONG BEACH, Calif., and ATLANTA, GA -- November 22, 2016 -- myKaarma, the cloud based conversational commerce software that’s revolutionizing the auto service industry and MDL autoMation (MDL…


Added by Ujj Nath on November 22, 2016 at 9:06am — No Comments


There are many car insurance policies available on the market today. For this reason, it can be very difficult for consumers to find the best policies for their families. In order to find the best policy for your family, you must review your budget, your personal protection requirements, and a variety of other factors. By reading through the following paragraphs, you will better understand how you can go about finding the best policy available to you on the market…


Added by Molly on November 22, 2016 at 2:51am — No Comments

Best Approach to Auto Insurance Quotes

Auto insurance quotes are generally free so don’t just take out an auto insurance policy based on the first auto insurance quote you get.

The best possible way for saving money on your auto insurance is to get at least three insurance quotes. Granted, getting multiple insurance quotes will take you time but if you compare your hourly rate at work to the amount you could save on your auto insurance I think you will agree that getting several auto insurance quotes is a valuable use of…


Added by Molly on November 22, 2016 at 2:45am — No Comments

How to Achieve Your Desired Auto Insurance Deal

It is true that having a car for easy movement is considered a good idea but note that moving around with an uninsured car is a very bad idea. It is a bad idea to you as the car owner taking all risk on your expensive investment.

What happens if the car gets involved in an accident? Are you truly ready to take care of the charges for repairs or a complete replacement? What if you have also destroyed another road user’s car and you have to get it fixed or replaced? Even if you…


Added by Molly on November 22, 2016 at 2:43am — No Comments

Tips to Finding Affordable Car Insurance

Affordable car insurance is something that everyone wants to find and have. You realize that you cannot afford to drive a car on the road without insurance, at least not without asking for trouble, but keeping car insurance as affordable as possible, especially with consumers tightening their belts to the breaking point these days, can be a challenge.

With that in mind, below are listed several tips to keep in mind so that you can find the most affordable car insurance available. By…


Added by Molly on November 22, 2016 at 2:37am — No Comments

Bad Credit Auto Loan - All That You Ought To Know To Avoid Being Ripped Off

Buying a new car is not at all a big deal for some people, but for some it is an important changeover from one phase to another in their life. Do you belong to the second category? Are you planning to apply for an auto loan to buy a new car? Car financing can be very intimidating if you are new to it. Your car dealer may deceive you, if he finds you are new to this. Do you have a bad credit score? Don’t worry. You can still get a car loan, if you find the right financing…


Added by Joshua Travolta on November 22, 2016 at 2:00am — No Comments

Recession-Proof Your Dealership

Recession-Proof Your Dealership


Added by Sally Whitesell on November 21, 2016 at 8:00pm — No Comments

A Marketplace of Empowered Consumers


Today’s automotive consumers are more educated than ever, and that plays an enormous role in how they interact with your dealership.  Shoppers expect even more from your team, and it’s important everyone is prepared to interact with the newest consumer generations—savvy, connected individuals with access to endless information that…


Added by Joseph Little on November 21, 2016 at 1:28pm — 1 Comment

Seven Call Stats That Every Dealer Needs to Know

My friends at CallRevu are allowing me to share some interesting statistics from their most recent 2 million call report. This quarterly report aggregates data from over 1,200 dealerships and is sure to be eye opening for many dealers.



Added by Erik Nachbahr, CISSP on November 21, 2016 at 11:47am — No Comments

Auto/Mate Employees Surpass 1,000 Years Combined Experience Working in Auto Dealerships

DMS Designed By Car People For Car PeopleTM Remains #1 in Customer Satisfaction

Albany, N.Y. – November 21st, 2016 – Auto/Mate Dealership Systems announced today that with its latest round of hiring, its employees have surpassed 1,000 years of combined experience working in car dealerships. Auto/Mate's dealership management system (DMS) software was Designed By Car…


Added by Mike Esposito on November 21, 2016 at 10:40am — No Comments

Customer Service: Your Customers Aren’t Going To Take it Anymore

An Insight into Human-Centric Design


One click ordering. Buy it now. Same day delivery. Dash buttons where all you have to do is press a button and the item is shipped. You can even place orders through Amazon’s Alexa with a voice command.

Businesses like Amazon have grown into hugely popular industry giants…


Added by Ujj Nath on November 21, 2016 at 9:52am — No Comments

GMs: Don't Skate Yourself!

General Managers: YOU, and I mean YOU, are being skated out of dozens (or more) of sales every month by your sales staff, sales that you spend advertising money to get. Essentially, you could feel that you are skating yourself. After all, they work for YOU.

Well, guess what: With no more money spentif you change your…


Added by Keith Shetterly on November 20, 2016 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

The Lead is the Shizznizzle!

Lately there have been some pretty hip writers talking down the old, dusty website lead as if dealers should forego this antique in favor of the more Avant-garde “engagement” or the equally vaporous “VDP views.” Their argument – when they bother to attempt one – basically boils down to “consumers don’t submit leads; they engage.”

Okay. Great. But, um,…


Added by Steve Stauning on November 18, 2016 at 5:31pm — No Comments

How to Increase YouTube Video Views

Have you ever wanted to increase the number of views on your YouTube videos? Of course you have! Who wouldn’t? But when there are over 100 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, it can be hard to get yours at the top of the list.

There are a ton of factors that increase the number of views on your YouTube video rank. On this week’s Hard Facts, Samantha gives you 11 things you should adjust in order to optimize your SEO.…


Added by Paul Potratz on November 18, 2016 at 3:59pm — No Comments

People Aged 55 And Older Interact With More Branded Content Than Younger Generations



Knowing your audience is important when it comes to creating engaging content. A recent study revealed that those aged…


Added by Joseph Little on November 18, 2016 at 2:45pm — No Comments

The OEM Wants to Go Water Skiing!

General Managers: There’s an old joke about ancient times and a Roman galley ship, where the rowers are resting, and the second in command tells them “I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you get an extra hour of rest, and double fresh water and rations. … The bad news is … the captain wants to go water skiing!”

That applies to you. How?…


Added by Keith Shetterly on November 18, 2016 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Why Automotive Marketing Must Evolve to Win with Today’s Mobile-First Auto Shoppers

Why Automotive Marketing Must Evolve to Win with Today’s Mobile-First Auto Shoppers


Today’s car shoppers spend more time researching their next vehicle on their smartphones than at the dealership lot. Automotive marketers must follow suit and evolve their strategies to win with this growing segment of consumers.  As the auto industry seeks ways to…


Added by Larisa Bedgood on November 18, 2016 at 10:39am — No Comments

The True Cost of Google Analytics

A question that often arises in talking about Multi-Touch Sales Attribution, one of Clarivoy’s core products, is: “How are you doing anything different from what Google Analytics already does for me?”


Well, Multi Touch Sales Attribution incorporates offline sales data and connects ALL the online AND offline marketing touchpoints on a consumer’s purchase path to…


Added by Steve White on November 18, 2016 at 9:38am — 1 Comment

Creating Confidence in Consistency Is Key to Customer Loyalty

Great customer experiences can win customer loyalty. That’s why dealerships install restaurants, movie theatres and Starbucks. But while that customer experience is integral to keeping the customer’s business and loyalty, it doesn’t take much to shatter that loyalty and see that once loyal customer desert to a competitor.


Why? Because deep down, people don’t…


Added by Mike Gorun on November 18, 2016 at 9:22am — No Comments

How to Make an Event Fabulous By Renting a Luxury Car

Hiring a luxury car acts as an icing on the cake. To add more fun and excitement to your casual or business trip, a luxury car is the best way. The chauffeur provided by the company ensures safe and pleasant drive. Exploring new places with relaxed and peaceful mind makes your trip memorable.

The best way to impress your business clients

To reach on time and display your classy personality, luxury cars are the best way to accomplish this objective. You…


Added by Joshua Travolta on November 18, 2016 at 7:45am — No Comments

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