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10 Baseball Movies that Will Improve Automotive Sales

America's pastime offers valuable lessons that can be taken off the field and activated in the showroom. Each baseball film shown below contains powerful insights that car dealers can utilize to further increase sales and improve their overall strategy. …


Added by David Metter on June 8, 2016 at 4:01pm — 1 Comment

Is it Worth It?

Is it Worth It?


There will be many times in life that you have to make tough decisions. In the dealership and in your personal life, making these decisions can be simplified. Notice, I…


Added by Rob Gehring on June 8, 2016 at 11:00am — No Comments

SUV Sales and Single Ladies | Are You Focused on this Untapped Market?

Are You Aware of the Untapped Market?

Bloomberg wrote an article last week about single women and SUVs. Over the past 5 years, small SUV sales to women increased 34%, compared to a 22% rise for men, according to MaritzCX. In this same time frame, premium small SUVs saw 177% growth in sales to women.

And among female car buyers, 40% aren’t married.

“There are single, professional females out there that need vehicles, and you…


Added by Anne Fleming on June 8, 2016 at 9:00am — No Comments

Socially Responsible Dealerships & Customer Loyalty

All humans have feelings and those feelings can absolutely affect their decisions in life, including any products purchased, where they buy them and to which companies they are loyal. Large companies know this and realize that corporate social responsibility programs are important to brand image, customer sentiment and loyalty. And these programs can also motivate and…


Added by Mike Gorun on June 8, 2016 at 8:43am — No Comments

4Types of Oil Changes Essential for Your Car’s Engine

With the growing market in the motor oil, it has become confusing to choose the best oil for your vehicle. Even when you take your car to the service garage, the automobile technician will confuse you to choose between different brands. Only an expert technician can help with oil changes Brockville has to offer you.

4 Types of Oil Changes Essential for Your Car’s Engine

1. High Mileage:

It is mainly meant for those vehicles that…


Added by Betty Rose on June 8, 2016 at 1:49am — No Comments

5 Things to Consider Before You Buy a Used Truck

Buying a used truck can save you a lot of money over a new vehicle.From those small beauties to huge dinosaur Volvos, you have an amazing range to consider. If you are thinking to own something like a caravan, Volvos and Peterbilts are amazing choices. You may check some good options for used Volvo truck for sale.

1. Check your budget:

Everyone dreams of a better vehicle, I dream of owning a private jet. Dreams give us hopes, but reality makes us practical.…


Added by Betty Rose on June 8, 2016 at 1:44am — No Comments

The Features and Benefits of Paint Protection Film for your Car’s Safety

For those who are new to the 3m paint protection film Ottawa has to offer, it acts like an automotive bra strap to cover your moving asset. The tinting helps to protect your car’s paint from any potential damage or scratch. There are many benefits that will make your car look like new for a long time.

Every tinting sheet comes customized and can be cut as…


Added by Betty Rose on June 8, 2016 at 1:34am — No Comments

Where's your money going?

Could it be time to switch more budget away from paid search on Google to social media? You asked - I listened!

Switching to using only social media platforms for promotions could hurt you in the long run, seeing as Google is a "destination place" for many users. Increase your brand awareness by using both in your marketing campaign!

In this week's Think Tank Tuesday, Paul will answer this question and explain how you can use both Google's…


Added by Paul Potratz on June 7, 2016 at 3:51pm — No Comments

The Benefits of an Empowered Dealership

Dealerships today have to edge out more and more competitors in order to win customers. Because of this, they are constantly looking for new and better ways to distinguish themselves and gain an advantage in the marketplace. One way dealerships can increase their curb appeal is by empowering employees and developing strong, engaged workforces. This involves encouraging employees to take control and make decisions, ensuring they feel more confident and involved in dealership…


Added by Joseph Little on June 7, 2016 at 10:49am — No Comments

Auto Industry Experiences Monumental Shifts in Public Auto Retail Valuations, according to The Blue Sky Report™ released by Kerrigan Advisors

New report analyzes dealership buy/sell activity for Q1 2016; overall activity, including multi-dealership transactions, size of groups coming into market and luxury import transactions, continues to rise; publics’ blue sky multiples decline: valuations at parity or below many private acquisition opportunities


Irvine, CA, June 7, 2016 – U.S. dealership buy/sell activity…


Added by Crystal Hartwell on June 7, 2016 at 10:19am — No Comments

AmazonAuto – Really?

Today I want to talk to you about a potential future I believe is rolling towards our industry at an alarming speed. You see, what I do, is I peek around corners looking for trends that have potential teeth and which could impact the automotive industry. 


Recently I have become very concerned, as there is one particular trend that could be with us in the very…


Added by Joe Orr on June 7, 2016 at 9:31am — No Comments

3 Ways the Automotive Industry Can Reach Mobile-First Consumers

3 Ways the Automotive Industry Can Reach Mobile-First Consumers

Choosing to ignore the mobile consumer is not an option for brands that want to thrive in the modern landscape. Mobile now represents 65% of all digital media time according to a …


Added by Larisa Bedgood on June 7, 2016 at 8:51am — No Comments

YouWho? Why YouTube May Not Be Your Most Effective Video Marketing Option

As consumer touch-points in the car buying journey continue to increase, it’s ever more important to ensure that your video content is available at each and every one of those pit stops the car buyer takes. Your digital touchpoints are in essence your brand’s points of customer contact, from start to finish. For example, customers may find your business online in an ad, see…


Added by Timmy D. James on June 6, 2016 at 10:47am — 1 Comment

Making Fans of Recall Customers: Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series, I detailed the existing dealership viewpoint when it comes to consumers and the obstacles dealers are facing as related to the massive influx of recall business. In this blog, I’ll share the…


Added by Chris Miller on June 3, 2016 at 8:00am — No Comments

Fuel Management Tips from Lombard Vehicle Solutions

Reduce your fuel costs by following these tips from Lombard Vehicle Solutions!

Added by Graeme Parker on June 3, 2016 at 5:40am — No Comments

Lombard Vehicle Solutions Disproves Car Maintenance Myths

Lombard Vehicle Solutions discredits some car maintenance myths in this article. Read on here. http://

Added by Graeme Parker on June 3, 2016 at 5:30am — No Comments

Why Should I Buy from You?

All things being equal, why should I buy from you? I posed this question to a salesperson in one of my workshops, and I watched his eyes grow as big as saucers. He hesitated, stammered, and finally said, "Because I will take care of you after you purchase." I smiled and said, "And how will you do that for me?" Again the same type of reaction occurred, and he said, "I will be available if you have any questions." I said, "OK, but everyone says that. Why should I buy from you?" He stammered,…


Added by Paul Cummings on June 2, 2016 at 9:15am — 2 Comments

Defining Your Brand

I'm re-launching my Think Tank Tuesday series next week.  Until then, I've been encouraging business owners, entrepreneurs, and dealerships to watch the last 4 episodes on branding.

How important is a brand? Critical.  Without a brand, your business will lack trust in its followers and won't gain loyal customers or increased sales.

Watch these episodes to help develop your brand and become a successful business!…


Added by Paul Potratz on May 31, 2016 at 4:58pm — No Comments

What Does a Connected Car Driver Expect from Their Dealership?

What Does a Connected Car Driver Expect from Their Dealership?

Vehicles are evolving to meet consistently increasing consumer demands for convenience, interactivity, and connectivity. In 2015, 15% of new vehicles were considered connected and by 2020 …


Added by Larisa Bedgood on May 31, 2016 at 9:09am — No Comments

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