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Jackie B Cooper is a legend!

Added by MANNY LUNA on November 12, 2011 at 7:37pm — No Comments

The Top 10 Best Things About dealerElite

In an effort to help dealerElite reach 7,000 members and more I have done a little research and with some help from the home office in Barrow, Alaska here are:  The Top 10 Best Things About dealerElite

10) Tons of great ideas from the industry's best that you can steal and claim as your own!  After all * "Imitation is the sincerest form of plagiarism"

9) Top 5 "posters" each week receive a coupon for a foot massage by Chris Saraceno

8) New subscribers get an autographed…


Added by Brad Alexander on November 12, 2011 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Prospecting and word of mouth.

 He who gets 10 men to do the work of one gets 10 times the return. J P Getty said I would rather have 1% of 100 men's effort than 100% of my own. Jesus started with 12 men and look how big that got. There is nothing better to be successful than prospecting and word of mouth. You agree?

Added by Fran Taylor on November 12, 2011 at 8:40am — No Comments

Let’s Make Every Day “Hire a Veterans Day" by Kathryn Carlson

Today is Veterans Day.  Make today more meaningful by committing your company  to proactively recruit and hire veterans throughout the year. Our veterans have a higher than the already unacceptably high rate of unemployment or are under employed, although they h…


Added by Brian Torrez on November 11, 2011 at 7:02pm — No Comments

Regularly Updated Content Ranks Better, According to Google

Google recently announced a new update to their search engine algorithm that puts a greater emphasis on recently published, fresh content. "This change...promotes fresher that we provide users the most relevant answers to their queries," according to a Google spokesperson.


Regularly updated content has always been a positive ranking factor in SEO, but this announcement from Google makes it that much more important.


So how can your dealership use…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on November 11, 2011 at 4:59pm — No Comments

Focus on Vehicle Personalization: Thar's Gold in Them Thar Hills!

The NCM Institute just posted this article on the Up To Speed blog.  Written by NCM Institute Director and retail operations specialist, Garry House, you'll find a good, basic plan for how to start a personalization program in your store... 

Since the 2011 Specialty Equipment Market…


Added by Robin Keller on November 11, 2011 at 3:38pm — No Comments

Using Facebook to Expose Your Fresh Trades

Everyone knows that Facebook is good for branding and customer relations, but so few in the industry are using it to generate actual sales. Here's a tip that I'll be presenting at next week's AMP UP conference in Vale, Colorado. It's arguably the best single piece of Facebook advice for aggressive car dealers that I've ever given (and I'm doing so exclusively on…


Added by JD Rucker on November 11, 2011 at 3:31pm — 13 Comments


A "twenty something" couple came into the dealership on Tuesday.  Great kids...I follwed the steps of the sale and landed her on the perfect car.  We negociated and came to an agreement.  My finance manager was off that day, so the desk manager ran the credit and decided that my customer needed a cosigner and sent them packing!  I thought about it all night long.  On Wednesday, I went to the desk manager and asked him if I could have a look at the deal jacket.  He said, "Did you get the…


Added by Jillian Christiansen on November 11, 2011 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

Arthur Ashe, Muhammed Ali, Elvis Presley and Free Booze

Arthur Ashe, Muhammed Ali, Elvis Presley and Free Booze


It was 1966. A group of West Point cadets was taking a PE class, volleying tennis balls on the courts in the south east corner of The Plain, opposite the old stone library. A skinny, black second lieutenant moved among them offering words of encouragement…


Added by Pete Grimm on November 11, 2011 at 2:34pm — No Comments

Customer Partnerships Create a Better Future For Both Parties

Hi again,


I wanted to post another article, in regards to the partnerships we develop. Paul Long wrote this a while ago, and I wanted to get the opinions of the community. 



Ok, we admit, the subject line is a bit high-minded. And that's not a bit surprising considering the source of it is Dr. Emmett Murphy, New York Times best-selling author of 



Added by Will Michaelson on November 11, 2011 at 12:45pm — No Comments


vAuto announces the release today of Provision, a powerful used vehicle inventory management engine that will eliminate the pain of finding used vehicles and optimizing inventories for profitability for auto dealers.

“This is a business intelligence break-through for the automotive industry, made possible through our alliance with and Manheim,” says Dale Pollak, vAuto founder. “Provision brings game-changing insights and tools to help dealers efficiently and…


Added by Dale Pollak on November 11, 2011 at 9:59am — 3 Comments

Just Saying Thanks

Even trainers have days when the message is not about how to sell a car or increase gross.  There are plenty of things much more important than that.  While the passion for training is what drives my colleagues as well as myself, today is different.  Monday morning I will be in a dealership helping hire and train, but today is a day to step back and acknowledge those who contribute so much more.

As a veteran who served as Viet Nam was winding down, I am so much happier at the respect…


Added by John Fuhrman on November 11, 2011 at 7:17am — No Comments

Your Customer retention is loosing to your quest to solve the 3rd party lead mystery

For the amount of time spent and effort wasted on finding the magical 3rd party lead provider, the one that nobody has, the one that converts high, the one that is free of charge and the one who will give you ALL exclusivity– have you forgotten about your current customers?  Were they left out of your Digital Marketing Strategy?  Did they even make your budget this month?

Your current consumers are yours, you have gained their trust and business already, you did all of…


Added by Lizelle Landino on November 11, 2011 at 6:30am — No Comments












So here you are, smiling from ear to ear waiting for that special moment in your day when the be-back bus finally comes!  The…


Added by Joe Clementi on November 10, 2011 at 8:14pm — 1 Comment

The JD Power Study

I recently read an article written by Charlie Polston who works with BG Products Company. In this article he cited a recent JD Power study that rated when the best time to offer additional services. The study found that 37% of the customers would say yes at the time of setting the appointment. This number jumps to 47% if recommendations are made in the service drive or customer walk around intake process. It jumps even higher all the way to 56% if asked during the status call after the…


Added by Rob Gehring on November 10, 2011 at 3:23pm — No Comments

Defining Moments

Several times in my life I've had defining moments. These are times when you're shaken to your core, wondering about your future and questioning the importance of what you are doing. During these times it pays to…


Added by Rob Gehring on November 10, 2011 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Are you executing your processes???

How can you make sure that the processes you have throughout the dealership are executed every time….. and with every customer?


This has been and still remains one of the toughest things to get accomplished in the dealership.


Every dealership throughout the country has their own processes and procedures when it comes to selling and…


Added by Jim Kristoff on November 10, 2011 at 12:09pm — 5 Comments

First, Do No Harm

We are not doctors, but I love the idea of “First, Do No Harm” for working with dealers.  Even though that phrase is the common, but incorrect, quote of the Hippocratic Oath for Physicians, it still conveys a lot for the proper doctor/patient relationship—and it also means a lot for vendor/dealer,…


Added by Keith Shetterly on November 10, 2011 at 11:49am — No Comments

Dealers double-down on Ripping Customers Off by Chris Justice


A lot of Car Dealers have graduated from "sleight of hand" advertising to full blown false advertising.

In the mist of shrinking sales and declining revenue, some dealers have forgone tomorrow’s business for today’s floor traffic.

In what appear to be a price war one would believe this to be a great time for customers to find great deals. Although this may be true, many would-be customers are being manipulated by deals that are too good…

Added by Chris Justice on November 9, 2011 at 4:46pm — 4 Comments

Dealers double down on ripping customer off by Chris Justice

A lot of Car Dealers have graduated from "sleight of hand" advertising to full blown false advertising.

In the mist of shrinking sales and declining revenue, some dealers have forgone tomorrow’s business for today’s floor traffic.

In what appear to be a price war one would believe this to be a great time for customers to find great deals. Although this may be true, many would-be customers are being manipulated by deals that are too good to be…

Added by Chris Justice on November 9, 2011 at 4:34pm — No Comments

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