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Changing the way dealers Advertise for all Recruiting needs.

Time to change the way and cost that dealers pay for advertising!! No need to spend what you have been there is a better way.

Added by Gregg Morris on November 3, 2011 at 1:38pm — 1 Comment

Our last automotive "Boot Camp" for the year......

Good morning Automotive world.....

The BDC Experts have been training Automotive professionals how to drive traffic and create more business for dealerships across Canada, the United States and Australia for many years now. The question is does your dealership want more sales, service and Internet business?

The next question is do you have a plan to get to that next level or like most dealerships are you just setting a growth target without a "game-plan".…


Added by Ian nethercott on November 3, 2011 at 11:56am — No Comments

EXCLUSIVE: DealerRaterJoins CarWoo! (official press release)


DealerRater® Launches PrivateBuy™ in Association with CarWoo!

DealerRater and CarWoo! join forces to offer DealerRater consumer members PrivateBuy - an online service that provides auto consumers with the necessary tools for a positive, well-informed online car buying experience while remaining anonymous. 



Added by DealerELITE on November 3, 2011 at 11:25am — 1 Comment

Becoming a Tactical Seller, the secret to giving yourself a Pay raise anytime you want.

It is no secret that we are all experiencing some difficult times in our respective economies and that these times are causing many in the automobile industry to question their career paths. However, even in these challenging times, there are those that continue to flourish because they seem to know something that many or their counterparts do not.  These individuals continue to give themselves pay raises every month and every year.  They have figured out some time ago that they have to make…


Added by Kurtis Smith on November 3, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

Discussion for DealerElite: What does "third party leads" mean to you?

I've started this discussion in a few different places online, and I wanted to get this forum's take on what constitutes a third party lead.


Sitting here writing in my office in Richmond, it never occurred to me that there might be some confusion around that term. I should have gotten a clue when eliminated the "Third Party Leads" category from their product listings and …


Added by Amy Taggart on November 3, 2011 at 9:56am — No Comments

EXCLUSIVE: CarWoo! Joins DealerRater (official press release)

Powered By CarWoo!, DealerRater
® Premiers PrivateBuy

Enabled by the CarWoo! MarketPlace, DealerRater releases PrivateBuy to consumer members offering an online service providing auto consumers the ability to get great market prices and a positive online car buying experience while maintaining…


Added by DealerELITE on November 2, 2011 at 7:30pm — No Comments

DealerELITE's Exclusive Interview with Tommy McClung, CEO of CarWoo!

DealerELITE's Exclusive Interview with Tommy McClung, CEO of CarWoo!


1. What is CarWoo!? is an online marketplace where car buyers say what car they want and dealers make online offers to sell them a car.  The experience is 100% transparent between the…


Added by DealerELITE on November 2, 2011 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Vehicle Inspections

Last week I was driving down a highway and noticed several state troopers alongside the road in an old service station. One stepped in front of my car and flagged me in to the parking area. The officer quickly walked around my vehicle checking all of my turn signals and headlights. He also quickly checked tire condition and the emergency brake function. He did use me to turn the switches and push the brake and the process took only a few minutes. The trooper also checked my current insurance…


Added by Rob Gehring on November 2, 2011 at 4:50pm — No Comments

When A Customer Says No Part 2

A persons biggest fear is rejection from their peers. A sales person has the same fear when they represent a product they believe in to their peers.

Confidence Sells

Customers, and really everyone are attracted to want to deal with, and be around confident people. It seems like these people, men and women alike never face any kind of objections when they are dealing with their customers. In a sense this is true, and it is because they have earned the trust and…


Added by Noel Walsh on November 2, 2011 at 2:27pm — 1 Comment

VinSolutions Takes Top Marketing Effectiveness Award for Summit International MEAs

VinSolutions, a leading developer of web-based CRM and ILM complete dealership marketing solution software, is a silver award winner in the 2011 Summit Marketing Effectiveness Award competition in the Business to Business Product category for their “Be One with VIN” campaign.  Winners are chosen from an international pool of finalists through a stringent evaluation criteria and blind judging process rewarding only those whose work exemplifies the best in its…

Added by Joseph Little on November 2, 2011 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Effective Automotive Marketing to the Hispanic Community

J.D. Power and Associates held a conference October 12 and 13 in Las Vegas on “Aligning Next Generation Marketing with Today’s Digital Consumer.” Chiqui Cartagena, Vice President of Corporate Marketing for Univision, moderated an important first for this annual event—a panel on growing your business with the Hispanic consumer.




Added by Amanda Meuwissen on November 2, 2011 at 12:05pm — No Comments

Buy Here 'Cause They Suck

Most dealerships and businesses in general know that it's bad practice to bad-mouth your competition. That being said, I know of and have heard plenty of salespeople and managers using their online reviews to help close a deal by comparing them to their competitors online reviews. This practice is similar if not exactly the same. You are leveraging negative comments about your competitor left by other people (who you are representing as real - we all know fake reviews exist) to your positive…


Added by Arnold Tijerina on November 2, 2011 at 11:11am — 1 Comment

Is Your Dealer Website Dead?

(as featured on CarChat24's blog).


Imagine walking into a party that you were invited to and seeing 150 people standing around. They’re dressed in their best, and ready to have a good time and be conversational.


When you walked through the door, people looked over at you, but no one said anything. Surely you didn’t want people to make a huge deal over you entering…


Added by Katie Colihan on November 2, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

How to Unlock and Unleash the Hidden Potential of Your CRM Tool

It’s November and the weather is changing, so it’s time to get ready for our slow season. This is the time of year that many of us in the car business often dread because the days are long, quite boring and in the windy city where I live, you can actually feel your brain shrinking after one too many days of snow. However, this is the perfect time of year to do some housekeeping in preparation for spring, your true selling season. This is the perfect time to generate some momentum by taking…


Added by Kurtis Smith on November 1, 2011 at 5:30pm — 3 Comments

Consumers Now Have the Ability to Block Your GoogleAds

Google announced yesterday via its blog, that it had instituted a feature in Google search and GMail ad transparency. This change will give consumers the ability to see why ads are being delivered (ie. what previous searches triggered the ads) as well as the ability to block ads from a particular company/advertiser. This option is available for all…


Added by Arnold Tijerina on November 1, 2011 at 10:02am — No Comments

Engaging with Twitter Influencers


Influential people on Twitter get hit up by so many different businesses and organizations hoping that they will help promote their product or service. It's challenging to truly engage with these influencers in a meaningful way that they will appreciate and reciprocate.

Challenging. Not impossible. Here, we discuss ways to engage with them and have…


Added by JD Rucker on November 1, 2011 at 3:00am — No Comments

AutoDealerTarget Roundtable with Featured Guest Mike Marini

The AutoDealerTarget Roundtable, hosted by Tom Kain and John Miller is broadcast LIVE every Tuesday night at 10pm Eastern / 9pm Central.

This Week

When: Tuesday, November 1st @ 10pm Eastern / 9pm Central

Join Us: Google Hangout, Live Broadcast at

Featured Guest: +Mike…


Added by Tom Kain on October 31, 2011 at 4:58pm — No Comments

Your body language reads like a book… What’s your story?


The difference between being a bestselling author and starving artist is a fine line we walk everyday…

Word Tracks in our business is a crucial and vital part of our strategy and successes…

However, as important as they are… They only account for 7% of our communication skills!

  This is a topic every manager should address with their…


Added by Jason McIntosh "Jmac" on October 31, 2011 at 4:30pm — 8 Comments

According to Google, SEO is Not Spam

For the most part, search engine optimization (SEO) is a recognized necessity of running a successful auto dealer website.  Not just in the auto industry, but there are still some hold-outs that think building websites and content to be found by search engines is a little spammy.


According to Matt Cutts, the head of Google's web spam fighting team, his company does not consider SEO to be spam.  "We don't consider SEO to be spam," and SEO is a "valid way to help people find…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on October 31, 2011 at 4:12pm — No Comments

Vince Tunzi Joins izmocars as National Field Operations Manager

Auto industry veteran to focus on implementation of izmocars auto business solutions in dealerships across the country, including AOA which is generating $475 in average accessories revenue increases for dealerships across the country.


izmocars ( a leading provider of automotive business solutions today…


Added by Crystal Hartwell on October 31, 2011 at 2:51pm — No Comments

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