All Blog Posts (12,622)

How to dominate your market.

I was asked 1000 times back in my General Manager days, how do you do it?   Every store I went to (I did not skip around but rather was a trouble shooter) went the right direction and fast!   The answer was the same every time.   You have to have all the parts clicking at the same time.   You can't drive big traffic if your inventory or your sales staff can not support it.   You can not have a large inventory and great selection if you do not have the traffic to support the "turn".  You Have…


Added by Troy Spring on August 4, 2011 at 10:14am — 1 Comment

Transforming a Weakness into a Dynamic Super Talent

My youngest sister was born premature and as a result had pulmonary problems as a child.  Because she suffered from chronic asthma, there was little expectation for her to be a strong and healthy child.  One of the therapies she was subjected to in an effort to strengthen her lungs, was swimming underwater.  I am sure this started out as a…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 4, 2011 at 10:00am — 11 Comments

How to contact more automotive customers using "Text" messages

Mobile phones are everywhere, be it a regular phone or a smart phone. It's almost like people have them attached to them. Based on this fact it's no surprise that your team should be collecting multiple numbers from customers and potential customers.

We have found in most dealerships that we work with that in most cases only one maybe two numbers at best are in your database or CRM. Now if you staff has asked correctly one of these numbers should be a cell phone. This information is…


Added by Ian nethercott on August 4, 2011 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

The Ride

The Ride

It was the big hills that scared me.  That and the killer outfits some of them were wearing. Not to mention the bikes that weighed about as much as my shoe.  I didn’t want to be the domino that caused the whole group to end up being scraped off the pavement into ambulances.

It was late spring last year. I was at the Village Bike shop, getting my gear out of the car and getting myself into possible pain and humiliation on my first group ride billed as “Ride with the…


Added by Michal Ann Benedict Enders on August 4, 2011 at 9:03am — No Comments

Who is facilitating your Coaching?

Who is facilitating your Coaching?


There are literally thousands of coaches out there…with their own slant or insight… on what is the correct way of doing things…


My question is this…


Does their coaching align exactly with what your core values and culture are all…


Added by Jim Kristoff on August 4, 2011 at 8:43am — 10 Comments

Was Your Last Month Defined By Two Words?

Was your last month defined by these two words…”If only”?

“If only…”

The Dealer Principal

“If only” I had asked my Managers “What is your plan for

increasing Profit this month?” and held them accountable for their replies.

“If only” I had taken a walk every day and made it my

mission to talk to Sales and Service Customers, introduce myself and say “Is

there anything I can do to help you today while you are here at our


“If… Continue

Added by Leonard Buchholz on August 3, 2011 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

The Value of the Embedded Sales Process

The Value of the Imbedded Sales Process


Ask yourself this question:  “Do you want to run a loose ship and still make money or a tight ship and make lots of money?”  Look, I know that money isn’t everything, but it’s a great way to keep score.  Where am I going with this?  Well, in my opinion every dealership should have an embedded sales process.  For this and many other reasons, structure at the sales desk is imperative.  It leads to consistency and…


Added by David Martin on August 3, 2011 at 12:28pm — 12 Comments

Price is not an issue anymore in automotive dealerships!

Years ago in dealerships all over the world, the dealers were to only way to get pricing. Customers did not have access to invoice pricing, shipping cost, etc. The simple fact is that today this is just not the case any more. I hear dealers all the time talk about the "good old" days when customers did not know so it was easy to make money.

I also hear a great deal of blame as well being tossed around. It's the manufacturers fault, it's my competitions fault, it's the salespeople etc.…


Added by Ian nethercott on August 3, 2011 at 9:10am — 1 Comment

Five Sales Fixes via Smartphone

Rolling!  Lights, camera, terror.

My first automotive sales manager videoed me doing vehicle presentations and it took me from a knock kneed novice to a top presenter in record time.  For the first time I knew what I looked like when I was presenting.  It turned out that when I was nervous I tended to not only smooth my clothes but grab them and hold the edge of my shirt in a bunch.  Hilarious. Unless it’s you.

Here’s the key.  I only had to see myself do that once.  I fixed it…


Added by Michal Ann Benedict Enders on August 3, 2011 at 8:47am — 5 Comments

New Announcements From The Dealer Resource Group

At The Dealer Resource Group our goal is to provide the highest level of service to our dealer clients.  Our 21st Century Selling System(c) teaches ethical sales skills for the curent market.  Our goal is to lead by example, practice what we preach, and really walk the walk.  Doing so often attracts the best of the best.  This announcement is just that.


Here are our newest additions to the DRG Team:


Gene Diehm


Gene Diehm has been…


Added by John Fuhrman on August 3, 2011 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Do For - Do With - Let Do

Training.  It's an important element to any successful department.  While it's my livelihood now, when I was managing dealerships, I think I missed a lot of opportunities to be a better trainer.  Standing in front of a room for an hour or less delivering a technique or other instruction, just didn't create the improvement I was looking for.  Later in my career, many managers confirmed that belief with their own experience.  While multi-day training programs, with notebooks and class…


Added by John Fuhrman on August 3, 2011 at 7:15am — 4 Comments

Strengthen Results of Internet Sales and BDC Departments

"The Sales Manager’s Laws of CRM Use" presented by Greg Wells at the 10th Digital Dealer Conference.

We’re living in the age of information, and a CRM is an effective hub car dealers can use to record, analyze and implement information. That’s the message Greg Wells presented at the 2011 Digital…


Added by Richelle Farley on August 2, 2011 at 8:32pm — No Comments

Celebrate with Accounts Receivable!

You can have wonderful gross profit margins and even show wonderful net profits on paper however without great processes on accounts receivable you will just have paper with no real value to celebrate with. For those of you with a large amount of aged receivables and the desire to take action start by calling your customers with old balances and offer a discount to pay using a credit card.…


Added by Rob Gehring on August 2, 2011 at 4:31pm — No Comments

Is Google Putting Ads at the Bottom of SERP Pages?

One of the SEO sites that I frequently read ( has a VERY interesting post by a  reader, LebSEO Design's Wissam Dandan.  He has found examples of Google Adwords ads appearing at the bottom of the page for some searches.

No one on our search team at…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on August 2, 2011 at 3:42pm — No Comments

You Are You

You Are You


You are strong. . .

when you take your

grief and teach it to smile.


You are brave. . .

when you overcome your…


Added by Jack Higginbotham on August 2, 2011 at 11:53am — 2 Comments

Sales Performance Training: Managing Superstars

Everyone has worked with Negative Nellie and Cantankerous Craig and seen how they can poison the waters of progress with their hater-aide.  Their less than inspiring attitude spread like a cancer through what was once an optimistic and forward moving team.  To managers and fellow peers, it is easy to identify the Nellies and Craigs and see the impact they have on team success.

There is…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 2, 2011 at 10:00am — 6 Comments

Social Selling Circa 1935

My Grandfather Benedict was a United Methodist circuit preacher in Wyoming during the Great Depression He had 4 different churches. They were quite distant from each other so he would do 2 one week and two the second week. He always kept a suitcase in the car, and books and other what not because in Wyoming a storm can come out of nowhere. It could blow for days, and a traveler would simply knock on a door and be taken in until everything cleared up. It is not good to be caught out in a…


Added by Michal Ann Benedict Enders on August 2, 2011 at 9:16am — 2 Comments

Who will win ?

After reading numerous blogs I decided to write about a story I once heard,,


The story begins in a small logging town. There happens to be two lumberjacks one extremely large and burly man, and the second lumberjack is extremely small and skinny. For some reason or another the two of them decide that they are going to have a contest to see who can chop the most wood specified time slot.

The judge of the contest ring's the bell and they are off,, the large man is…


Added by Vincent T Dellatore on August 2, 2011 at 9:07am — No Comments

Do you know what motivates every individual??


As a leader…do you know what motivates every individual in your organization??


Do you know why each individual comes to work each day…and earns a living working with you??


What are the driving forces behind each individual…that makes them get up every morning…fight the traffic…and come to work for your organization??


I can tell you…if you don’t take the time to see what motivates every individual in your organization…you will not…


Added by Jim Kristoff on August 2, 2011 at 8:38am — 9 Comments

How to control customers buy asking great questions?


As a automotive industry professional with lots of years under my belt, I must say I have heard a lot of tactics, techniques and the spin of course. I have been hearing Sales Managers, trainers and others for years talk about taking control of the customer.

Talk is cheap and just saying “take control” of your customers does not make it happen.

Here are a few tactics that not only make logical sense they actually help you “take control” and sell more cars….



Added by Ian nethercott on August 1, 2011 at 10:01pm — No Comments

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