All Blog Posts (12,622)

Team Building as the Coaching Manager

The sport that so many predicted I would excel at due to my size was actually the sport where I floundered.  When it came to the hardwood, the only skill I had was shooting free throws.  My coaches could have just given up on me and focused their attention on the superstars on the team, but instead they invested time and energy into the one thing I could do well.  In place of teaching me to drive down…


Added by Stephanie Young on July 28, 2011 at 9:30am — 11 Comments

Working "WOW" Backward

When salespeople get to work in the morning, what's their goal for the day?  As managers plan the week or the month, what outcome are they focusing on?  When dealers set their sites on year end, what do they see? Usually, in each case, whatever it is, it's not enough.  Sales people want a sale, or a commission.  Managers focus on total volume or gross.  And dealers see that they ended up above water. 


Unfortunately, with visions like that, even if you accomplish what you set…


Added by John Fuhrman on July 28, 2011 at 8:17am — 4 Comments


Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength.

 Take, for example, the story of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident. …


Added by Jim Kristoff on July 28, 2011 at 7:40am — 12 Comments

John Miller | Bradshaw Automotive, Breakaway Honda, Bradshaw Infiniti, Bradshaw Acura


John Miller | John Christopher Miller

Born & Raised in Jacksboro Tennessee
Currently resides in Easley South Carolina

Internet Director for Bradshaw Automotive Greenville South Carolina Dealerships

Added by John Miller on July 28, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

Tips for Taking a Fresh Look at Your Dealership SEO

The process of maximizing the amount of traffic and leads that your website generates from Google can be daunting.  Here are some basic things that our SEO team at DealerOn recommends focusing on if you are either changing website providers, contracting with a SEO or PPC vendor, or simply taking the pulse of the performance of your site and marketing efforts.


Determine Which Keywords You Should be Targeting – Working with your…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on July 27, 2011 at 4:18pm — 1 Comment

Creative Approach to Become Liked on Facebook

The Manus Group is not exactly a highly recognized brand like Toyota or Chevrolet.  You might be in the same boat or your might just want to stand out from the other name brand dealer down the street.  Social Media Marketing is about standing out and being popular.  Yes, it takes us all back to those high school days where some of us excelled at…


Added by Stephanie Young on July 27, 2011 at 10:30am — 8 Comments

Erik Qualman welcomes YOU to the 11th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition

Erik Qualman, keynote speaker for the 11th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition, would like to welcome YOU to attend with a personal message.



What's his keynote going to be about?


Socialnomics: It's a People Driven Economy,…


Added by Arnold Tijerina on July 27, 2011 at 10:05am — No Comments

Great Leaders know it is ALL about the people!!!


Great leaders understand more than anything that it is ALL about the people…..


The people… are the driving force of any organization…..


Don’t believe it???


Go ahead and hire some bad ones and let me know how that works…


Added by Jim Kristoff on July 27, 2011 at 8:17am — 18 Comments

Introducing Google Adwords Express

Google Adwords Express Logo

This has been a great month for change at Google and PCG Digital Marketing has been in the forefront advising car dealers about these changes.  In July 2011 we were introduced to:

  • Google+
  • Google Circles
  • Google +1…

Added by Brian Pasch on July 26, 2011 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

Letter to an internet customer that we turned into a video script.

Thanks for your intuitive and sincere response. Its interesting the things you said.

As the Internet Director of a department that has three dealerships to deal with, I have my hands full.

I have a staff of three, including myself. All over the internet there are consultant types who would have us believe that they know the answer to: "How do we run an automotive internet department?" They would have us believe that for a fee, they can take all the things we have learned about…


Added by Mr. Natural on July 26, 2011 at 7:08pm — 5 Comments

Some Other Ideas - Change is Easy. Transformation Makes for Long-Term Success

If you're a dealer not satisfied with current performance, these ideas may be useful.


Honesty and Ethics Rankings

A November 2010 Gallup poll asked consumers to rate the level of honesty and ethics of various professions. Nurses, military officers and pharmacists were at the top. Lobbyists and car sales people were on the bottom. (See graph below) There are many highly honest, ethical and good dealers in the business, yet these polling results have…


Added by Ron Terry on July 26, 2011 at 3:24pm — No Comments

Does Your Social Media Policy REALLY Protect Your Dealership? (You DO Have One, Right?)

Chances are, since you’re reading this post, your dealership or company is involved in social media. That’s good - it’s hard to imagine how difficult it will be moving forward for organizations that have not embraced social networking. Although Social Media is relatively new (and certainly exciting), its meteoric growth has unfortunately caught the early attention of the legal powers-that-be.

Despite the widespread use and misuse of social networking at work, 45 percent of all…


Added by Jim Radogna on July 26, 2011 at 2:26pm — No Comments

Preparing to Grow Your Internet Department

Before you begin recruiting, interviewing, or hiring for the position of Internet Manager/BDC/Internet Director, there are three crucial things you must do first.

1)  Determine the hierarchy of the store.  Who will this person, in a new department, be reporting to?  Often anyone from sales managers to salespeople believe they can delegate work to someone in the Internet department while the top stores usually have a director or GM as the only entity that presides over the…


Added by Joe Webb on July 26, 2011 at 11:16am — 2 Comments

As I say, not as I do

I’ve often wondered what makes salespeople go from optimism to pessimism in such a short amount of time. (i.e. 30 day wonders) When they first hit the pavement, they are full of optimism; I mean they believe every customer is a buyer.  Eventually, they become pessimistic; their speech begins to change; all buyers are liars and all of them are buried or idiots. As…


Added by Marsh Buice on July 26, 2011 at 10:00am — 8 Comments

The Professional Service Advisor and Leader

What would a Professional Service Advisor do?

Professional Service Advisors are Leaders.

You have a unique place in your organization. You are responsible for not only providing the highest quality Customer Service Experience, you are also responsible for your own training and your own Attitude.

In the increasingly connected world, your job is becoming more and more difficult. Not only do you need to take care of the Customers needs, you have to do it faster, with… Continue

Added by Leonard Buchholz on July 26, 2011 at 9:48am — 2 Comments

3 ways to get more automotive customers on the phone now!

Mike overy of the BDC experts will show your sales, service and BDC team how to reach more customers. After over 20 years teaching dealers we have found that contact ratios are as follow.

100 Calls 20-30 contacts and 4-8 appointments with one contact number.

These numbers are of course based on a trained BDC staff member calling sales, service or internet customers.

We are asked by customers, clients, owners and sales and…


Added by Ian nethercott on July 26, 2011 at 9:17am — No Comments

Controlling Expenses

I will never discount gross profit as a key to building net profit results. A client of mine however is growing gross profits in wonderful fashion. Gross profits have doubled in the last 18 months yet net profits are less than stellar. He is profitable and I will admit a rookie manager that the real result will always be the bottom line net profit. In developing a manager towards improved net…


Added by Rob Gehring on July 26, 2011 at 9:09am — No Comments

Fixing by Feeling Your Way

In a previous blog, I told a story about my father being deaf and how this becomes a superpower for him in business.  (To read more on this back story, please visit “Seeing What People Say”)  I had no idea what a gift my father had given me during my childhood until I became a working adult in a hearing…


Added by Stephanie Young on July 26, 2011 at 9:00am — 16 Comments

A Leaders Responsibilities


What does it take to lead in today’s world??


What are the ingredients that go into making a good leader??


Good question.


First of all, you need to understand the responsibilities…


Added by Jim Kristoff on July 26, 2011 at 7:48am — 5 Comments

Cant touch this!!

Small businesses and owners SHOULD understand the importance of branding! What is branding? It is everything your company does or doesn’t do. Influenced, evaluated, judged, compared in the minds of your audience every given moment of the day. This DOES NOT mean that your spending budget needs to double, or you need to get a second mortgage on your home. How about offering the BEST, most Exceptional,  Unforgettable customer experience with some outstanding character? Not just be the…


Added by Lizelle Landino on July 26, 2011 at 2:49am — No Comments

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