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How To Make Your Service Advisors "Super Sellers"

Now the first thing we need to remember is that certain people gravitate to certain lines of work and for that matter, certain groups. Being a sales person doesn't make you a certain way, being a certain way makes you gravitate toward that line of work. Now if we agree on the sociology of the group, we see why this maybe more of challenge than you think.

The outgoing, friendly person who enjoys making friends traditionally moves toward a sales type of work.

The technical type…


Added by Rex Weaver on July 25, 2011 at 10:11pm — 1 Comment

No Shortcuts to sales excellence!













The secret paths on the journey to sales success do not exist.  There are no hidden doorways that inherently lead to a pool of wealth.  The trek requires tenacity, perseverance and commitment and is no place for the weak spirited. The route is littered with mediocre, unfulfilled promise…


Added by Joe Clementi on July 25, 2011 at 8:27pm — 3 Comments

Are Your Service Advisors Sales People?

You better hope they are!!


For those of you who have been in the car business a while, the service business has changed dramatically over the years. With the quality of vehicles getting better and aftermarket garages getting bolder, we have to rely on servicing vehicles as much as 'fixing" vehicle. 

So to service a vehicle, you need to sell service. 


I've overheard numerous service calls that went along the lines of; "Mr Customer, you need brakes and…


Added by Rex Weaver on July 25, 2011 at 7:12pm — 5 Comments

Crush the Barriers!!! The World is Yours!!!

Ask yourself, what true baggage am I carrying on a daily basis that is now a barrier for my growth in my entire life? Everyone has something keeping them back. Get rid of the baggage. Do not allow another day to go by, without seeking out a way to crush the barriers.

Fact: It was a Wednesday afternoon in 1993, a real nice fall day in New England.…


Added by Tony Provost on July 25, 2011 at 6:32pm — 22 Comments

Free Car Dealership Web Tools

In a follow-up comment to a post I wrote last week about social media web tools, Jared Hamilton asked me about other free tools I’d recommend for dealers and internet managers to be as effective as possible in their daily marketing efforts.  Below are some tools that various team members at DealerOn use or have used in the past. --By entering your website and those of your competitors, you can see site traffic history,…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on July 25, 2011 at 5:03pm — No Comments

Dealers In California May Be Forced To Change The Way Salespeople Are Paid

In a class action lawsuit filed on June 21, 2011 against AutoNation (Santa Clara Superior Court, entitled Lilly v. AutoNation, Case No. 1-11-CV-203569), attorneys are claiming that AutoNation is in violation of the California Labor Code by misclassifying commissioned sales reps as exempt from overtime and, in addition, issuing deduct vouchers post-sale for losses in commissionable gross due to repair or…


Added by Arnold Tijerina on July 25, 2011 at 2:31pm — 21 Comments

Sales Review: How to Engage Your Team

Another Coach is working with a SMgr who asks his salespeeps to submit a short activity summary at the end of each day. Not everyone does this and this SMgr is frustrated. Thoughts?


One point is missing. This will only pertain if this isn't a rebellious bunch who don't believe in accountability and it all…


Added by Travis Snow on July 25, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Believing in what you do.

There comes a time when you believe in something so strong it lets you standing all alone. But that strong belief will set you apart and help others to follow . Prospecting is one of those areas in sales that makes a big difference.                   What areas do you believe in that makes a difference in your business? Best of luck to all.

Added by Fran Taylor on July 25, 2011 at 9:36am — 1 Comment

The Pain of Discipline or the Pain of Regret


There are two pains you will feel in your life…


The pain of discipline


Or the pain of regret



The pain of discipline…requires us…to do all…


Added by Jim Kristoff on July 25, 2011 at 7:11am — No Comments

Some Other Ideas - For Dealers Who Don't Think Performance is Meeting Potential

Dealers, if you are not satisfied with current business results, this article may be helpful.  


If you are wondering why performance is not meeting expectations, you may be too optimistic.  Harris Interactive conducted a survey and found:

  • 80% of business leaders said they provided superior customer experiences
  • 8% of customers agreed


Why would 92% of customers say their interactions were not outstanding?…


Added by Ron Terry on July 25, 2011 at 2:14am — No Comments

What is the best number to get from an automotive customer?

We have been working with salespeople, managers, service staff, and business development representatives for many years now. All of the people we work with including sales and service managers at dealerships understand the importance of multiple phone numbers.

If you had multiple phone numbers for every customer, could you reach more customers in a day?

Would you sell more cars and set more service appointments?

Then why is it that when you get a customer on the…


Added by Ian nethercott on July 24, 2011 at 9:23pm — No Comments

Make Your Marketing and Advertising Strategy Responsive to Market Changes

The recent changes with Google Places make a strong case why dealers need a marketing strategy that is continually updated based on market conditions and changes in search/social.

I've been flooded this week with calls and emails asking for guidance on how to adjust…


Added by Brian Pasch on July 24, 2011 at 3:42pm — No Comments

Tracking For Social Media ROI - Yes, It's Possible

A lot of people will tell you that there is no way to track the ROI of social media, I'm here to tell you that they're wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong! But why are they wrong? I have a few ideas on that, the biggest of which is that they don't know what they're doing. Another reason could be that they think it's too hard and instead of…


Added by David Johnson on July 24, 2011 at 12:09pm — No Comments


They don’t trust you.


We both know it’s largely unfair, but they don’t trust you. 


You’ve seen all the polls where buyers say if they could bypass the dealership and buy directly from the manufacturer they would.  They trust the OEM, but they don’t trust you.


A couple weeks ago, I heard a Ford maven say this (I’ll paraphrase): “The more your outgoing emails resemble Tier 1 emails, the more prospects trust you.”   By gawd, he’s on to something.…


Added by Trace Ordiway on July 24, 2011 at 11:11am — No Comments

Are you Stepping on the Gas or Sitting on the Brakes?

How do we get our people, the culture, aligned with the strategies so that everyone is committed to the strategy?  How do we unleash the creativity, resourcefulness, talent, and energy of our team to come together? 

Momentum can carry a team through the most challenging times.  If the foundation is void of fundamental leadership skills, the team can decelerate quickly at the first…


Added by Joe Clementi on July 23, 2011 at 4:58pm — 5 Comments

5 Insider's Tips on Vetting a Social Media Provider

Who speaks for your dealership on Social Media?  Is it someone who knows you, knows your store and most importantly, your story? Automotive Social Media is about people, conversations and deriving leads from those relationships.  There’s a lot of people trying to capitalize on this booming market so here’s a shocker: Not everyone who says they can do… Continue

Added by Kathi Kruse on July 22, 2011 at 9:54pm — No Comments

True self-worth stems from within

True self-worth stems from within


You can't be lifted up by anyone or anything any higher than

you're willing to lift yourself up.


You can't be put down by anyone or anything any lower than…


Added by Jack Higginbotham on July 22, 2011 at 11:29am — 4 Comments

Changes To Google Places Reviews Here To Stay According to Avni Shah

As I reported yesterday, Google has stopped including 3rd Party Review counts into their yellow stars.  There was some disagreement if this change was permanent, and today we see that it is.


The product manager for Google Local had this to say in an article posted on…


Added by Brian Pasch on July 22, 2011 at 10:14am — No Comments

Time Saving Social Media Tools

When I’m talking with dealers about various aspects of their online marketing strategy, the reason that they most frequently bring up for why they aren't more involved in social media is that they or their teams don't have the time.  I'm a strong believer in the theory that time is the new money, so I agree that sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day.  At DealerOn, we believe that there is a definite benefit to devoting time and effort to…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on July 21, 2011 at 4:24pm — 6 Comments

Holy Crap - Google Kicks Out 3rd Party Reviews in Star Counts

Change once again is rocking the automotive digital marketing world as Google today drops the third party review counts from its yellow stars. ONLY reviews directly posted on Google Places are showing. This screen shot of BMW of Scherville showed all the DealerRater reviews last week in their star counts but not today.

This is what their Google Places account…


Added by Brian Pasch on July 21, 2011 at 3:00pm — 6 Comments

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