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Don't Lose your Customer's Attention!

A captive audImage ience will pay you dividends if you treat them right.

How many people come to your dealership every week? 100, 250, 500?

What do you do for them?

How do you communicate to them? - and -

How can you capitalize on them?

With today's media and technology driven world the way you…


Added by Todd Katcher on March 30, 2012 at 9:46am — No Comments

Spin it like a politician...

Spin it like a politician

As we approach the beginning of a new month, I was remembering the sales meeting I would have with my "troops" at the beginning of every month. 
Since last month is over and it is so easy to say "i'm tired", "no one comes in after the close of the month", we…

Added by Troy Spring on March 29, 2012 at 9:48pm — No Comments

A 6th profit center??


Can your dealership create a 6th profit center?

Most dealers just count their printing expenses

as part of the cost of doing business. Not that all

business office expnses can be configured to show

a profit, but printing can.

Through a new completely digitally based printing

methodology, costs can be reduced while paying

the dealer a 10% fee in addition to dramatically

lower printing costs.

Contact Dick Lynch…


Added by Dick Lynch on March 29, 2012 at 9:15pm — No Comments

4 Reasons Your Dealership’s Website Is Not Converting

A staggering 97% of new car buyers are influenced by something they learned or read online.  97%.  And out of that 97%, you know that a large chunk of those people will visit your car dealership’s website at some point of their research process. 

So the question is: are you doing enough with the content on your website to influence them to contact you and visit…


Added by Gregg Morris on March 29, 2012 at 8:40pm — No Comments

Apps and Automotive Technologies of the future

Apps and Automotive Technologies of the future

Microsoft and West Coast Customs know what people fantasize about, how about your dealership?

Today’s car enthusiast get excited about three things; cars, technology, and customization via accessories. Combine all three and you get…


Added by Ashley Poag on March 29, 2012 at 4:32pm — No Comments


Last Digital Dealer we explored the data behind SEO & PPC and where your efforts get the most bang for the buck.

At Digital Dealer 12 in Orlado April 3-5 will will explore the data behind ZMOT and how to execute it in your store to increase lead volume and most importantly Show Rate in the dealerhips.

Click Here to attend my Digital Dealer 12 Session "Marketing…


Added by Larry Bruce on March 29, 2012 at 11:40am — No Comments

It's Not What He Knows...

That kills a General Manager it’s what he doesn’t know!

Those words spoken to me by one of the smartest dealers I ever worked for, Jay Marks, have stayed with me since 1996. Same principal applies in every position of the dealership but particularly in marketing.

Let’s face it Marketing is quickly becoming a…


Added by Larry Bruce on March 28, 2012 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Does your Dealership have Unclaimed Facebook Places Pages?

If the answer is yes, claim them and merge them with your current Fan page!

Many dealerships have multiple Facebook pages representing them out there. Which page are your customers checking into? You can merge these other pages with your fan page, but you must claim each of these non-fan-page  pages before you do so.

Here's how to claim and administer the pages that are not your fan page, but represent your business:…


Added by Adam Ross on March 28, 2012 at 6:01pm — No Comments

How I am getting the hang of Twitter and made for an awesome customer experience...

I often get some ribbing about my efforts with Social Media and many times find myself defending my beliefs in the value of the time invested. I realize this business that I love so much is still pretty top heavy with dinosaurs so I mostly let it all roll off my back, although at times I think if I can ‘get it’ as a 40 something year old car guy with over 25 years at this why can’t my fellow managers have at least a LITTLE open mindedness to Social?  Recently I had an experience that fully…


Added by Mike theCarGuy Correra on March 28, 2012 at 5:31pm — 1 Comment

Using Competitor’s Bad Reviews to Make Your Dealership and Salespeople Better

As it turns out, many people won’t tell a dealership directly how well salespeople at a dealership are doing – unless they’ve done a great job.  If they haven’t done well, they’re going to spread the word online and bash that dealership.

…and that’s good news for YOUR dealership.  (WHAT?)

Turning other people's failures into your success

Bad Online Reviews: Turning other…


Added by Gregg Morris on March 28, 2012 at 4:41pm — 1 Comment

Learning to fly: (the greatest risk comes at the takeoff and landing)


I am going to equate the sales process to flying an airplane. Too many times we focus on the “in air” process. That’s right we put so much of our attention on the presentation and though it is important, not enough emphasis is placed on the opening and the close. This results in lower closing ratios and missed opportunities.


I think we would…


Added by Chris Fritcher on March 28, 2012 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

Young, Wired Auto Service Consumers Intensely Price and Convenience-Driven - and Most Receptive to Dealer Loyalty Programs - According to New Study

DMEa’s “Marketing Success in a Changing Service Loyalty Landscape” findings include:


  • Loyalty programs are not just for loyalists: Over 25% of “swing loyalists” and disloyalists would participate
  • Communicate! Most customers want to hear from service providers AT LEAST once every 3 months, including 70%+ of dealer and aftermarket chain loyalists
  • 2 in 3…

Added by Crystal Hartwell on March 28, 2012 at 9:55am — No Comments

DealerELITE EXCLUSIVE DealersUnited Press Release

Dealers United Announces First Deal for Members: SEO Services from KPA


KPA beat out more than 30 other SEO vendors to be given the opportunity to present their best offer to Dealers United members.…


Added by DealerELITE on March 28, 2012 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

SEO is Alive and Well (despite reports to the contrary)

Every few months, I read articles or hear at a conference about how search engine optimization is dead. I've heard these statements for the last 5 years and they often attribute the same reasons for the demise of SEO (even years later).

Search engine optimization is still the single most important component for driving additional buyer traffic to a car dealer's website. Period. I would absolutely love to…


Added by JD Rucker on March 28, 2012 at 3:44am — No Comments

If I Called You, Would Someone Answer?

I was calling the other day to set up some travel and when I dialed I got a real voice versus an IVR.  The funny thing was, I checked to make sure I dialed the right number.


Now how funny is that. We are so accustomed to getting a recording (you have reached...) or a support line, (please enter your account #) that when we actually get someone it makes us feel…


Added by Glenn Pasch on March 27, 2012 at 8:58pm — 14 Comments

Common Social Media Mistakes Auto Dealers Should Avoid

While not every dealership is actively involved with social media, it's a form of connecting with potential customers that doesn't seem to be going away.  If your dealership is participating in social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc), try to avoid making these common mistakes.


Replacing Your Dealership Website with Social Media Profiles: Maintain both for optimal results.  When you put your energy and assets into another platform (Facebook, Twitter, etc),…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on March 27, 2012 at 1:03pm — No Comments

Kendall Billman | Speaker at Digital Dealer 12 | What More is your Website Hiding | Orlando 2012

What More is your Website Hiding?

Technology exists today that reveals valuable market advantages and solves the issue of lost leads with traffic to an automotive dealership’s website. Start proving marketing ROI and take back control of your own data with proven best practices from the top OEM franchises in the country.

Learn what happens behind the scenes of a dealership website. Knowing what and how your consumers search will give you powerful insight to…


Added by Joseph Little on March 27, 2012 at 11:47am — No Comments

How Automotive Sales Recruiting Is Like Choosing Teams To Win During March Marchness

Automotive Sales Recruting and March Madness

Automotive Sales Recruting and March Madness: Not So Different After All!

1. Survey the Field

Using our…


Added by Gregg Morris on March 27, 2012 at 8:37am — No Comments

GM’s Electric Car: Stuck in Neutral?

General Motors can’t seem to get the Chevy Volt off of dealership lots – the American automaker has recently …


Added by Stephen Jackson on March 26, 2012 at 5:39pm — No Comments

My Recommendation

My Recommendation

describe the image

Courtesy of Insignia guest blogger Delia Passi, CEO of WomenCertified Inc., home to the Women’s Choice Award.To learn more about how you can get women to recommend your dealership, email Delia at…


Added by Ashley Poag on March 26, 2012 at 2:33pm — No Comments

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