All Blog Posts (12,618)

Why is GM an Overprotective Parent

Why does GM think they have to be so involved? They are like that friends parents in high school that are WAY too involved. Just get out of our way and let us sell some cars. I can't help but think that a majority of dealers have to be smarter than they let on to be. With GM buying Google ad words, and making us compete against ourselves, forcing us to have a Cobalt site, and now taking over our Yelp, Google…


Added by Jason Mitchell on February 15, 2012 at 4:50pm — No Comments

KPA Is Creating a Dealer Recognition Program

by Motyka Johnson

KPA is in the process of creating a dealer recognition program.  This program is designed to acknowledge the efforts of dealer management and employees in creating a safe and environmentally friendly workplace. This page will provide regular updates on our progress.

2-15-2012 KPA has developed the draft…


Added by Brian Torrez on February 15, 2012 at 4:39pm — No Comments

From the NCM Institute Blog: Stop Chasing Shiny Objects!

“I don’t need another book on farmin’, when I ain’t farmin’ as good as I know how right now!”

magic bullet I remember that statement like it was yesterday.  That’s what a dealer told me over the phone back in 1987, in the the early days of my consulting career.  It was right after I explained the services I could offer him. He made it very clear to me that he wasn’t interested in anything new and different. He knew that “magic bullets and shiny objects” wouldn’t provide the solutions he…


Added by Garry House on February 15, 2012 at 3:48pm — No Comments

More Reasons Your Car Dealership NEEDS an Optimized Mobile Website

While at NADA, I heard quite a bit of buzz about mobile websites. Does my dealership need one?  If I already have one, do I need to actually optimize it?  Is mobile traffic really growing as rapidly as everyone says it is?  Should I be making my car dealership’s mobile website a priority to sell more cars?

The answer to all four of those questions is absolutely, unequivocally--YES.



Added by Ali Amirrezvani on February 15, 2012 at 10:49am — No Comments

Valentine’s Day Environment and Safety Trivia Game

by Motyka Johnson

With a nod to Valentine’s Day, here’s a little fun for readers who love compliance. The rule of the game is that all the answers start with either the letter V or D.

Please post your answers to comments on this blog page @…


Added by Brian Torrez on February 14, 2012 at 5:54pm — No Comments

Looking for ways to turn activity into customers?

Are traditional Marketing tactics and sales tactics really dead?


Should your sales and marketing team abandon the tactics they have used for years?


Here is a video that states just that:


This has been a sore point…


Added by Ian nethercott on February 14, 2012 at 1:01am — No Comments

The P90x of Phone Training

The Lithia Dealership Stores in Oregon are committed to an 80% appointment ratio on phone calls! They signed up today! Phone Ninja's brings results. It's the P90x program to make sure those advertising dollars are BRINGING you the MAXIMUM results. Check out the @youtubediva with her first video on some basic phone skills!…


Added by Elise Kephart on February 13, 2012 at 9:25pm — No Comments

Four Ways to Know if Your HR Program Works

By Kathryn Carlson

Find out how well your program rates in these four areas. Make sure that the money you spend on HR programs goes to hiring and retaining the best employees who in turn improve your overall bottom line.

Average Revenue by Employee

Divide your overall revenue by total number of employees. Your goal is to increase the average revenue by employee year over year. If you hire and retain the right employees, they…


Added by Brian Torrez on February 13, 2012 at 2:34pm — No Comments

KPA Newsletter February 2012

Read the full KPA February 2012 Newsletter articles @…


Added by Brian Torrez on February 13, 2012 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Are You Among the Very Best SEO Companies in Automotive?

Are You Among the Very Best SEO Companies in Automotive?


Dealers United is seeking an SEO vendor to participate in our very first members-only deal; and if your company is among the best SEO Companies in Automotive, then we want you to take part in our selection process.


Over the course of the next 30-45 days, the DU Team will vet, interview, investigate and select an SEO provider to present their offering to our dealer-members. While we already…


Added by Laurie Halter on February 13, 2012 at 11:53am — No Comments

Lot Vantage Awarded Vendor of the Year

TAMPA, FL, February 11, 2012 - That's Us Technologies, Inc.'s LotVantage software was recently named 2011 Vendor of the Year by Dunn Rite Auto. This award goes to the vendor which has out-performed all others in the category of sales and marketing. The award is voted upon by all managers and staff.

"Congratulations to LotVantage on their outstanding service and dedication to Dunn Rite Auto and our customers," said Mike Richardson, General Manager of Dunn Rite Auto. "I would like…


Added by Andrew Compton on February 13, 2012 at 9:14am — No Comments

How to use Micro Sites to sell Cars Online

OK, Please put your hand all the way up if you know how a micro site can help you sell cars?

Many ageless dealers might even be first asking themselves, “How can my actual site help me sell cars -let alone a micro site?”


All of these questions start with the same answer: “how much is an appointment worth to you?”



Added by Andrew Myers on February 12, 2012 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Why Do We Push Potential Clients Back Out Of The Sales Funnel? - brought to you by: DTG - Digital Efficiency

Digital Efficiency, to me, means getting the most from your digital marketing and digital advertising efforts (dollars). To get the "most", I see a glaring need for the recognition and maximization of Digital Assets. Digital Assets? Digital Parts, Pieces and Flow of the same. This post addresses Digital Flow Efficiency.

Recently, while attending a Digital Marketing training seminar, an interesting observation was pointed out. What happens on your website once a lead…


Added by David T. Gould on February 12, 2012 at 12:00am — 7 Comments

Notes from the J.D Power meeting

J.D. Power 2/3/2012

Capitalizing on Market Momentum”

- North America should have an 8% growth in 2012. Here is the breakdown:

13.8 million sales in 2012, 11.5 million will be retail.

Why the increase in 2012?

1. Production and increased demand.

2. Aging fleet / pent up demand.

3. More new products over the next 3 years.

4. Rebound in leasing.



Added by Chris Saraceno on February 11, 2012 at 2:22pm — No Comments

The Top 5 Products at 2012 NADA Convention Receive Awards


PCG Consulting, Inc. announced the recipients of the 2012 Spotlight Awards following the 2012 NADA Convention in Las Vegas. The Spotlight Awards recognize the five best products at the Convention that fill important needs for car dealers.

The following companies/products were recognized with a Spotlight Award for excellence in…


Added by Brian Pasch on February 10, 2012 at 8:50pm — No Comments

The CarChat24 beta test is almost ready to go and we would like to invite you to participate!

The CarChat24 beta test is almost ready to go and we would like to invite you to participate!

We are now looking for enthusiastic early adopters to participate in our beta to help us find bugs, give feedback and feature suggestions to improve our product.

What Are the CarChat24 Beta Program Details?

  • Target beta start date is mid to late February.
  • Beta testing period…

Added by Shereef on February 10, 2012 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

'Dealer Of The Year' Awards Inspire Excellence

Warm congratulations to Kelly Automotive, winners at the state level of the prestigious Dealer of the Year award given by Dealer Rater! Chris Saraceno (L)  and his team worked tirelessly this year to go above and beyond their customers' expectations, and their efforts definitely paid off!…


Added by AutoSTARR on February 10, 2012 at 4:39pm — 2 Comments

VinWorx is Coming to Kansas City in June

Back by demand, VinWorx is coming back to Kansas City in June!  Not only would we like to invite you to PRE-REGISTER, we recommend it.  Here's why... 

For more information and to reserve your seat:




Added by Lucas Bixler on February 10, 2012 at 4:09pm — No Comments

AutoAccelerator Mobile CRM Wins PCG Spotlight Award

As a dealer you always have to watch out for shiny new objects that can promise one thing but deliver something entirely differently.  I had the opportunity to sit down with the folks from AutoAccelerator and demo their new iPad app for their CRM.  To say that I was impressed is an understatement.



Not only did this app have the eye appeal…


Added by Marc E McGurren on February 10, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments

From the NCM Institute Blog: How Much Money Did Your Store Really Make Last Year?

By now, many of you have verified your dealership’s profitability for 2011.  As most dealers, general managers and controllers understand, until we perform a final year-end reconciliation of each asset and liability account, the YTD profitability displayed on our income statement remains an unproven number.  For some of you, this verification process will result in an upward adjustment to your 2011 profitability. However, experience tells me that most dealers…


Added by Garry House on February 10, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments

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