All Blog Posts (12,618)

What happened to this salesperson?

What happened to the salesperson who was told by their manager:


Every time he brought a deal to the desk “good job”.


They only thing the manager said about the deal that didn’t happen was “Thanks for the TO.  Bring me another customer.”


When the customer was on the wrong car   “Thanks for bringing them to me.  Let’s show them this one.”


When the customer was $10,000 upside down. “You are stronger and braver than most of my…


Added by Michal Ann Benedict Enders on January 31, 2012 at 11:30am — No Comments

Stu Mittleman World Record Setting Runner To Speak at DMSC

EATONTOWN, NJ – First Class Educators has just announced that ultra marathon runner, fitness expert and author, Stu Mittleman, will speak at the 2012 Digital Marketing Strategies Conference (DMSC).  



Mittleman, along with NFL trainer…


Added by Brian Pasch on January 31, 2012 at 10:52am — No Comments

Who is John Zeiglar ?

Who is John Zeiglar ?


How can I find the company he is said to work for, Performance Company?


What is a “performance writer”?


Why would an author allow his name to be mis-spelled regularly in the same publication repeatedly over many months?


Has anyone seen him registered on any Automotive blogs, Facebook,…


Added by Thomas A. Kelly on January 31, 2012 at 5:55am — 28 Comments

Embarrassed Nissan Lifts Sagging Satisfaction Ranking

In todays Automotive news, the above article, Embarrassed Nissan lifts Sagging Satisfaction Ranking is almost laughable. The article written from interviews with Nissans Billy Hayes and Nissan dealer Mike D'Amato 2012 dealer council chairman is almost laughable. Changing light bulbs, modern facility's, and 10 thousand small improvements that Nissan has created, that Hayes says got Nissan from dead bottom to 7th from the bottom is a success is a joke. First Nissan has intimadated or forced…


Added by doug wolford on January 30, 2012 at 8:35pm — 1 Comment

Dealer e Process Is Excited To Announce the Live Chat Challenge sign up starting in February

Chicago, Illinois – January 30th – Dealer e Process, the highest rated chat vendor in the country, is proud to announce the launch of the Live Chat Challenge. Dealer E Process is looking for 30 dealers who do not already have Dealer E’s award winning Proactive Managed Live Chat. These dealers will get Dealer E Process live chat on their website free for 30…


Added by Dave Page on January 30, 2012 at 5:14pm — No Comments

New Year, New You

Don’t you just hate New Year resolutions?

Regardless of how determined you are to stick to them, very few of us do. I’m told however, that if you write them down you have a better chance of making them happen...

Now if I was an auto dealer looking for dynamic new ways to brand my dealership and market my offers, these would be my New Year…


Added by charles bayer on January 30, 2012 at 4:47pm — No Comments

Car companies are starting to figure out Social Media......

Good morning automotive world,

There is a little company called Honda who has sold automotive products for years on it's reputation alone. In 2011 the Earthquake, stronger products from US car companies and a boring product line was changing the playing field. Not to mention heat from Hyundai and it's sister company Kia.

Ford Motor Company had also also proved that it could appeal to the traditional Import buyer as well and even Subaru was becoming more hip.…


Added by Ian nethercott on January 30, 2012 at 2:11pm — No Comments

Looking for motivation for your Automotive Sales Team?

Good Morning Automotive universe......

As I travel around North America setting up Business development centers for dealerships I get asked the following question quite often. How can we convince our current sales team to reach out to more customers and enlist them to help the Business Development Center?

The answer is quite simple really, convince them that in order to make a great living and "work less" over time they need to build their…


Added by Ian nethercott on January 30, 2012 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Letter to a 90 day old Salesperson

    In the beginning, there were only customers, and all were good. 

    You expected to sell about one out of four customers, and sometimes you even sold one out of three.

    You did a great greeting and then ran through the steps as far as you could.  If they didn’t go ahead, you just had a manager talk to them, shook it off and went to get another one.

    You did this a lot, people bought cars,  and they called your success beginners luck.

    After a while…


Added by Michal Ann Benedict Enders on January 30, 2012 at 12:31pm — No Comments

Behavioral Targeting

The Holy Grail of Marketing

A recent article by Harvard Business Review very succinctly gets at the heart of marketing success.

“Targeting individuals with perfectly customized offers at…


Added by Amanda Meuwissen on January 30, 2012 at 10:32am — No Comments

CarChat24 Announces Free Premium Dealer Chat Software and Back-Up Support for BETA Testers!

CarChat24 is going to have an Extended Beta with approved volunteer Beta test dealers to make sure our final version after Beta will be exactly the way our clients (Car Dealers) want it. Approved dealers who actively participate will be offered the free use of our premium chat software for up to 2 months, and may also qualify for our free 24/7 Staffed Back-Up support.



Added by Shereef on January 30, 2012 at 3:11am — No Comments

What We Can All Learn from a Hammer and a Knee

by Motyka Johnson

A colleague told me about an incident at one of her dealerships, where a technician hit his own knee with a hammer and filed a workman’s comp claim. In the story, the man was in a hurry to fix a rusty part on an older vehicle.  He propped the piece of metal against his leg for support, swung a hammer at the…


Added by Brian Torrez on January 29, 2012 at 11:24pm — No Comments

"What value, contribution, benefit, or fulfillment do I have to give them?"

If A Tree Falls In The Forest and There's Nobody Around Does It Make A Sound?

(OR--Is There ANYBODY Out There Listening/Hearing Me/You/YOUR CLIENT?)

So ok, when a tree falls in the forest it still DOES vibrate, right? Well when a prospect or client, fan, follower evokes the need…


Added by MANNY LUNA on January 29, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments

Is Your Dealership Hooked Up?

I have written about the influence of Jim Lecinski's book "Winning The Zero Moment of Truth" and the data that confirms that consumers are actively researching online during the Zero Moment of Truth prior to contacting a local car dealer.



This first contact, called the…


Added by Brian Pasch on January 28, 2012 at 4:27pm — 1 Comment

Share of U.S. buyers shying away from imports rises, J.D. Power says

After reading the Jan 26th Auto News article about US buyers shying away from imports,I'd like to add my 2 cents to why it's happening. Back in the 70's there was a book written on business in the furture and the baby boomers. The basics of the book said follow the bulk of the population and you'll make money. Boy how true that has turned out. Thus the reason why the imports of Toyota,Honda and Nissan emerged. The japanese stock market was at 36000 they had a product that was well built and…


Added by doug wolford on January 27, 2012 at 11:58pm — No Comments

Best Walk-Around Video Wins $2,000 in Las Vegas - Are You Game?

Dealer employees can submit a video walk-around that features themselves in a video walk-around. The car featured can be new or used, but the person in the video must be a current employee of the car dealership.


The videos will be judged by an industry panel that includes …


Added by Brian Pasch on January 27, 2012 at 8:56pm — No Comments

Elise Kephart now with Phone Ninjas

Added by Elise Kephart on January 27, 2012 at 7:08pm — 2 Comments

Social Media Tip #108: Google To Consolidate Privacy Policies.

Google has just announced that beginning March 1 2012, they will be "...getting rid of over 60 different privacy policies across Google and replacing them with one that's a lot shorter and easier to read."

The updated Google Privacy Policy can be found here

Google has explained that it wants users to have an easier time of:

-Working across Google  (Youtube,…


Added by AutoSTARR on January 27, 2012 at 5:03pm — 2 Comments

From the NCM Institute Blog: Clear Expectations Set the Standard for Dealership Excellence

Several weeks ago we published an article that discussed the 6 Elements of Effective Accountability Management. The second of these elements, “Clearly Defining and Communicating Your Expectations,” is a critically needed, but rarely well-practiced, discipline within the retail automotive industry. You’ve heard it before: people will rise to the level of performance and/or behavior that is set for them. Mind reading is not a job requirement, in spite of what some dealership managers…


Added by Garry House on January 27, 2012 at 3:47pm — 1 Comment

Wibiya Tool Bar Down Below

This Wibiya toolbar thingy at the bottom of the screen is very annoying. And in case anyone cares to know. I tried this tool on my own blog because I thought (for about 10 minutes) that it was neat.

But then I did a site test and found that it slowed my site down for my visitors. It made my site load too slow. I realize that for this forum that's not that big a deal because this is a member site. However, am I the only person who…


Added by SCOTT TYNER on January 27, 2012 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

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