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Woody Butts Chevrolet Doing Away With True Car !

  I'm proud to announce that the dealership I work at, Woody Butts Chevrolet , in Cochran, Ga. is doing away with True Car as a lead provider. I'm happy about this because it just doesn't make good business sense to pay for leads that you lose money on @ the time of sale.  As Automobile Professionals, we must continue to protect our industry from Vulchers.

Added by Alan Heath on January 27, 2012 at 11:01am — No Comments

My How Things Change

Just caught up with an old Automotive News Jan 16th. Group One CEO Earl Esterberg article titled Hesterberg to Carmakers: Be Mindful of Margins. Found that to be amusing since Earl was 2nd in command at Nissan back in the mid to late 80's when Nissan was all screwed up. I remember they took us to Disney World to learn the Disney way. We then had a business meeting about one of the new models coming out. At that time dealers were allowed to ask questions. I remember like it was yeaterday. I…


Added by doug wolford on January 27, 2012 at 2:59am — No Comments

Are You Playing Russian "Review" Roulette?

Car dealers are being scammed because of their desire to catch up with the Internet Reputation Management (IRM) bandwagon.  

The scam I am speaking of involves companies telling dealers that they will "post" reviews for the dealership as a  paid…


Added by Brian Pasch on January 26, 2012 at 2:47pm — 5 Comments

"Baby Needs a New Pair of Jet Ski's."

Does your warranty guy love you? I think I know why!  

 Yesterday, I met with a dealer who said and I quote, "I figured up that I have sent (current warranty company) $1,000,000 in the last 5 years." and your claims I asked?  "Around $50k per year". Is this YOU? Did you give your 3rd party warranty company a $750,000 profit? There is a better way!


You can set up a Dealer Owned Reinsurance Company.

  By setting up your own…


Added by Tim Byrd on January 26, 2012 at 1:34pm — No Comments


Many dealership contracts are signed by not only the Dealer but the GM, service manager, sales manager, parts manager and body shop manager. If this is the case and it has been for many many years. This year is when the dealer should review every contract. Thats right pull every contract with every vendor. If you dont have it, get a copy from the vendor. If the vendor doesnt have contract or will not provide it for some reason send them a certified letter clearly stating your now on a day to…


Added by doug wolford on January 25, 2012 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Protect your access to your DMS

In my featured blog a week or so ago I warned dealers on allowing anyone to have access to your DMS system. In my blog I also added the FACTORY. Most dealers dont know that you can section out what you want to have vendors and the factory can have access to. In my opinion I would only allow the factory to the F and I section. This allows them to see what the dealer rdr'd on new sales. I would not allow them into service if at all possible. Reason: You the dealer collected all thos emails on…


Added by doug wolford on January 25, 2012 at 1:35pm — No Comments

How to move your "Brick and Mortar" store where the customers are: ONLINE


How many ideas that get heard about the internet are really good ones? For most, the answer is: not many.  


  The focus of most internet endeavors on the table for dealers is on the wrong thing, and also the reason the results are unpredictable. For dealers they think the internet is a race to cut in the “up” line and have the first crack at the next customer. This is how we do it on the lot;  but the reason you want to have the first crack at a customer –…


Added by Andrew Myers on January 24, 2012 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

Google Changes Algorithm; Affects Top-Heavy Ad Pages

While (I hope) most dealership websites won’t be affected by this, Google has recently announced they will begin penalizing websites that have too many ads at the top.  It's being called the "page layout algorithm" and affects sites that "don't have much content 'above-the-fold'", according to Google's Inside Search blog.

We've all clicked onto a site only to have to scroll down through the ads to actually find the content we are looking for.  This algorithm change will…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on January 24, 2012 at 3:51pm — No Comments

From the NCM Institute Blog: How to Determine Your Dealership's Service Labor Sales Potential

The labor sales potential for any franchised dealer’s service department is first dependent on the units in operation (UIOs) for that franchise in the dealer’s market. Unfortunately, very few of the manufacturers provide this UIO information to their dealers. For a fee, vehicles in operation (VIOs) are available by zip code from R.L. Polk, Inc.

Since there are other estimates used in the calculation of labor…


Added by Garry House on January 24, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments

Auto Dealers Use Facebook Geotargeting For Digital Marketing

Let’s say that you’re an auto dealer with a successful social media aspect of your digital marketing campaign – you have tons of Facebook fans, a healthy community that provides feedback and applause, and an online presence that grows every day. But the point of any marketing endeavor is to eventually convert your fans into loyal customers, and you determine that your Facebook page just isn’t bringing in sales –…


Added by Stephen Jackson on January 23, 2012 at 3:49pm — No Comments

Not sayin' this is happening at your Dealership...

In many Dealerships lack of Profitability in Fixed Operations starts with just 3 processes that are not getting done with every Customer that comes in the door.

Everything starts with building a relationship. It sounds easy, we say it all the time and there is not one Sales book, cd, mp3…course…whatever that does not have some chapter on building relationships.

The Service Department is no different. Studies show that Customers who do not feel taken care of find a reason to do…


Added by Leonard Buchholz on January 23, 2012 at 9:37am — No Comments

CarChat24 Announces Free Premium Dealer Chat Software and Back-Up Support for BETA Testers!

CarChat24 is going to have an Extended Beta with approved volunteer Beta test dealers to make sure our final version after Beta will be exactly the way our clients (Car Dealers) want it. Approved dealers who actively participate will be offered the free use of our premium chat software for up to 2 months, and may also qualify for our free 24/7 Staffed Back-Up support.

Offer: Approved dealers who are willing to actively…


Added by Shereef on January 23, 2012 at 2:44am — No Comments

A Few Things You Should Know About OSHA’s Pending I2P2 Requirements

by Eric Schmitz

This month OSHA published a whitepaper on Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (I2P2).  Leading up to this publication, there has been a lot of regulatory activity around I2P2. Shortly after proposing a federal standard for I2P2 in 2010, OSHA held a series of stakeholder meetings on the subject.  In this…


Added by Brian Torrez on January 23, 2012 at 12:52am — No Comments

Is Your Customer List Safe from Employee Theft?

The notion of a dealership’s employees having ownership of the organizations customer lists or communications is a frightening one. The question of ownership of work product, email and even actual customer lists is being called into question by BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies being adopted by many businesses, including auto dealerships.


A 2010 US Supreme Court 9-0 ruling declared that employees are not entitled to privacy if they use an employer’s issued device. The…


Added by Erik Nachbahr, CISSP on January 22, 2012 at 3:51pm — 1 Comment

Social Media Tip #107: LinkedIn No Longer Hosting Standalone Tweet App As Of January 31st

As you get your 2012 marketing campaign underway, don't forget about LinkedIn, a powerful marketing and communications tool with over 35 million registered users.

Savvy business professionals use LinkedIn to connect with other industry leaders, exchange ideas, and participate in relevant groups. The following is a notice to all of you LinkedIn members who connect your…


Added by AutoSTARR on January 20, 2012 at 4:48pm — No Comments

Employee Rights Posting Postponed Yet Again- Now Required by April 30, 2012

by Kathryn Carlson

For the second time, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) postponed the effective date for posting its employee rights notice. The new date is April 30, 2012. Most private-sector employers including dealerships must post a new notice issued by the NLRB entitled, “Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations…


Added by Brian Torrez on January 20, 2012 at 10:25am — No Comments

Target 10 Open Repair Orders

  • Over 80% of lost revenue on repair orders is due to the oldest 10. This program addresses this fact and places them as a target that cannot be ignored. The Target Ten open orders will be on a report from the DMS identifying the oldest 10 open orders. The information will be filled out every Monday and reviewed by the entire team during the week. The mission is to do whatever is necessary to close these orders. Most manufactures now expect warranty to be processed within a month so any…

Added by Rob Gehring on January 20, 2012 at 9:08am — No Comments

Las Vegas: Dinner and a Show and Elvis- Support WAAI

The Spirit of Leadership Dinner at the Venetian Hotel on Saturday night helps to support the Women's Automotive Association International group and the work they do for our industry.  Keynote speakers are Edie Hand and Terre Thomas, daughter of Danny Thomas and supporter of St Jude's Children's…


Added by Mark Dubis on January 19, 2012 at 10:00pm — No Comments

“If I had more traffic, I could sell more cars”

Sound familiar? I’ve heard this several times during my travels the last few weeks and it didn’t matter what part of the country or what franchises.

I was at a long-time Ford client last week, started working with them in September of 1997.  They are coming off of another great profit year, but January had started off a little slow.

I noticed the Sales staff was a little down and in conversations the main topic was that there was very little traffic and that the Dealer needed…


Added by Jay Prassel on January 19, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments

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