All Blog Posts (12,618)

Just Call Them Out

If you have salespeople, that know how to sell, but the results are not up to the stores expectations, call them out on it!!! Case in point; Just recently, I had a salesman, good guy, works every day, tries very hard when he wants to and a positive attitude when he wants to have one. I just didn’t have that wow feeling with him on a…


Added by Tony Provost on January 19, 2012 at 4:08pm — 29 Comments

Going the extra mile!

A consumer comes to your dealership for a reason! They have a want! and a need! also a budget! It is your job as a sales consultants to figure those three things out. During a walk around you should be building report with your customer because you now know their want, need and budget, now going off of that you can show them why a vehicle is a fit for them. This makes your customer feel like they are in safe hands.Also that you understand and care about their needs.

It's also a…


Added by Angela Fox on January 19, 2012 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

From Passive to Passionate in Just One Offer

When I think about making a purchase of any kind (aside from my post-workout fast food meal – don’t judge me), I look first for the benefit the item will get me right away, and then I think of what I get from it down the road.

For example, I like to get coffee at my local gas station. I bought a travel mug from the gas station a few months back, and since I bought that mug, I get a discount on coffee, as well as one free coffee with every six fill-ups. I go fairly often, and can…


Added by Will Michaelson on January 19, 2012 at 3:33pm — 5 Comments

Attributes of Great Salespersons (part 1)

(This is part 1 in a series)

Recently a student asked me what attributes compel an individual to be a great salesperson in the retail automobile business.  As I pondered the question I inquired of the student how he would describe a "Great Salesperson."  He immediately answered, "One whose sales production always leads the board, whose grosses…


Added by Larry Bonorato on January 19, 2012 at 2:32pm — 4 Comments

A Bug In My Potato Salad

“It only takes one bug in the potato salad to ruin a picnic,” according to one of the little old ladies I went to church with as a child.  As I move further away from a precocious child and closer to being a sweet little old lady, I am realizing that she was not registering a complaint about church picnics but planting a seed of wisdom that would develop as I grew older.  One little bug can ruin the…


Added by Stephanie Young on January 19, 2012 at 12:30pm — 8 Comments

From the NCM Institute Blog: Calculating Your Return on Incremental Investments

When I started my retail automotive consulting practice in 1987, I chose to state as my unique value proposition, "Guaranteed 1,000% Return on Investment." During my first few years as an independent consultant, I was shocked to learn that very few of my potential dealer clients had a clue about what this meant. So I would explain that, for example, if the dealer would invest $2,500 in professional fees with me, I would provide a money-back guarantee that I would assist in increasing the…


Added by Garry House on January 19, 2012 at 11:03am — No Comments


will start in about 3 minutes 10:45am east coast time!


See you there!

Added by Elise Kephart on January 19, 2012 at 10:44am — No Comments

Choosing the Right CRM for your dealership.....

Good morning automotive world.......

As a performance consultant for Proactive Dealer Solutions I travel around North America helping dealerships contact their customer base and help them grow their business. These same dealerships ask my advise on a regular basic on CRM's and which one they should select to maximize BDC and make it easy for their staff as well.

This is always a challenging question, but I never back down from a challenge in my life. Here are…


Added by Ian nethercott on January 19, 2012 at 9:37am — No Comments

The Best Car Dealership Websites Engage and Convert

Right now, automotive dealerships across the globe are seeking ways to sell more vehicles in a market that appears to be on the upswing.  2012 will see a majority of dealerships dedicating more resources to their …


Added by Justin Braun on January 19, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments


The issue of deficiencies and production is NOT auto dealer specific it is BUSINESS specific. The answer FOR MORE itself comes down to checking testing and then rechecking execution process of the personnel. A leaders goals or objective should be to get their people to WORK daily to attain the goals or objective of the business.

1. Does the business owner have clear goal(s)?

2. Do the employees/departments know clearly what that is?

3. Are they empowered to solve the…


Added by Chuck Scalies on January 19, 2012 at 7:40am — 1 Comment

Thank You for Protecting Our Data, Car Research!

Car Research, a CRM company, takes an EXTREMELY strong dealer-protective and data-protective stance--essentially, they're first to take a strong public stand that they do NOT share data with anyone and only use the data as a dealer directs. No selling of data! No remarketing to your customers!  No condescension!  ON A DEALER'S SIDE RIGHT OUTTA' THE GATE FOR YEARS NOW AND STILL GOING FORWARD!  WONDERFUL!!!!  Here's their email announcement:

January 18, 2012



Added by Keith Shetterly on January 18, 2012 at 6:34pm — 1 Comment

I've never been a Boy Scout but I think like one....

By Autumn 2003, I had (a meager) seven years of Internet Automotive success under my belt.  I was managing a nine-franchise Internet Sales Department that encompassed five rooftops in Portland OR and Vancouver WA.  New Car sales were really starting to get brutal.  Every other conversation…


Added by Shannon Page on January 18, 2012 at 6:31pm — 2 Comments

How Auto Dealers Can Survive A Social Media Crisis

“Neither privacy nor publicity is dead, but technology will continue to make a mess of both.”

Danah Boyd, social media researcher for Microsoft

If you have a strong social media presence for long enough, crisis is bound to strike. Whether a stray tweet intended…


Added by Stephen Jackson on January 18, 2012 at 5:43pm — No Comments

DrivingSales Executive Summit and J.D. Power and Associates Automotive Marketing Roundtable Announce Joint October Keynote Presentation

DrivingSales and J.D. Power and Associates bridge industry's two most authoritative marketing events, offer combo-ticket prices

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 18, 2012 -- DrivingSales today announced that the 2012 DrivingSales Executive Summit (DSES)…


Added by Crystal Hartwell on January 18, 2012 at 11:46am — No Comments

SureSale™ Certified Launches in Phoenix: More Vehicles Eligible for CPO Programs

Groundbreaking program increases the number of vehicles on Phoenix lots eligible for certification; provides used car buyers with peace of mind and purchase protection


Venice, CA  -- January 18, 2012 Mota Motors, a leading provider of online vehicle certification and selling platforms, today announced that SureSaleTM Certified, a comprehensive certified pre-owned (CPO)…


Added by Crystal Hartwell on January 18, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments

True Cars and the factory whats the difference

After hearing all the hoopla over true cars Ive seen nothing from a dealer, writer, or a contributor on why they dont warn about the factory as they are about TRUE CARS. First in my opinion would you give anyone or any company access to your DMS system allowing them to have access to your customer data???? Most dealers service departments are gold mines for sales and there best inventory of customers are there best service customers. Thats because in most cases 50-75% of there service…


Added by doug wolford on January 17, 2012 at 6:45pm — No Comments

To's Mean More Than Time


One morning I was shaken from my deep sleep by the deep growling of the trash truck’s engine followed by the skidding sounds of my neighbor’s trash can coming to a screeching halt in their driveway. Realizing I did not push my overflowing trash can to the road; I valiantly sprung out of bed and barreled out of the door hoping it was not too late. I stood…


Added by Marsh Buice on January 17, 2012 at 6:41pm — 4 Comments

Lead companies that sell their programs to the public while "they" make us look like thieves....

Are we all tired of non franchised vendors offering to "save" our clients from us? The more someone tells lies about the majority of new car dealers the more we'll all suffer. Let's not do business with anyone that portrays us as cheaters...thieves.....liars......predators! :-D

Added by ed witt on January 17, 2012 at 4:26pm — No Comments

Why Are Used Car Prices High?

     When I got into the car business some 21 years ago it was easy for a consumer to save some money by purchasing a used vehicle.  Unfortunately, that isn't the case any longer. So, what happened? The used car market began to change dramatically in July of 2009 when President Obama signed the "Cash for Clunkers" Bill.  Normally when someone trades in a vehicle that vehicle is either kept by the dealer and resold or the vehicle is…


Added by Alan Heath on January 17, 2012 at 1:35pm — No Comments

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