All Blog Posts (12,618)

Sometimes you have to part ways....

Recently I started consulting for an automotive group.  A few of their stores were in serious trouble with warranty claims that were aging and an outstanding accounts receivable that just seemed to keep growing.  They had a wonderful person performing the claims input.  She was a very nice person.  Always on time.  Never took a longer lunch break than was allowed.  They told me that she never once called in sick the entire time of her employment.  Matter of fact, she didn't even join in…


Added by Christopher Akin on December 29, 2011 at 12:22am — 2 Comments

Happy New Year dealerelite Community!

Are you interested in improving yourself? or are you only interested in changing your circumstances? - Dave Blanchard

Real Honesty Check here for sure....

Are you opened to the possibility that you can't do the second without doing the first?

In 2012 I am committed to a healthier lifestyle.  I'm committed to being the best father I can be.  I'm committed to giving, giving, giving more value to my clients than they pay for.  I'm committed to feeding my brain positive…


Added by Mark Rodriguez on December 28, 2011 at 10:22pm — No Comments

Discover the Power of QR Codes For Your Automotive Business

QR CODES FOR BUSINESS ~ Have you used one lately?

Quick Response Codes – commonly known as QR Codes – were first invented in Japan over a decade ago, where they were used by automotive…

Added by AutoSTARR on December 27, 2011 at 5:00pm — No Comments

The NCM Institute Blog: How Special Are Your Used Vehicle Specials?

I have always believed there is a valid reason why dealership website designers include a “Used Vehicle Specials (UVS)” page in their master plan. Because if I were a used vehicle prospect cruising dealers’ websites, when I click on “Used Vehicles” and a drop-down appears with one of the choices being “Specials” (or “Featured Vehicles”), I would certainly go there first before taking a deep dive into the overall used vehicle inventory. However, most dealership managers must not think that…


Added by Garry House on December 27, 2011 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Have you completed your planning for next year?

Hopefully many dealers have had their strategic planning meetings with their staff and set goals for next year.  Identified their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats...established the tactics they will use to accomplish their goals. Mind maps are helpful tools you might consider...many free or inexpensive mind mapping tools are available online or as apps for ipads and such.  I use ithoughts on the ipad.  A good friend prefers the web based …


Added by Adam Barish on December 27, 2011 at 12:36pm — No Comments

A-Holes buy cars too.

Good Morning to all.  

This morning I thought I would share with you a old one but a good one.  21 years ago I had a manager named Gary Askins.  I walked in to the office an arrogant young kid, (who was experiencing some moderate success in the business and thought I knew it all), I told Gary I was done with my customer.  I continued, "he's and ass&*@# Gary."!!!!       This is when I got the lesson I share with everyone two decades later.
Gary said; "no your not, you…

Added by Troy Spring on December 27, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

How much easier would each month, quarter and year be? How much less scrambling at the end of the month might there be?

           Imagine, just for a moment, you and each of your representatives were able to save one deal a day.  How much easier would each month, quarter and year be?   How much less scrambling at the end of the month might there be? Scrambling means shortcutting, less follow up and cherry picking.  So to “BDC or not to BDC” seems to be the question…


Added by Glynn Rodean on December 27, 2011 at 7:46am — No Comments

Object of MY affection… Hmm your objection of course!

Objections should be embraced, welcomed, cherished, tolerated, tackled ,…

Not avoided, ignored, threatened, discouraged, or disgusted by…

After all an “Objection” is not at all complete “Rejection”

If I were to ask the woman of my dreams out I would much rather deal with an objection,



Added by Jason McIntosh "Jmac" on December 27, 2011 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

Attitude is everything!


   Ever notice that the one thing that every sales trainer has in common is that they all speak of the importance of attitude. Attitude is the most important asset that a person can possibly have. I have seen my own personal attitude close deals and I have seen it lose deals. Even when a deal is lost, your attitude toward the whole experience is what determines how your next transaction ends.


    Think about it. Charles Swindol, Dale Carnegie, Tom Hokins, Grant…


Added by Phillip L. Turner on December 26, 2011 at 8:16pm — 1 Comment

I am GIVING AWAY $1,000 CASH… (Again!)



Take a look at This is REAL... I JUST Gave Away $1,000 CASH the other day!  


I am so thankful for being a Car Salesman. I can NOT imagine what my life would have been if I never stepped foot onto that showroom floor and…


Added by Sean V. Bradley on December 26, 2011 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Association Names Training Company for 2012

Auto Dealer Association Names Training Company as Source for Members
The Minnesota Auto Dealers Association has selected The Dealer Resource Group as a training source for 2012. The Dealer Resource Group will provide sales training to member dealers in the areas of sales, negotiation skills, Internet, and basic selling skills.…

Added by John Fuhrman on December 26, 2011 at 12:31pm — No Comments

The Difference In Being Different

We all have one week of work before 2011 becomes a collection of files to be stored away.  Sure, we'll go back and get some things for this years taxes.  Perhaps even take a look at some trends that occurred during the year.  But what are the things that will make 2012 a better year for you?  Chances are, there will be talk of improvement, higher numbers, better grosses, and maybe even a reduction in expenses.  But, it will all fade before the Christmas decorations are taken down.



Added by John Fuhrman on December 26, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

"Serial Entrepreneur" Scott Painter's Top 10 New Businesses for 2012

10)  TRUEChair to promote fair pricing for furniture

 9)  TRUECarat to assist in jewelry purchases

 8)  TRUECrib keeping real estate on the up-n-up

 7)  TRUECat either for pet-stores or brothels

 6)  TRUECarriage fair transportation pricing in Amish communities (cost to dealers is 1 goat)

 5)  TRUECall equal phone service for all

 4)  TRUECow (do you know the "actual" cost of a gallon of milk or pound of beef?)

 3)  TRUECustomer (buyers aren't…


Added by Brad Alexander on December 24, 2011 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

Real Winners for 2012!.Farmers!

We all know there is a tremendous amount of money spent by the dealer body to advertise their dealership and all the services and products sold. Some of this advertisement is not accounted for because of poor tracking and other parts of it are sometimes used to "keep their name out there."

With all of my valued clients around the country, I continue to ask the decision makers in each department to look for the potential employee who can become a "farmer" more than a "hunter". With…


Added by Keith Brewer on December 24, 2011 at 11:25am — No Comments

Legal Lessons to be Learned from the TrueCar Discussions

As the TrueCar debate rages on, one thing is certain: there is going to be increased scrutiny on auto sales practices by a number of state regulatory agencies. While TrueCar has a number of challenges to overcome and may be forced to alter their business model, the real concern is how these legal issues may affect dealers. Several state authorities have indicated that they will hold dealers responsible for any violations. It’s important that dealers are aware of these issues and protect…


Added by Jim Radogna on December 23, 2011 at 8:15pm — 7 Comments

MARKIT Facebook Tip - Holiday Special

Social Media Facebook Tip #104~Spread the Holiday Cheer!
The holidays are the perfect time to make contact with business friends and clients via social networking. Make sure to post a ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Holidays’ note on your Facebook business page. Utilize the “use Facebook as page” feature [found under the dropdown arrow at top right where you can select 'log out'] to write under your business name on other Facebook business page walls.
If you are friends with…

Added by AutoSTARR on December 23, 2011 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year: A Message You Must Read



I did not want to spam anyone and sending out messages to each and every one of you would take years because I just have something special to say to each…


Added by Stan Sher on December 23, 2011 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

Direct Response Marketing in My Business?

Direct Response Marketing

First of all lets go over the definition of “Direct Response”:

Definition – What does Direct Response Marketing mean?

Direct-response marketing is a type of marketing that elicits a…


Added by Dan Murray on December 23, 2011 at 11:08am — No Comments

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