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Our freedom

We really do live in the greatest country in the whole world .  Thanks to the people in our armed forces we have real freedom here in the USA. Sound off to thank them and if you agree with me. Happy Holidays my friends.

Added by Fran Taylor on September 4, 2011 at 3:12pm — 1 Comment

F and Idol Voting! Vote for me!

Last month I entered a national competition for F&I managers from across the country. The competition was sponsored by “I.A.S.” and “F&I and Showroom Magazine”. The idea was to put F&I managers head-to-head to see who had the best presentation in 5 different categories: Service Contract, GAP, Tire and Wheel, Key Replacement, and Theft Deterrent. One winner was selected for each…

Added by Chris Bonilla on September 3, 2011 at 10:09pm — 1 Comment

How do you define or describe a positive work ethic?

Today I was asked to answer this question, and it got me thinking... maybe you guys would like to give your input as well..

If someone is described as having a great "work ethic", what qualities, characteristics, or specific actions do you expect that person to exhibit?

Added by Brittany Walker-Cooper on September 3, 2011 at 9:46am — No Comments

Is Your Inner Voice Mouthing Off?


Is Your Inner Voice Mouthing Off?


How to quiet your negativity script.


Core negative beliefs keep us stuck, frustrated—and often fat.…


Added by Jack Higginbotham on September 2, 2011 at 10:26pm — No Comments

Sharpen Your Sales Skills On The Phone



The phone is still the strongest weapon for a sales person in their arsenal, and sales people need to use their sales skills to make the most of every phone call with a customer.


Answering a Phone Up/Lead

When you have an incoming call coming in, or also known in the car business as a phone up, you need to know how to capitalize on them.  When the customer is calling you on a specific product you have or offer they can be…


Added by Noel Walsh on September 2, 2011 at 9:19pm — 1 Comment

Do you have intentions or a plan?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but the road to success is paved with a good plan. Many people wrongly confuse intentions with a plan. Both are needed for success, but on different planes. It takes intentions to form the mental attitude, but it takes a plan to bring your intentions to reality. An intention without a plan is like having a Lamborghini…


Added by Marsh Buice on September 2, 2011 at 5:10pm — 13 Comments

Podcast: AutoSuccess Magazine - The Balance Between Managers and Sales Staff

You can listen to (or download) the podcast here: AutoSuccess: The Podcast

Hope you enjoy it.

Have a great weekend!!!

Added by Tony Provost on September 2, 2011 at 3:07pm — 7 Comments

TrainingCamp- Get ready to "Succeed"

For me, training camp is everday 365 days a year, always was, always will be. You cannot  afford to miss the oppurtunity for self development. In Life it means getting yourself ready for what you want to do to find the success you're looking for Find and Focus, Identify your goals and then create the plan.When my day ends the first thing I do is review and then make a plan for the next day . Everyday I train I tell my class , that having the ability to precisely defone the goals  and create…


Added by aaron kominsky on September 2, 2011 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Are You Training Your Replacement?

In 1982 I had the biggest blessing ever in the car business.  "Bruce" hired me as a sales person.  Bruce was the GM of a small Ford store in NJ and I was still finding my way around the business.  All I knew for sure was that I wanted to be a sales manager.  At that time, I couldn't tell a good one from a bad one but I still wanted to be one. …


Added by John Fuhrman on September 2, 2011 at 9:49am — 3 Comments

End of Month numbers

Office Management is compiling all of the numbers to generate Service Management commissions over the next couple of days.  There are factors that you control as an ongoing basis...there are others that you do not address until after the fact.  Did your Warranty Administrator submit for the maximum allowable dollars (100%) vs. their peer indexes this month?  How much is being applied to your policy adjustment account because of claim non-payment or claim debit? 

In Fixed Operations,…


Added by Christopher Akin on September 2, 2011 at 7:29am — No Comments

Why are you “Laboring”?

First of all, Happy Labor Day weekend to everyone!


Now…..why are so many of you “laboring” so hard out there?


Why is it that so many managers today have to do more with less, and get better results from limited resources, more than ever…


Added by Jim Kristoff on September 2, 2011 at 7:14am — 4 Comments

How Prepared is Your Dealership for a Natural Disaster?

Within the past year, Maryland has been hit by an earthquake and a hurricane (in the same week!), as well as a huge snowstorm, all fairly uncommon occurrences in our state.  While DealerOn, both the office and our employees, were lucky enough to dodge any real damage, it definitely made us all think about how prepared we are for these kinds of emergencies.


DealerOn had enough warning before Hurricane Irene (and dodged…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on September 1, 2011 at 4:04pm — No Comments

Which Event Should I Attend This Fall?

I've been seeing a lot of posts lately about upcoming fall conferences and events. These posts are typically not altruistic. They're written by people with vested interests in specific events, whether that's because they're a speaker or they're the host. Now it's our turn.

For people interested in learning and are considering attending one of these events and aren't sure which to attend, I've created a graphic comparison of the three events specifically being held in October 2011 that…


Added by Arnold Tijerina on September 1, 2011 at 10:00am — 5 Comments

Knock yourself Unconscious!!

When we all first started our careers in the automotive business, we began to learn the basics of our jobs.


We all learned different skills such as, greetings, fact finding, product knowledge, the steps to a sale, word tracks, phone skills, prospecting and networking skills, closing skills, follow up skills and so on.


We all got better…


Added by Jim Kristoff on September 1, 2011 at 9:47am — 19 Comments

One on One With A Car Dealer, American Style...


By Todd Vowell, CEO, Buy Mail Direct Inc

Every now and then, you have one of those conversations that just "effects" you in ways you can't explain.  In the past 30 years, I have talked with at least 10,000 Car Dealers, GM's, and GSM's. But for some reason, some conversations just grab you in ways it…


Added by Todd Vowell on September 1, 2011 at 9:33am — No Comments

Warranty Administrator productivity...

Here is a question for Service Managers and/or Fixed Operations Directors:  How much time do you spend reviewing your warranty department on a daily basis?  If you are performing the tasks and duties that are the responsibility of your warranty administrator, then you need to re-evaluate who you have in that position.  Are you simply assisting with those duties?  Have you placed too many other tasks upon your warranty administrator?  (i.e. cashiering, phone operator, service drive assistant,…


Added by Christopher Akin on September 1, 2011 at 7:50am — No Comments

A Check-Up from the Neck-Up

The essence of escapism, True entertainment movie of the 70’s, Jaws, of the 80’s Top Gun. Rock groups like Aerosmith, AC/DC, Rush, U2. They have the ability to appeal to people decade in and decade out.

People can watch these movies and listen to these bands with passion, like time has the ability to stand…


Added by Tony Provost on August 31, 2011 at 5:35pm — 23 Comments

Transaction Data

I believe dealers need to look very hard at who is extracting data from their DMS systems. There are a lot of vendors out there today that will visit a dealer with the idea of sending zip code driven leads to the dealer and the payment for the lead is made after the vehicle sells. In theory, this makes perfect sense, except for one little hiccup. In order to match the lead and the vehicle sold the vendor requests access to the dealership's sales data in the…


Added by Stu Zalud on August 31, 2011 at 2:45pm — No Comments

Knowledge to Wisdom

Use a  "Vision Mapping Process" to establish a roadmap to achieve your dreams .The vision mapping process is a goal achieving process that will radically  increase your productivity and raise the level of your achievement in any endavor or area of life to which it is applied.Ther are five steps in a Vision Mapping Process. The first step is using an entryl journal, writing down a list of areas in your… Continue

Added by aaron kominsky on August 31, 2011 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

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