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Off to See the Wizard Pt 2

In the Wizard of OZ, when Dorothy and the gang get to the gates of the Emerald City, they don’t have an easy time of getting down to business – the gatekeeper saw his job as keeping people out – not welcoming them in.  Personally, when I take my vehicles in for service, I appreciate being greeted right away, in the parking lot, at…


Added by Lance Boldt on August 31, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Tall Tales in the Retail World: Sales and Management Training

I am a vertically enhanced female which I normally see as a benefit, except when I am trying to buy clothing.  Most of the clothing options for women do not come with a choice for inseam or length.  This often leaves me in the dressing room wondering if I can pull of this dress being too short or do these jeans look like capris or a fashion faux pas.  I am stuck in a world in which one-height-fits-all…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 31, 2011 at 10:00am — 25 Comments

A gift wrapped box of Personal Development!!

For most organizations…the process of interviewing…hiring…and training a new employee…doesn’t last long…


Most organizations feel that they have hired a competent individual…and the individual will inspire themselves to learn and grow…


The sad part is…organizations expect ALL employees to come out of a pretty little gift-wrapped…


Added by Jim Kristoff on August 31, 2011 at 9:07am — 16 Comments

Technician Efficiency...too much can be a bad thing!

Manufacturers can debit a warranty claim if it is determined that the technician recorded excessive efficiency during the repair (typically +125%) - excessive efficiency is an indicator of cutting corners or fraudulent repair practices.  When a manufacturer reviews/audits repair orders, one of the things that they look for on the accounting copy of the invoice is the actual time worked vs the time flagged/submitted for payment.  When they see a repair order with…


Added by Christopher Akin on August 31, 2011 at 7:26am — No Comments

Winning Business is All About Being Belly to Belly

According to the Guinness World Book of Records, the Greatest Salesperson of all time is Joe Girard.

During his fifteen year selling career, Joe sold 13,001 cars full retail, belly-to-belly, one car at a time.



With technology making further inroads into American business and…


Added by MANNY LUNA on August 31, 2011 at 2:08am — No Comments

Making It Over The Wall

When I was a teenager, I had to have some extensive surgery that landed me in a wheel chair for a few months.  Recently, one of my physical therapist from that adventure found me on Facebook and was compelled to share his story of that short part of my life.  He was a new therapist when he took on my case and had heard how hard teenagers can be in cases like mine.  He braced himself for a healthy dose…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 30, 2011 at 1:00pm — 11 Comments

Belly-to-Belly Sales Works

Belly-to-Belly Sales Works

No sales techniques is as effective as sitting belly-to-belly, chatting, and liking who you are hanging out with. Think for a second… Have you ever created a long-term, highly profitable client via email? No. And, you never will.

The Internet is a great marketplace, a fabulous marketplace for connecting intent and offers.…


Added by MANNY LUNA on August 30, 2011 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Preparing for Labor Day Car Sales

Once again we approach a milestone in the year that many consider one of the best times to buy a car. Huffington Post and The New York Times called Labor Day the best time to…


Added by Amanda Meuwissen on August 30, 2011 at 10:45am — No Comments

Your Digital Lot Sucks

So, you market well to your website:  Use it across your advertising, put the URL on t-shirts, do fantastic SEO, and run PPC campaigns that would make Best Buy weep with joy.  Got your Social Media sending people there, too.  After all, we know that everybody (90%+) shops online now!  Success for your dealership is just a click away..

And then your online inventory…


Added by Keith Shetterly on August 30, 2011 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

Multitasking is a Myth

I've gone through tons of resumes for different positions that I've had.


At one point I was hiring someone to replace me. Others, I was looking for quality candidates to work in our BizDev Department. I'd have to say that about 90% of the applications/resumes had "Multitasking" under skills. 


While some hiring managers look at this as a real…


Added by Katie Colihan on August 30, 2011 at 9:47am — 3 Comments

Are you SERIOUSLY kidding me??????

One of my mentors and fellow member, Mr. Dave Anderson, started one of my favorite articles with this paragraph;


“This article will offend far more than it inspires and quite frankly, I could care less. Political Correctness has gone too far. It's run amok. It's draining our country's soul and debilitating corporate cultures.…


Added by Jim Kristoff on August 30, 2011 at 8:05am — 13 Comments

To Be



To Be


Focus less on what you need to do and more on what you need to be.

How many times have we talked about all the things we believe or want,

but deep down we were unwilling to integrate the…


Added by Jack Higginbotham on August 29, 2011 at 11:19pm — 2 Comments

Lazy is a Disease

Lazy is not a normal state of a person but one that is educated, encouraged and allowed.   Walk into any company with lazy staff and I assure you someone in the organization has educated, encouraged or allowed the behavior.  


I just wrote an article on this topic at Huffington Post- Lazy is the New Entitlement.  You can''t find a 2 year old on this planet that is…


Added by Grant Cardone on August 29, 2011 at 9:27pm — 16 Comments

Be Careful When Using Social Media in Hiring Decisions

It’s no secret that auto dealerships have frequently been forced to defend themselves against discrimination claims by employees and agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. As a result, many dealers have instituted comprehensive human resources programs to avoid potential problems. However, new technology brings new challenges.


As the use of social media grows, more and more dealerships are using the internet to screen potential employees. Many managers…


Added by Jim Radogna on August 29, 2011 at 8:06pm — 2 Comments

Things They Have No Right To Tell You

Sadly, I didn't write this, but it's incredible, so I had to share it:


The Things They Have No Right To Tell You:  --Chris Guillebeau - The Art of Non-Conformity


All of my relationships have failed, but here’s what you should do about yours.


I’ve never written a book, but here’s a list of everything that’s wrong with…


Added by Katie Colihan on August 29, 2011 at 7:30pm — No Comments

How to Create a Trackable QR Code

After writing my post on QR Codes Best Practices, I wanted to make sure those dealerships interested in starting a QR code marketing campaign knew to create QR codes in a way that will allow your dealership to track them through the Google Analytics on your car dealership website.


Here's how to create a QR code that is trackable by Google Analytics:


First, make sure you are signed into Google (in the account that houses…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on August 29, 2011 at 3:51pm — No Comments

Can't keep good sales people without paying them. Factory people don't get it.

It is difficult to keep sales reps fired up when the factory mark up is only a $400 dollars or less on a new car. There are a lot of new cars with  little mark up. I have had sales reps tell me they walk around this kind of car or try to switch customers to other cars because of no money in it for them . Yet the factory people brag about the billions they                  The dealers usually have a minimum pay or a volume bonus to make up for this.  I think someone has to get to the big boys… Continue

Added by Fran Taylor on August 29, 2011 at 2:02pm — 6 Comments

Every Challenge Has Three Choices

Isn't life funny?  Things happen all around us.  Sometimes you pay attention and somethings should be ignored.  But, as the old saying goes, life isn't about what happens to us, it's about what we do when something happens.  As a member of this planet for over 55 years, I've come to the conclusion that there are just 3 choices to everything in life.  While some of you may think I'm over simplifying, take a few minutes to finish this article and see what I mean.


To keep things…


Added by John Fuhrman on August 29, 2011 at 9:42am — 2 Comments

Hiring Mistakes Dealers Make When Looking For Sales People

Let's be honest, placing ads for hiring sales people is the least fun thing to do in the business.  You have to design it, place it and then wait.  And, since your primary role is to sell, service, and deliver vehicles, your creativity just isn't into this.  You never know when an interview will show up, how to determine if they're qualified, or when to decide if they…

Added by John Fuhrman on August 29, 2011 at 8:00am — 8 Comments

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