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Can you balance Work and Life???

Balancing work and life…..


This is a hard equation for some people to handle…


There are some that believe… you need to work 80 hours a week to advance your career…


And while working hard… is a trait that we all want to be associated with…you have to maintain a work - life balance…


Here are some startling…


Added by Jim Kristoff on August 29, 2011 at 7:33am — 5 Comments

& Then there were 3…

Why are there 26 selling days in a month? In sales, it seems we only need 3; the month’s success always seems to boil down to the final [3] days. Last night, as you locked up the dealership, tie at half-mast, sleeves cuffed, top button undone, you sullenly walk to your car wondering what you could’ve done different. Just because you have the title Manager…


Added by Marsh Buice on August 28, 2011 at 6:30pm — 16 Comments

Death of a (Car) Salesman?

Recently, Larry Bruce provided us with a wonderful article called "The American Car Salesman". In it he talked about the characteristics of those who make their living by proving themselves every single day. And for us in the business for some time, it touched us and gave us pride for the independent spirit of those of us who have never drawn a paycheck just for showing up. But no wistfulness here; I think this spirit still lives today.

The Internet revolution, being followed by…


Added by Tom Gorham on August 28, 2011 at 2:16pm — 2 Comments

Winning Attitudes!!



"The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, learn about them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable.…


Added by Jim Kristoff on August 28, 2011 at 1:00pm — 7 Comments

Becoming a Salesperson - Part Four

I am posting some parts of a course I teach to beginning salespeople in the hopes some members will find it useful. I meant to put up this post last week, but the launch of my novel, Old Scores distracted me. For any of you who might wish to read my novel, you can find it on Amazon as an eBook here or through my blog here.


The Steps…


Added by Pete Grimm on August 27, 2011 at 4:45pm — 2 Comments

When's the last time You saw an Evidence Manual?

First, I must thank you for reading. I must admit I haven't written anything since school but when I recently wrote a piece for my company's newsletter, now I feel inspired so here it goes.

I have visited many many dealerships in the past year and have noticed the lack of something: The Evidence Manual (EM). We all know what that is / was. So I started to ask the consultants on the floor of these dealers and asked the question. Do you have an EM? Some of the "veterans" said yes.… Continue

Added by Jae Chang on August 27, 2011 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Who Is Your Competition?

Things are moving fast these days.  Business is conducted at the speed of a mouse click.  To gain a competitive advantage and have any chance at success, you not only have to know who your competition is, but you need to understand them as well.  Too many managers, owners, and top executives have lost sight of the real competition out there.  So, just who is the real…


Added by John Fuhrman on August 27, 2011 at 7:33am — 1 Comment

How much time should you take to sell a car?

From the meet and greet I think it should take at least an hour selling a car before you even think of working a deal.            How long does it take to do a meet and greet?                                                                                                              How long does it take to do a proper walk around?                                                                                                        How long does it take to qualify a customer?                … Continue

Added by Fran Taylor on August 26, 2011 at 3:18pm — No Comments

Tips for a Successful QR Code Marketing Campaign

Some of DealerOn's car dealer website customers are incorporating QR codes on their sites, though it remains a technology that’s still maturing.  While others in the industry have debated the benefits of using QR codes as a part of your dealership’s marketing strategy, I wanted to share some tips for running a QR Code campaign if your dealership is going to test this technology.


Before you start any marketing…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on August 26, 2011 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Congratulations Mark Nix- 1st week Be One with Vin Winner!

Our first week winner of the "Be One with Vin at Digital Dealer 11" promotion is Mark Nix!


If that's not your name, no worries. We're giving away prizes every week, all the way to DD11 in Vegas, so enter again every…


Added by Joseph Little on August 26, 2011 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Change the World.......

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.



Added by Jim Kristoff on August 26, 2011 at 12:08pm — 5 Comments

The Game Face

August has been probably the slowest month I have seen so far.  Although i have only been in Sales for about six months, I can tell when things are bad.  And this month is just bad. Our building is undergoing a facelift, and this week they finally put the front face of the building on, and I must say it looks awesome.  I am convinced that the contruction played a big role in this month's inactivity. Now that we actually look like a dealership again, I have high hopes for September.  I did a…


Added by David Bucey on August 26, 2011 at 11:51am — No Comments

Exceeding the Expectation

What would a Service Professional do?

A Professional understands their Customers Expectations.

Now this has got to be the easiest “no brainer” post you

have read in years! You would think that every person who works in the Dealership has heard of Customer Service (here’s a little hint: WE ALL DO) and would take the time to understand their Customer expectations. And then try to EXCEED them!

You would think.

And every day in the field at a Dealership there… Continue

Added by Leonard Buchholz on August 26, 2011 at 8:24am — 7 Comments

Top 10 Problems With Social Media

From the home office in Barrow, Alaska... Top 10 Problems with Social Media:

 10)  My last “social media experiment” ended up in “stalking” charges and restraining orders

  9)  People can’t get the real essence of me through a computer

  8)  What happens when this whole internet fad dies off?

  7)  People never believe what they see on the internet 

  6)  Well, wun pozitiv is nobuddy cairs to much abowt speling things rite



Added by Brad Alexander on August 25, 2011 at 10:27pm — 1 Comment

They said what?!

Read actual comments from delegates to this year's AADA National Dealer Convention held Down Under at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, 18 - 21 August at:…


Added by charles bayer on August 25, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Grow Your Faith

One of the greatest stories of faith in the Book of Luke and when the centurion's son is sick and looks to Jesus to heal him. Jesus states he will go to the centurion's home and see his son, but the centurion states "You just need to say he's healed, and it will be done." 


The Roman tells of how he commands hundreds of men and for something to be done, he only needs to say the word and it will be done. He's confident that his men will accomplish the goal regardless of what it…


Added by Rex Weaver on August 25, 2011 at 8:44pm — 2 Comments

9/11 Heroes Run


Lone Star Chevrolet has teamed up with Ron Craft Chevrolet to honor one of the nations greatest fallen heroes. The 9/11 heroes run no only symbolizes our countries resiliency, but also recognizes Travis Manion. Travis Manion was a man who gave everything for his country. The race will be   The race will be Sunday September 11th at…


Added by MANNY LUNA on August 25, 2011 at 6:59pm — No Comments

It’s the People Business – Get Involved!!!

Sales Process

Meet & Greet:

  • Do this with great excitement.
  • Make people feel really good about being here.

Service Walk:

  • Introduce the customer to the cashier and the writers.
  • Walk with them back to detail.
  • Ask them how their past experiences have been.
  • Ask how they feel about being here.
  • Ask how they…

Added by Tony Provost on August 25, 2011 at 6:45pm — 23 Comments

Who is Erik Qualman? Keynote Speaker at the 11th Digital Dealer Conference

If you've never heard of Erik Qualman, Keynote speaker for the 11th Digital Dealer Conference & Exposition, check out this video. 



Erik Qualman has recently advised/given keynotes with the following: Coach, Facebook, UGG Australia, Starbucks,…


Added by Arnold Tijerina on August 25, 2011 at 12:23pm — No Comments

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