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I'm very optimistic about Google+. If you have not received an invite, send me an email to and I'll send you an invite so you can get started.




Added by Brian Pasch on July 11, 2011 at 7:47am — 2 Comments


Our team’s official Ford Motor Company job title is Digital Marketing Consultant. Sounds cool. I like it.

But it’s actually a misnomer as it suggests that we want to sell you SEO/SAO, website development, lead generation and other services. And we don’t.

For some time now I’ve been telling people that our real title should be Best Practices Consultant: Internet-based Retail New Car Sales. But besides being too long, it’s also inadequate because it suggests (to me, anyway)… Continue

Added by Trace Ordiway on July 10, 2011 at 8:58pm — No Comments

You can't avoid Change!

Why are dealerships and dealer management so afraid of change? Naturally all human beings are afraid of change and reluctant since this requires breaking habits and stepping into the unknown. Successful businesses all require change, it is necessary in order to excel and be more productive. We need change to impact the way our employees and staff operate and function daily so that business can be more productive and be more affective. Quality Control! You…


Added by Lizelle Landino on July 10, 2011 at 4:46pm — No Comments

How safe is your vehicle?

June was a good month for the automotive industry. June is National Safety Month. Plus some fun trivia did you know on June 15, 1844 Charles Goodyear was granted a patent for rubber vulcanization? Then on June 16, 1903 Ford Motor Company was founded.  Imagine what would our cars look like with out today’s tires and the first Model-T.

Have you spoken to your automotive marketing agency about ways you can highlight how safe your vehicles are? Does your dealership offer safety awareness:… Continue

Added by Paul Potratz on July 10, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

Paglia Kruse Rucker Pasch To Speak At California Automotive Conference

PCG Digital Marketing is pleased to recognize automotive industry leaders who will be educating dealers at the upcoming PCG Pit Stop Conference on July 16 and 17 at Hyatt Regency in Huntington Beach.

Industry thought leaders Ralph Paglia, Kathi Kruse, JD Rucker, Brian Pasch, and Paul Potratz are just some of the personalities that will share their insights into the latest…


Added by Brian Pasch on July 9, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments

What can video do for your dealership

Videos are a very important part of any automotive marketing strategy. Think back to the lyrics of “Video Killed the Radio Star”. You don’t want to be left behind and forgotten. There is no going back, consumers aren’t just buying a product they are buying into the presentation.

Imagine the possibilities video can provide to the dealership. Customer testimonials or reviews are great. Ask a customer if they are willing to be quickly filmed and ask them about their experience and the… Continue

Added by Paul Potratz on July 9, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

The Future of Google Places?

Have you seen the new offering from Google for local search?  Unless you live in Austin, Portland, Madison or San Diego, chances are that you haven't.  Google's new “Beta” Local Directory Portals are a bit of a mix between their place pages and Yelp.  They let users look at all of the businesses in a city in one place (similar to Yelp’s model).


Here is a screenshot of Google Portland:



Added by Ali Amirrezvani on July 8, 2011 at 2:42pm — No Comments

How To: List Inventory On Your Facebook Wall & Succeed

Facebook is designed and centered on engagement. Social media professionals all have various ideas on how you should do it and what works. My quick take on this is: whatever works for you – do that.

What do I mean by that? Facebook provides analytics on a per post basis. Use those to determine what types of content are causing your fans to interact with you. If people like jokes, post jokes. If people like to answer fun questions, ask fun questions. It’s that simple. I think…


Added by Arnold Tijerina on July 8, 2011 at 2:13pm — 1 Comment

You CAN'T Lead others.....TILL you Lead YOURSELF!!

What have you done to lead yourself these days???


Have you read any books??


Gone to any seminars??


Listened to an audio presentation??


Too many times we take what we have learned years ago and continue to apply it to today’s world.


That philosophy…… is simply not going to work.


Take a look around. We are living in an age where change happens so fast that we sometimes don’t even notice it. The age…


Added by Jim Kristoff on July 8, 2011 at 8:20am — 5 Comments

One Step At A Time


One Step At A Time



Learn to love yourself enough so that when someone enters your life that treats you negatively,

you can stand up for yourself and have the strength to let them go.…


Added by Jack Higginbotham on July 8, 2011 at 12:15am — No Comments

The Biggest Mistakes you can make on Social Media?

Businesses, public figures, and even every day people have made some of these classic blunders more often than you may think. Here are a few of the classic ones to avoid.

Don’t pick fights on Social Media.

Starting a fight on any Social Media sight and not resolving that dispute, complaint or just to put it bluntly pissing people off. This is never a good idea online, and as some politicians have learned recently never a good idea at all.

Selling all the… Continue

Added by Ian nethercott on July 8, 2011 at 12:06am — 1 Comment

How 3 simple tips in your eCommerce Department can make you the shining star

I can stand up now but only with a helping hand from my team - Chapter II "Diaries of an eCommerce Director"


So I got that squared away right from the get-go…my website looks good; First to Second grade content (I will explain it further down what means) is in place, but what do I do with all the leads generated via my website, website forms, 3rd party leads and so on.

What is here the status quo on response, follow up and long-term usage of…


Added by V.J. on July 7, 2011 at 4:59pm — 1 Comment

Digital Dealer Webinar: Revving Up Fixed Operations with Digital Marketing

Join Ray Fenster for an encore presentation from the 10th Digital Dealer conference: Revving Up Fixed Operations to 100% Absorption Using Digital Process and Marketing…


Added by Arnold Tijerina on July 7, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

Transitioning the Social Networking Relationship into Making the Sale

The first step to Social Networking suicide is to use this media as a place to make the sale.  Social Networking is a relationship building network and not the shopping network.  A network when used as a verb is defined as: to cultivate people who can be helpful to one professionally, especially in finding employment or moving to a higher position.  With this in mind, a Social Network is a place for…


Added by Stephanie Young on July 7, 2011 at 9:30am — 14 Comments

Go ahead....make a mistake!!

Is making a mistake…a bad thing??


Lots of people think… that mistakes are bad…but in reality…making mistakes…is a good thing…


Making mistakes are a good thing…because it shows you are willing to go forward…and take a chance…with a task or problem….


Remember…to get… what you have never gotten…you have to do…what you have never done…


In an effort to solve any task or problem…you have to be willing to take some risks on making…


Added by Jim Kristoff on July 7, 2011 at 7:35am — 3 Comments

Stay Gold!

My experiences over the last few years has taught me that Success is not just by chance, but how well you manage your emotions, inner passions that fuels your drive and the quality of integrity with relationships you attain.

Relationships are the most important factor in life. The quality and reflection of your attitude is what people are either drawn to or pulling away from. 

Selling a car,…


Added by Lizelle Landino on July 7, 2011 at 3:09am — 5 Comments

Success, Failure, Drive… One in the Same!!!

How can this be? How can success and failure be one in the same? That doesn’t make sense. Does it?

Professional Baseball Player- Gets up 5 times in a game and strikes out, all 5 times. One would agree his performance was a failure. He is a professional, which makes him successful. Right?

Professional Golfer- Has a round of 80. Eight shots over par. A very bad day, for professional golf…


Added by Tony Provost on July 6, 2011 at 4:55pm — 21 Comments

Why is the Grass Greener Down the Road?

The Grass is Greener Down the Road

 Turnover is an epidemic in the auto industry. Now I do realize that there are times where turnover is a symptom of other

 internal issues. I concede that point. However, when virtually every dealership in America suffers from the problem, there

 must be something more. Salespeople, by nature, want to be in the action. If traffic has been slow at their current place of

employment, they check around town and find out which…


Added by Brad Alexander on July 6, 2011 at 3:53pm — 3 Comments

Social Networking as a Business Development Tool

Marketers are experimenting with using the Social Networking sites for proactive marketing through building targeted niche networks and business development communities.  As a result, Social Networking has become as much a part of your corporate brand as your website.  Not sure Social Networking is right for your organization? …


Added by Stephanie Young on July 6, 2011 at 12:00pm — 13 Comments

Confidence equals knowledge

Have you ever experienced a presentation of a product or service…that was absolutely the best you have ever seen??

What made that presentation so good??

Think about it…

What was the one thing that made you say to yourself…WOW…I am absolutely going to make this purchase…?

What sold you??

It was the confidence and conviction…of that salesperson…that sold you the product or service…

And confidence ONLY comes from one… Continue

Added by Jim Kristoff on July 6, 2011 at 9:36am — 3 Comments

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