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The most important area to address in a failing dealership is...

Our fellow dE member, colleague, and friend, Grant Cardone will be "Turning Around" dealerships in his new TV series. If you were to go into a failing dealership for the first time, NOT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT THEM, where would you look to first and what would be the most important area to help turn them around...?

Added by DealerELITE on June 15, 2011 at 7:01pm — 10 Comments

It is a bad economy out it really? How bad is it?

Don Graff Automotive


Don Graff Auto Facebook


Stan Sher LinkedIn Page


I have to get something off my chest.  I am really tired of hearing people tell me how bad the…


Added by Stan Sher on June 15, 2011 at 4:57pm — 4 Comments

Meat & Greed

Meat and Greed is good….at Outback and when playing a game of Monopoly,but has no place in a dealership. Are we doing a Meet and Greet or Meat and Greed when working with customers?  Ask yourself, how do you service your customer; based on commission or profession. Why are we patient and understanding with the customers who “paid…


Added by Marsh Buice on June 15, 2011 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

The Seven Horsemen of the Recovery

Hold your horses!  We might just be in jeopardy of a recovery breaking out!!! 


After two years of struggling and scratching, there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel for the automotive industry as the Seven Horsemen of the Recovery have been spotted in cities and towns across the United States.  Below is a brief description of each of the Seven Horsemen of the Recovery.  Be…


Added by Stephanie Young on June 15, 2011 at 11:00am — 8 Comments

When advertising promote your people and your company will make more money .

 People like to be noticed for a job well done. When you advertise promote your people by putting there picture on the net or in the news paper along with there accomplishments. Congratulations to Mr Smith for new car salesman of the month. used car salesmen of the month leasing , truck sales,  top producer and any technician that won a award , most improved and so on.                                                                                                                             …


Added by Fran Taylor on June 15, 2011 at 10:54am — 2 Comments


       Teach it, feel it, do it. If you are willing to talk the talk, then walk the walk. If your process is very easy for your staff, and seemless for your customers, then life in the auto industry is fantastic. The desk system, should be pumping out, 6 or 7 payments, on every deal. Sales staff, should be running back to their customers, with HUGE smiles on their…


Added by Tony Provost on June 14, 2011 at 8:00pm — 15 Comments

Two Industry Firsts from izmocars: Unprecedented Trim-Level Vehicle Image Accuracy plus Vehicle Animation Support for iPhone and iPad

izmostudio’s color-correct, trim-level interior and exterior vehicle photography and Apple iPad and iPhone compatibility provides powerful advantages for dealers/auto marketers


San Francisco, CA -- June 14, 2011 -- izmocars (, the leading business solutions provider for the automotive industry today announced that its vehicle photography division, izmostudio (…


Added by Crystal Hartwell on June 14, 2011 at 5:48pm — No Comments

Coverage of the Thought Leadership Summits on DealerElite starts TOMORROW!



Coverage on DealerElite from two events starts tomorrow, June 14, 2011. As an official media sponsor, DealerElite will be bringing you coverage of:


Added by Arnold Tijerina on June 14, 2011 at 1:07pm — No Comments

Making a Difference: Sales Performance Training Lesson

If the world was devoid of you, what would it be like and contrast that with if you were the whole world?  Which do you think would be the better place?

The above question was something that passed through my busy brain one night as I prepared for duty the next day at the office.  It seemed like an interesting way to…


Added by Stephanie Young on June 14, 2011 at 11:00am — 11 Comments

Good Salespeople Are Stupid

The best salespeople are the stupid ones. When I say stupid, I don’t mean to imply that they should be mentally dull, foolish, or senseless; stupid salespeople lack keenness. When you are keen to judgment, you form an opinion based on your perception. You decide if you have a deal very quickly and market yourself that way. Using…


Added by Marsh Buice on June 14, 2011 at 10:00am — 21 Comments

Choosing Persistence (5th In the Choosing Series)

"I will persist until I succeed."


That was the first line in the Scroll Marked lll in Og Mandino's classic, "The Greatest Salesman In The World."  Having had the privilege of being able to spend time in his NH home, I can honestly say, I have witnessed persistence like no other.  Og Mandino spent his writing life with one goal - change lives!  Simply stated but difficult to accomplish.  is writing and speeches are a large part of what inspired me to write adn travel the world…


Added by John Fuhrman on June 14, 2011 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Sub-prime Finance Department

If your an automotive dealership that needs your sub-prime department tuned up or looking into starting a sub-prime department contact me. I can help by showing you how to maximize all your call backs, what inventory to have on hand for the most profit and more. If you are interested contact me here or at I look forward in hearing from you.

Added by Dale Livingston on June 14, 2011 at 1:18am — No Comments

Fixed Operations, Who GETS IT?!!!

Fixed operations, has been the great denominator, in our mathematical equation. It is an absolute must to grow this department, in double digit increases, year over year. The service drive, must be that, a driving force behind our businesses. Our total service team, must have incredible selling skills, be great multi-taskers, love to work with people. The technicians, must be great closers. That's RIGHT, closers. Our writers, explain work orders, to our customers. If needed, we walk…


Added by Tony Provost on June 13, 2011 at 4:35pm — 16 Comments

Some Thing’s Change, Some Thing’s Stay The Same

Wow how things have changed in the twenty years I have been in the car business. When I got started, there wasn’t any internet department or internet leads, you made your living on the floor or by old school methods like “brown bag networking”.

One thing I learned during the 30 minutes of training that I received before hitting the floor, that still holds true today is repeat and referral customers are golden, they sell easier and you usually make a higher…


Added by Rob Hagen on June 13, 2011 at 10:59am — 5 Comments

Who is keeping SCORE?

If someone takes five customers in a day and doesn't close a deal, what happens?

When a salesperson, makes 15 calls in a day and doesn't make an appointment, what happens?

When a salesperson, is putting in extra effort, working his day off, and has an 8 car month, what happens?

Remember, enthusiasm comes from within someone’s true feelings for life. Effort, and…


Added by Tony Provost on June 13, 2011 at 10:57am — 7 Comments

The Impotency of Un’s


If your career has been thwarted quicker than Paris Hilton’s acting ambitions, consider the words that you are speaking. We’ve allowed the un’s to stunt our growth; we’ve mistakenly allowed words such as until, unbelievable, unfair, unfit, and unable to become barriers to reaching our potential. When the prefix un is attached to the proceeding word, it negates…


Added by Marsh Buice on June 13, 2011 at 10:00am — 6 Comments

The Four Hottest Brands

Here's a question: Which four U.S. market brands are tied for the longest consecutive streak of monthly year-over-year sales increases? The streak now stands at 20 months.

 It's a great question and the answer is probably not the brands you think. I wish I was clever enough to have asked the question, but I'm not. Eric Mayne, senior news operations editor at posed the question today in his blog,…


Added by Cliff Banks on June 13, 2011 at 10:00am — 3 Comments


It’s odd how, in the fortnight that passes between these lite essays, the theme for the next one always appears out of recent dealer visits.  For example, if I write about lead response times it’s because, unexplainably, LRT became an issue multiple times in my visits during the two weeks prior. 

The issue that revealed itself this time is Over-Thinking The Lead.  I had some poor mystery shops, and from stores that should know better and do better.  When we looked for a…


Added by Trace Ordiway on June 12, 2011 at 3:26pm — No Comments

No, Your Sales Technique Does Not Always Work

No, No it doesn't.


I was going to start a poll and say "Does your sales technique need some work?" just to see where everyone thought their skills were. But, I wanted to hop right into the part where I do a lot of typing. Predictable, right?


Anyway, my post title may be a bit of a stretch. But, if you use one sales technique over and over again, it's not going to work every single time. No matter what your individual approach is, "Relating to the customer",…


Added by Katie Colihan on June 12, 2011 at 12:03pm — 1 Comment


18+ is an attitude

18+ is a result of choices you make

18+ you are making great choices

18+ you are making great decisions

18+ breaking barriers, not being afraid

18+ is a result of strong time, effort, and hard work

18+ consistently will change your financial future

18+ will give you financial freedom

18+ is a way of life, worth living

18+ having a game plan everyday

18+ is very helpful to my teammates

18+ is…


Added by Tony Provost on June 11, 2011 at 9:09am — 1 Comment

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