Featured Blog Posts – April 2013 Archive (32)

Internet Auto Sales…What are we truly trying to accomplish? Part I

I ask myself this often: What are we really trying to do on the internet?  Let’s start by looking at an extreme. Say a Dealership like that one in Northern, Idaho.  Here’s a dealership that is in a mountain town (2400 pop.) they advertise in those magazines you find in the pouch behind the seat in front of you on the airplane when you fly anywhere. They hardly have…


Added by Mr. Natural on April 30, 2013 at 5:00pm — 14 Comments

What Have You Done For Me Lately

We live in a society where we always hear sayings like: “black and white”, “cut and dry” and my personal favorite, “either you’re in or you’re out”.

Another popular one is “what have you done for me lately?”. Whether it is at work, school, home or whatever you are in to, you are usually judged or managed based on the most recent action or development. At work, you get a pay check based on your sales for that week. At school, you get a report card for that last semester. At home, you…


Added by Mark Peterson on April 29, 2013 at 10:13am — 1 Comment

Automotive Sales Training - Negotiate Like a Professional

Negotiating can be done in a professional manner that can increase customer satisfaction while helping to protect both parties’ interests.


Let’s first look at some of the problems that give negotiating a bad name and then look at the solutions. A lack of training in negotiating in the automotive industry has put sales people at a disadvantage. Usually, a sales person is taught how to negotiate in a learn-as-you-go method. Although all learning must be accomplished by doing,…


Added by Mark Tewart on April 26, 2013 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

It Happened Long Ago...

The NFL draft just started, but for 254 young men, it happened long ago because it was what they did without, recovered from, and pushed through that got them to the position of where they are today. While the masses played, a select few practiced and perfected their craft- paying today’s admission of sacrifice for a ride on tomorrow’s abundance. Some needed a ticket…


Added by Marsh Buice on April 26, 2013 at 1:02am — 3 Comments

Salesperson Tip - 5 Ways to build your referral business

Marketing to referral customers is the most sure-fire way to build your sales today. It's much cheaper than advertising to cold prospects, referral customers are generally more satisfied with your services, and the closing ratios are much higher. But most importantly, IT'S EASY TO DO!

Follow these 5 tips to increase your referral business:



Added by Scott Bergeron on April 25, 2013 at 4:58pm — 3 Comments

Dude, Where’s My Car?

Customer: “Is my car ready?”

Advisor: “Let me check…. I’m not showing that its ready yet, ma’am.”

Customer: “Do you know when it will be?”

Advisor: “I’ll have to check with the technicians. We’ll be sure to call you when it is, however. It should be done by the end of the…


Added by Richard Holland on April 25, 2013 at 10:43am — No Comments

From the NCM Institute: Better Processes Improve Technician Productivity and Gross Profits Written By: Tony Albertson

Did you ever perform this calculation for your dealership Service Department? Whenever we do this exercise, either in the field with one of the NCM Retail Operations clients or in the NCM Instituteclassroom, the result always knocks the socks off the dealership management team. Here’s how the math works:…


Added by Garry House on April 25, 2013 at 9:30am — No Comments

Is Employee Loyalty Killing You?

Can efforts to capture customer loyalty be thwarted by employee loyalty?


Evidence gathered from top retail groups, including auto dealerships, indicates that employee loyalty directly affects customer loyalty and thus business results.


Dealer operators and their managers do their business, their stakeholders and their shareholders disservice…


Added by Mike Gorun on April 23, 2013 at 10:39am — 2 Comments

Automotive Sales Training - Fake It Till You Make It

You are who you decide to be at any given moment. It does not take money, a degree, a certain age, a certain appearance, tons of experience, knowing the right people, past success or any other qualifying factor that you may be currently using as a subconscious roadblock to your desired success. Your belief system creates your results both past and present. If your current belief system is not what it should be to support your success, you must fake it, till you make it.




Added by Mark Tewart on April 22, 2013 at 12:00pm — 10 Comments

March's Fixed Performance Newsletter

                                               Taking care of our BEST customer:

                                                    The Used Car Department

What if you had a customer who brings you between 25 and 75 cars a month, not for just an oil change, but to look over each one and tell them what you find wrong with it? What if this customer generally gave you an approval within an hour to a few days on your estimates? What if they paid in full the very…


Added by Rob Gehring on April 19, 2013 at 10:01am — No Comments

Are You a Coach or a Critic?

Being in a position of leadership and authority can be like walking a tightrope.  You have to find the perfect balance of coaching, motivating, rewarding and reprimanding all while leading by example.  Yes I said it, LEADING BY…

Added by Sally Whitesell on April 18, 2013 at 11:26am — 10 Comments

How To Sell Cars On Twitter Part 1 | Automotive Social Media Expert Advice

Can We Sell Cars On Twitter?

I was recently asked if it were possible to sell cars using twitter. When I said absolutely, you could see the wheels of doubt begin to spin out of control. I started to sell the idea when I realized I was…


Added by MANNY LUNA on April 16, 2013 at 11:30pm — 4 Comments


Original post is from Used Car University's Blog and is written by Harlene Doane. 

Dealerships sometimes take the time to look at their sales demographics (e.g. zip codes, age, gender, ethnicity) and adjust their marketing for prospects based on those demographics. No surprise it’s called target marketing.

But does you salesperson do the same with their…


Added by Brett on April 16, 2013 at 5:27pm — No Comments

Building Up Employees’ Loyalty and Engagement: What I Like About You

When did you last share with someone important why you enjoy him or her? We’re fast to convey disappointment or dissatisfaction with others, but uplifting the attributes in them we like feels rather strange.


Yet when it comes to building loyalty, whether in customers, coworkers or family members, nothing will engage their attention – and draw them to us in…


Added by Mike Gorun on April 16, 2013 at 9:26am — 2 Comments

Automotive Sales Training - Lead Generation = Dollar Creation

All businesses are built on two areas of competency – people skills and marketing skills. Many sales people who are more than adequate in their sales and people skills are struggling today. The reason is most sales people lack enough opportunities with customers. Lead generation = dollar creation


As a sales person you are in business for yourself. Having a mentality of being the CEO of your company is crucial to developing your business. The dealership signs your check, and…


Added by Mark Tewart on April 12, 2013 at 1:53pm — 3 Comments

NCM wants to know: What are 15 minutes a day worth in your service department?

Written by: Steve Hall

When we ask service managers how important technician efficiency is to profitability, they most often say that “it goes hand-in-hand” or “if they aren’t efficient, you won’t make money.” I agree with their comments, but am constantly amazed with how they quantify “efficient.”

It seems that we have become accustomed to thinking a technician is efficient if they hit our flagged-hours goal for the week. At times this is true. Everyone can…


Added by Garry House on April 11, 2013 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

10 Things to Consider Before You Blow Off the Idea of Transparency

Dealers are constantly looking for ways to get an edge in the digital age, yet many continue to follow the same sales and advertising practices that they’ve been using for decades.

The problem is that the game has changed and consumers have access to much more information and choices than ever…


Added by Jim Radogna on April 10, 2013 at 8:30pm — 18 Comments

Dealer Looking for a Call Center


We are looking for a call center that will call a given group of customers that qualify for special incentives to set appointments with a strong success rate. 

Who do you recommend and why do you recommend them?…


Added by Chris Saraceno on April 10, 2013 at 8:07pm — 11 Comments

3 ways to find good salespeople

As the economy improves and everyone looks to increase market share, dealers are struggling to take advantage because they can’t find enough good salespeople.  As a result, the customer experience suffers, guests are not logged into the CRM, and sales opportunities are missed.  But there are 3 places where good salespeople can be found:



If you are seeking a younger, more technologically advanced salesperson you have to go where they are – online. …


Added by Bradford Bowers on April 9, 2013 at 3:00pm — 6 Comments

From the NCM Institute: How to Convert Auto Dealership Objectives and Goals into Results

Written By: Joe Basil

We just returned from a 20 Group meeting and it was the most invigorating workshop we have ever attended. We completed an assessment of our dealership operations and identified major sales and profit opportunities in all departments. We have benefited from the extensive experience of our facilitator and fellow members. We had the opportunity to compare our operation to other…


Added by Garry House on April 9, 2013 at 8:00am — No Comments

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