The way you approach a potential customer will have a huge effect on your ability to create rapport, establish a relationship and, eventually, turn that prospect into a customer. Your job is to melt away the defensive wall prospects build around themselves. Melt away, not try to knock it down with a bulldozer which only causes them to build higher and thicker walls. Here are…
Added by Al Mosher on June 12, 2015 at 10:09am — No Comments
Making a strong sales presentation is crucial to closing more sales. Here are 10 tips to help you improve yours:
1. Acknowledge your customer’s requests and expectations.
Make sure they know you heard them. If it’s not appropriate to answer a question at that moment, thank them for the question and assure them you’ll answer it in a few moments. Never react as if they are interrupting your “pitch”.
2. Offer what they ask for, not what you…
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