Aubrey Hankins's Blog – July 2016 Archive (7)

Why Acquiring DealerRater Is A Good Thing For Everyone

The recent news of’s acquisition of DealerRater is creating a stir, basically because a review GIANT will be born when the transaction is completed next month. The new will have the largest dealer review platform in the industry, with more than 4 million consumer…


Added by Aubrey Hankins on July 28, 2016 at 4:37pm — No Comments

3 Ways To Sell More Cars Using Your CRM

Who is going to be the most ideal customer to purchase from your dealership? The question so many ask, and so many wish they had the answer to. The obvious answer would be an existing customer, preferably one who purchased their most recent vehicle from you. Your dealership has already built a…


Added by Aubrey Hankins on July 25, 2016 at 1:10pm — 1 Comment

Selling To Women vs. Selling To Men

Selling to women has been a topic in dealership training for years. But this technique of differentiating women from men as decision makers, as unpopular as it may seem, is flawed. Gone are the days when a wife would make the introduction, choose her favorite vehicle, and the salesperson would then turn their focus on how to convince the…


Added by Aubrey Hankins on July 21, 2016 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

Stop Flooding & Start Dripping Emails

Many dealerships have at one time or another, had automated email campaigns set up for generating sales. It makes sense with the "new consumer" dominating the industry. Attention spans are shrinking and the new generations are forcing dealerships to create a uniqueness to their brand, all in the hopes of keeping the dealership at the forefront of the mind of the consumer. But exactly what is an automated "drip" campaign? This type of marketing automation includes a series…


Added by Aubrey Hankins on July 20, 2016 at 1:38pm — 3 Comments

Your Dealership Contact Methods Are Flawed

First Contact & Follow Up. It's a simple ask of sales personnel, yet it's become one of the largest downfalls in the sales process. It's not the act of actually making contact, its the method that in fact creates the madness. By splattering phone calls, texts, and emails at random…


Added by Aubrey Hankins on July 19, 2016 at 1:16pm — 2 Comments

Why Lead Pools Dominate Lead Assignment

Assigning leads, a core responsibility of a sales manager. Simply put however, it can be a hassle. Lead assignment requires a great deal of time and energy by knowing the who, what, where, why, and how, for every prospect that funnels into the dealership. This will always, because of human error, have mistakes that occur. A groundwork of rules…


Added by Aubrey Hankins on July 14, 2016 at 11:07am — 1 Comment

Why Customer Ownership & Customer Abandonment Are Tied Hand in Hand

When you think of customer ownership and customer abandonment both seem drastically different, but in the dealership marketplace they are all to often tied together. Take customer ownership: Bob gets a lead, and will forever own that lead, that lead is tattoo'd with Bob's name. Then we have customer abandonment: Bob takes a lead, but then Bob takes a vacation and the customer comes in. Bob's not there and the customer hears “I’m sorry, we can’t do your paperwork because Bob isn’t here, but…


Added by Aubrey Hankins on July 13, 2016 at 8:26am — No Comments

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