Stephanie Young's Blog – August 2011 Archive (11)

Tall Tales in the Retail World: Sales and Management Training

I am a vertically enhanced female which I normally see as a benefit, except when I am trying to buy clothing.  Most of the clothing options for women do not come with a choice for inseam or length.  This often leaves me in the dressing room wondering if I can pull of this dress being too short or do these jeans look like capris or a fashion faux pas.  I am stuck in a world in which one-height-fits-all…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 31, 2011 at 10:00am — 25 Comments

Making It Over The Wall

When I was a teenager, I had to have some extensive surgery that landed me in a wheel chair for a few months.  Recently, one of my physical therapist from that adventure found me on Facebook and was compelled to share his story of that short part of my life.  He was a new therapist when he took on my case and had heard how hard teenagers can be in cases like mine.  He braced himself for a healthy dose…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 30, 2011 at 1:00pm — 11 Comments

Failure is an Option, Quitting is Not

Dreams are often the seeds in which goals are grown from, but it takes acting on a dream to achieve a goal.  Sometimes big goals can be as overwhelming as a football field to a five year old.  Like that scared five year old, we can let a daunting task get in the way of our success because of a fear of failure. When engaging in…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 24, 2011 at 9:30am — 11 Comments

Sales Peformance Lesson: High Jump

Following in the footsteps of three generations of outstanding educators, I took on the career of a high school teacher in my early twenties.  Being the new kid on the block, I was given two classes out of five that were "at risk" students.  High school students don't usually relish in the idea of math class and most "at risk" kids seem to see math as a total…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 23, 2011 at 8:30am — 13 Comments

Huge News Fall Out and the Boy Who Cried Wolf

Before class started on one peaceful Saturday morning, my yoga instructor made this big announcement with much fanfare that there was some huge event coming to our studio.  There were no additional details as to what the event was, when it might occur, etc.  Just a stay tuned teaser.  I was so excited that I could barely focus during class wondering what this event was, when it was going to occur and…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 17, 2011 at 10:00am — 9 Comments

Empowerment beyond "Just Because" or "Because I Told You So"

When I was a child, I was the question asking machine.  Now that I am an adult, I am the question asking machine.  Not because I want to be annoying.  I really want to understand why.  Knowing the why helps me deliver on the expectations.  Knowing the why gives me the follow through to see an opportunity to completion.  Understanding why gives me access to understand the process and how each…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 16, 2011 at 10:30am — 9 Comments

Dealer Elite: The Automotive Industry’s Medicine Cabinet for Dealership Cuts, Colds and Headaches

I had an elementary school teacher who claimed that there are no dumb questions other than the question not asked, because you never know who might also have the same question and need an answer but lacks the courage to ask.  With all the great information available on sites like Dealer Elite, why do so many resist the temptation to take advantage of free tips, advice and road maps towards success? 


As an…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 11, 2011 at 1:00pm — 27 Comments

Advancement is Management Minus the Power Struggle

Best piece of advice I have been given as a manager:  Always be teaching others how to be you.  Inspire them to be gunning for your desk and to become you.  Humbly step aside when they replace you.  Without them to replace you, the opportunities of your advancement decline. 


Right after that tidbit of wisdom was imparted on me, I was asked to spear head a rather large project.  Enjoying…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 11, 2011 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

Closing the Gap

During a department head meeting in which processes where being discussed, it became evident there was an information gap for our clients.  Our recruiting team was reporting a break down in information regarding who we are, what we do and what we have to offer.  The team shared how they answer certain questions over and over again.  They reported the funny misconceptions that they often hear.  I sat…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 9, 2011 at 11:30am — 7 Comments

Transforming a Weakness into a Dynamic Super Talent

My youngest sister was born premature and as a result had pulmonary problems as a child.  Because she suffered from chronic asthma, there was little expectation for her to be a strong and healthy child.  One of the therapies she was subjected to in an effort to strengthen her lungs, was swimming underwater.  I am sure this started out as a…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 4, 2011 at 10:00am — 11 Comments

Sales Performance Training: Managing Superstars

Everyone has worked with Negative Nellie and Cantankerous Craig and seen how they can poison the waters of progress with their hater-aide.  Their less than inspiring attitude spread like a cancer through what was once an optimistic and forward moving team.  To managers and fellow peers, it is easy to identify the Nellies and Craigs and see the impact they have on team success.

There is…


Added by Stephanie Young on August 2, 2011 at 10:00am — 6 Comments

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