Featured Blog Posts – September 2011 Archive (84)

Make Sure You Look At Every Customer As An Opportunity Not An Opposition

A sales person has to have a certain ego, and confidence about them and they like to win in every deal, but sometimes you have to appear to lose to win the sale.

You never lose in sales when you make the sale.

Our job in sales is to get the customer to bob their head up and down, telling you “we will take it.” This is the outcome we are looking for with every prospect/customer we face. Sometimes we get demanding customers who are so afraid of sales people, they…


Added by Noel Walsh on September 30, 2011 at 11:47am — 2 Comments

Setting Up Local Listings in Search Engines (Besides Google)

Most people tend to focus a lot of their local search engine marketing for their auto dealer website on Google Places.  While it's true that a lot, if not most, of your search traffic comes from Google, it's still important to make sure your dealership is properly optimized for the other major players as well.

Here are…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on September 30, 2011 at 11:19am — No Comments

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door!

“At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done.


Then they begin to hope it can be done.


Then they see it can be done.


Then it is done………. and all the world wonders why it was not done centuries…


Added by Jim Kristoff on September 30, 2011 at 7:57am — 8 Comments

Yeah, I Said It.

Yeah, I said it:  GM’s Internet lead response measurements are wrong-headed.  The age of pushing dealers to a better 24x7 response time is over, and the results are misleading.  And they are unfortunately too often focusing dealers, and therefore precious resources, AWAY from car sales.  And here’s why. 

First, the…


Added by Keith Shetterly on September 29, 2011 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

The Recipe for building a Super Salesperson - Part 1, The Ingredients

I am a chef by training and as such my wife tells me that I am a food snob. I am not sure if that is true or not, but what I do know is that I hate foo-foo food, meaning food so complex that it becomes unrecognizable. I love dishes that are simple, and where the chef loves what he or she does so much that you actually taste the love in their food, kind of like how your mother would cook it. To me, selling is no different; some salespeople are knowledgeable about the “mechanics” of the sales… Continue

Added by Kurtis Smith on September 29, 2011 at 1:46pm — 1 Comment

Pre-Owned R.O.I. – Assess them - Find them – Fix them – Sell them (Part 4of 4)

(Part 4 – Sell them)


In the first part of this 4 part blog, we reviewed how to “assess” what would be your “perfect Pre-owned inventory mix”.


In the second part of this 4 part blog, we reviewed how to “find” your “perfect Pre-owned inventory mix”.


In the third part of this 4 part blog, we reviewed how to…


Added by Jim Kristoff on September 29, 2011 at 1:34pm — 2 Comments

Feel the Burn!

I use this term alot with my managers and salespeople...I have this on my wall in my office!


I use this as a way to remind the guys that each and every person on our team has to want to be the absolute best at thier craft!


As managers we have this desire to coach things like Negotiating, or closing, or…


Added by Wayne Weathersby on September 28, 2011 at 10:52pm — No Comments

Build, Maintain & Manage a book of business – The new job description of an Automobile Selling Professional

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day,” is the first part of an ancient Chinese proverb that explains why the majority of salespeople are not doing so well in our industry. If you think about it, our industry is pretty young, a little over a hundred years old and since its inception, not much had changed in the way that vehicles were bought and sold, until the Internet. Much has been written and said about how it has impacted the industry, but the quandary that we face today,…


Added by Kurtis Smith on September 28, 2011 at 1:25pm — No Comments

Want to sell more? Eat more!

If your sales career has hit a slump worse than the New York Yankee's Derek Jeter's "0 for 32" hit-less streak in 2004, let me suggest an affordable seminar available to help get your sales swagger back. In fact, this seminar is offered in nearly every city in America. Can you think of a seminar where you can enjoy a nice meal with a special person, have a glass of wine…


Added by Marsh Buice on September 28, 2011 at 12:08pm — 26 Comments

Misdirection – Deflecting the real issues.

Misdirection – Deflecting the real issues.

Zig Ziglar puts it best when he asked, “Are you a wandering generality or a meaningful specific?” The issue has always been sales or the lack there of, so regardless of the product the primary topic at just about every business meeting is how to get more. The tendency how ever to deal with the urgent vs. the important is a real one especially when your livelihood…


Added by Kurtis Smith on September 27, 2011 at 1:23pm — 1 Comment

The Road Map to Problem Resolution

I learned in differential calculus, that problem solving is easier if your start with the solution and work back to the problem.  At first, this is an awkward testament to a person’s ability.  We do not often spend time going backwards in life.  In this case though, I found if I focus on the desired resolution, the pathway to resolving the problem becomes clear.  


Once I have the pathway…


Added by Stephanie Young on September 27, 2011 at 9:30am — 8 Comments

Disappointment... Opportunity either way you choose! Make the right decision!

  The power of disappointment is a fine line that separates the Winners from the Losers...    

    The strong minded from the weak minded...

If  harnessed properly it can be a monumentally productive tool that taps into your inner core and unleashes and fuels and even greater drive or desire to rise…


Added by Jason McIntosh "Jmac" on September 26, 2011 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

How much do YOU use Policy and Procedures?

Recently, a new client of mine was surprised that the first thing I did when I came into his dealership was to familiarize myself with the manufacturers Policy and Procedure manual - and by familiarize, I mean that I read it cover to cover.  This has been a process of mine since I first entered into the automotive field almost 20 years ago.  If there has ever been a publication that is released by a manufacturer, which outlines pretty much every expectation they have for each of the…


Added by Christopher Akin on September 26, 2011 at 8:35pm — No Comments

Protect Your Dealership from Being Marked “Closed” on Google Places

What is designed to be a way for users to let Google know when a business has been closed is, in some cases, being abused by local competitors.  Since it is so easy to mark a business closed in Google Places, some business are being tagged as closed when they aren't.  When enough people mark a business as closed, Google will review whether or not this is true, though their review process isn't public.…


Added by Ali Amirrezvani on September 26, 2011 at 5:03pm — 1 Comment

Pre-Owned R.O.I. – Assess them - Find them – Fix them – Sell them (Part 1of 4)

(Part 1 – Assess them)


Pre-Owned vehicles are the life blood of any successful automotive dealership!


For some dealers, that don’t floor plan pre-owned vehicles, this is where a LOT of cash can be found!


So why is it that some dealers feel that the Pre-owned department takes a “back seat” to the New vehicle…


Added by Jim Kristoff on September 26, 2011 at 3:34pm — 7 Comments

Act As If...

Do you know the one thing that happens before 100% of the closes salespeople succeed at?  If you discover that secret, you'll see an increase in your own closing ratio, or in your ability to drive your sales staff to repeating successful months over and over.  The real beauty is, once you discover the secret, you have it.  It becomes yours to use any time you need it.


This powerful secret will also work to help you improve yourself, increase your skills and develop your team…


Added by John Fuhrman on September 26, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

Irregardless, the Copacetic Analyzation of, Like, Per Se is &@#%!

Want to make more sales or maybe just sound smarter?  Then learn which words make lots of people--from your peers, to your bosses, to your CUSTOMERS--cringe.  Spoken or written, these words lose you sales!


Irregardless.  It's a common word now that is most often misused as a synonym for "regardless"--and it is not.  It's a double negative of…


Added by Keith Shetterly on September 24, 2011 at 5:30pm — 7 Comments

Uh Oh...It just dawned on me...We have to train the Caller too!!


I'm prepping for a big strategy meeting with a dealer group. So I decide to verify my hunch that there is big opportunity in training the call handlers for better Appointment Set, CSI, Retention and all that good stuff. I decide to listen to a bunch of calls from some of the top performing dealerships in the country, to help identify the skill differences and training opportunities.


Then it hit me......How could I have missed this for so long?? 




Added by Chip King on September 24, 2011 at 3:56pm — 3 Comments

DealerElite Members Invited to Join 1st Automotive ZMOT Study

About the 1st Automotive ZMOT Study

I've been profoundly impacted by a free book called "Winning the Zero Moment of Truth" by Jim Lecinski.  As a result of reading this book, I have created training materials, online workshops, and planning materials for car dealers on this…


Added by Brian Pasch on September 23, 2011 at 9:54pm — No Comments

F8′s Big Facebook Changes: The Timeline, Ticker, News Feed and Apps

Mark Zuckerberg and others announce revolutionary and supercool changes to Facebook.

According to Zuck in his introduction to the keynote:

  • A record 500 million people used Facebook the same day. We’re connected now. The next era will be defined by the social apps that use these connections.
  • PROFILE: The profile is the heart of the FB experience, and people invest a lot in their profile. The old 2004 profile: how you introduce…

Added by Joseph Little on September 22, 2011 at 3:47pm — No Comments

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