While the majority of my time is now spent trianing new salespeople, I still get to work with experienced teams on occassion. I enjoy this break, especially during this time of year. It's always easy to get new people to set high goals becasue they're still excited about their new career and want to make a great impression. Getting veterans to set goals is more like trying to get a college student to be done with a major paper BEFORE the night before!
As an expert in human personal…
ContinueAdded by John Fuhrman on December 5, 2011 at 8:00am — 1 Comment
Added by Sean V. Bradley on December 5, 2011 at 2:11am — 3 Comments
Added by Sean V. Bradley on December 5, 2011 at 2:07am — 1 Comment
More and more we are finally seeing dealers slip away from the stereotypical cliché of what a “car salesman” should be or look like…
… And what a better world that is!…
Added by Jason McIntosh "Jmac" on December 5, 2011 at 1:00am — 9 Comments
Let's face it. In the real world, big corporations have an advantage. They have more money for national television ads. They have armies of people marketing and advertising their products and services. They have name recognition and branding. None of this matters (as much) on the web.
The internet gives a venue for small businesses to have more equal footing with the larger…
ContinueAdded by JD Rucker on December 4, 2011 at 10:46pm — No Comments
Added by Stick Bogart on December 4, 2011 at 8:14pm — No Comments
BlogHer.com and J D Power asked both men and women to describe their range of emotions while going through the automotive purchasing cycle. Both genders listed “excited” as the primary emotion with men at 71% and women at 74%. Women were also more nervous (53%) during the process than men (42%) and less confident (30%) than men (37%).
However, when we filtered the same question results through those who had used either blogs or social networks to help with car information prior to…
ContinueAdded by Jody DeVere on December 4, 2011 at 10:56am — No Comments
1) No Dealer shall allow access by any Vendor to their business data (DMS, CRM, etc.) without restrictions to specific data needed and on the use of such data by the Vendor for only providing a clear and very strong business advantage to the Dealer.…
ContinueAdded by Keith Shetterly on December 3, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments
I decided to write this post after a comment I left on my Facebook Profile, it stated:
The Law Of Profitable Returns: As long as the value of your goods and services exceeds what was paid for them, then the profit received will always…Continue
Added by David Johnson on December 3, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments
Historically, during the week between Christmas and New Years, we all breathe a huge sigh of relief that the Christmas rush is over, and we then reflect over the success or failure of our business over the past year. A meeting with Comptroller/CPA Firm usually takes place, where the true profits are discovered after taxes, bonuses, LIFO…
Added by NANCY SIMMONS on December 2, 2011 at 4:28pm — 7 Comments
You’re always One Choice away from changing your life…
Think about this for a moment…
one choice, just one, can change your life forever.
Simply put, your life today is what your…
ContinueAdded by Jack Higginbotham on December 2, 2011 at 3:25pm — No Comments
Every customer that walks into that door should be greeted with a smile and a welcoming statement. You never want a customer to feel ignored. No matter how busy you are, it only takes a few seconds to stop and let them know you aknowledge them and will be with them in a minute. You want them to feel good about the decisions they are about to make in sales or service. Customer's want to know they are investing their money in the right places. There is nothing worse than buyers remorse. If you…
ContinueAdded by Angela Fox on December 2, 2011 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment
I used to think the word "IF" was one of the most ambiguous words, I know now that it is now definitely the word "FREE" .
We got things for Free so We gave away our data in exchange for Free. I'm not going to throw stones at anyone or any entity but without a doubt my dad was right when he said, "pay now or pay later, nothing is free". I'm sure we've ALL heard…
ContinueAdded by Jae Chang on December 2, 2011 at 12:41pm — 1 Comment
DealerOn.com, the premier auto dealer website provider is expanding its executive team to further accelerate the steady growth trajectory of its business. DealerOn, Inc., a leading online marketing company serving the retail automotive industry – today announces the appointment of Gerard J. (Jerry) Petrotto to the newly-created position of Chief Sales Officer.…
ContinueAdded by Ali Amirrezvani on December 2, 2011 at 11:19am — No Comments
A lot of discussion about whether one lead type is better than another or whether a lead generator is hurting the car business is actually a bunch of bull. Who cares, in the trenches it is all about taking care of customers and building relationships. Carfax made a bold move a while back and got a lot of push back from vendors, speakers and dealers. What they were trying to do is be CUSTOMER CENTRIC, something we all talk about but rarely accomplish. The same thing with ZAG, their…
ContinueAdded by Ray Fenster on December 2, 2011 at 10:07am — 3 Comments
Is yelp business friendly or are they doing what would be called legal "BlackMail"? I had five of my personal customers go on yelp to give a review, good or bad, I just wanted their input and post. Yes, I asked them because the service was awesome, but real people, with real ratings sent to archive, Why?????
Added by Michael Deville on December 1, 2011 at 8:48pm — No Comments
I send this message as a true friend in the automotive industry. As
some of you already know it is my mission to help dealers be
profitable and grow their results.
I wanted to reach out to you and send you this message to inform you
of what has been going on with Zag.com/TrueCar and the current
I know that a lot of dealers are using Zag.com because they are sold
on the fact that they never pay for a lead and only pay $300…
Added by Stan Sher on December 1, 2011 at 1:45pm — 35 Comments
A study released in September shows how Ratings and Reviews has an impact on consumer shopping decisions. They seek out what experiences other consumers had before they make their own decision. This of course is different from general "social media" where they seek out commentary from their friends.
Some excerpts of this study include:"Data from “The 2011 Social…
ContinueAdded by Melih Oztalay on December 1, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments
SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 1, 2011 -- DrivingSales announced today that it has acquired consulting, training and research company Revenue Guru. As part of the acquisition, Revenue Guru founder and veteran automotive digital marketing expert…
ContinueAdded by Crystal Hartwell on December 1, 2011 at 1:29pm — 1 Comment
If Google's pilot to sell cars in San Francisco is successful, how will it affect Autotrader,Cars.com and
What would they need to do to compete with Google?
What have you heard about the pilot program in San…
ContinueAdded by Chris Saraceno on December 1, 2011 at 12:16pm — 1 Comment
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