When you have a first encounter with a customer, they are usually wondering one simple question. Can I trust you?
There are three stages of buying:
1. Character and Trust
2. Emotion
3. Logic
I don’t know that one stage is more important than the other but I do know that the trust stage usually happens first. When you build a house and the foundation is weak, no matter how nice a house you build it comes crumbling down…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 24, 2013 at 9:30am — No Comments
You are who you decide to be at any given moment. It does not take money, a degree, a certain age, a certain appearance, tons of experience, knowing the right people, past success or any other qualifying factor that you may be currently using as a subconscious roadblock to your desired success. Your belief system creates your results both past and present. If your current belief system is not what it should be to support your success, you must fake it, till you make it.
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 22, 2013 at 12:00pm — 10 Comments
In the last several years, I have had a revelation about the art and science of sales. The answer to sales success is within all of us. The answer is simple but the key to unlock the answer is elusive.
If you were to go back to the late 1800s, the first formal sales training provided by the likes of J. Edward Douglas and others, you will find teaching geared toward techniques — tie-downs, inverted tie-downs, etc. For more than a century now, sales people have been trained…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 16, 2013 at 9:30am — No Comments
Customers don’t buy vehicles, and sales people don’t sell vehicles. Customers buy solutions to problems they can feel emotionally. Sales people are the conduit that helps customers discover those emotional solutions.
People buy from people. Customers generally do business with people they like and trust. Your customers don’t walk out of your dealership telling you that they bought from you because you are a jerk. Customers can get vehicles anywhere. Most of you are not…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 15, 2013 at 1:05pm — 2 Comments
All businesses are built on two areas of competency – people skills and marketing skills. Many sales people who are more than adequate in their sales and people skills are struggling today. The reason is most sales people lack enough opportunities with customers. Lead generation = dollar creation
As a sales person you are in business for yourself. Having a mentality of being the CEO of your company is crucial to developing your business. The dealership signs your check, and…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 12, 2013 at 1:53pm — 3 Comments
I was recently invited to be a guest lecturer for an entrepreneur class at the University ofCincinnati. In the question-and-answer portion of the program, the professor asked me to sum up what I felt was the most important message I could stress to the class. My reply was one word – ACTION.
At a sales seminar I was giving, I was going over low- to no-cost marketing strategies designed to increase leads for sales people. At the first break after the marketing section, one of…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 11, 2013 at 10:34am — No Comments
Great managers view themselves as coaches more than managers. There is an old adage: “Lead people and manage things.” There is a fine line between creating and utilizing systems and processes and micromanaging details without emphasizing the power of personal interaction.
Good systems and processes should allow employees to raise their performance by giving them confidence in their direction and lessening the burden of the manager and coach from having to constantly inform…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 10, 2013 at 11:04am — No Comments
Have you made the commitment that automotive sales is your career choice? Unless you commit, it’s impossible that you will take the necessary steps to create the business you desire. Long-term thinking in addition to short-term goals are keys to continued success.
When you first enter into a sales position, 80 percent of your time is spent acquiring customers and 20 percent of your time is spent maintaining those customers. Eventually, with the right efforts, that model…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 8, 2013 at 12:27pm — No Comments
The first step in advancing the productivity of your staff in using the phones is a better understanding in the importance that the telephone can play and how it affects your business. Often a lack of the right attitude is displayed in the treatment towards the receptionist position. The receptionist is usually hired without any guidelines that would be used to hire for an important position. In your dealership do you have personality profiles, set interview questions and guidelines to hire…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 5, 2013 at 10:19am — 1 Comment
Are you the CEO of your company? If you’re a sales person, and you answered no to this question, think again. To be successful you must have a CEO mentality. All successful sales people view themselves as a business within a business. Never forget that the company you work for writes and signs your check, but you fill in the numbers. Always take responsibility for everything. You are the CEO.
What does a CEO do?
First of all, a CEO designs a marketing…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on April 3, 2013 at 1:34pm — No Comments
Many times people say they don’t like to negotiate; yet, they still shop around and never pay full MSRP. Most people act in their own best interest. And most people who say they don’t like negotiating, actually still want to.
There are three things you should always listen to in this business:
1. What people say.
2. What people are trying to say.
3. What they really mean.
Often, what people are saying is they ‘hate’ to…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on March 29, 2013 at 10:27am — 4 Comments
Do you believe in luck? Do you consider yourself a lucky person or are you waiting for your ship to come in? There is a difference between luck and randomness. You should create your own luck and remove the randomness of your results.
Recently, I conducted a sales meeting for a business. Before I gave the meeting, I entered the meeting area before the sales team arrived and I taped a $20 bill to the bottom of a chair. During the meeting, I asked everyone to stand up and then…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on March 25, 2013 at 2:05pm — No Comments
You probably answered “no.” Who wouldn’t? I wonder how your customers would answer that question. Do your customers think you, your product and your business are boring? People want to be entertained. Entertainment = Sales. Boring = Broke.
Your customers get their news from FOX News and USA Today, their food from drive throughs, their coffee from Starbucks, their money from ATMs, their exercise from 7- minute abs DVDs and their information from the…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on March 21, 2013 at 10:37am — 13 Comments
1. Manage things and lead people.
Processes should be defined and managed daily. People should be lead by example daily. Management by strict control inhibits star performers and eliminates creativity of intelligent people. Feelings of manipulation are caused by strict control. Control, manipulation, and disrespect keep many dealerships from moving to another level of performance.
2. Speed of the boss = speed of the team.
If the boss has a…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on March 13, 2013 at 1:19pm — No Comments
What is hidden wealth? Hidden wealth is an unused, dormant or under utilized part of your business that contains great value. All businesses have at least one hidden wealth. Even the best businesses in the world contain hidden wealth. The key is to determine your hidden wealth and begin to mine the potential gold that lies therein. All businesses are different. Each business should require their leaders to conduct a concerted effort of introspection and egoless honesty to determine what…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on March 8, 2013 at 3:30pm — 7 Comments
Sales people provide life for all companies. If everything starts with sales people, it only makes sense to make sure that you are recruiting the best potential sales people
Tip 1: Recruit from want, not need. Make recruiting an everyday activity, don’t wait until you need it.
Tip 2: Have a strategy to recruit people all the time. To orchestrate a successful ongoing recruiting program you must first have a game-plan. Plan and…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on March 6, 2013 at 10:58am — 3 Comments
Did you watch some of the Olympics or hear news reports from the games? The Olympics are always fascinating for two reasons: The performances are amazing, and the back stories for each and every Olympian are just as amazing, if not more so. My question for you is, are you an Olympian?
One definition of an Olympian, of course, is someone who competes in the games. Other parts of the definition can be:
• Majestic in manner
• Superior to mundane…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on March 4, 2013 at 9:00am — 2 Comments
Drive up to a dealership and you will most likely see a lot lizard. Their species is easy to spot. They tend to congregate in front of the dealership, smoking, joking, complaining and waiting to wait on someone. Notice I said waiting to wait on. These lizards are a curious species in how they tend to look for prey. The professional is a different breed. The professional tends to not wait on much or for long. The professional has goals, a work plan and is too busy taking action…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on February 28, 2013 at 12:30pm — 7 Comments
Two things keep people from being successful: laziness and the lack of leverage. The good news is that neither of these are incurable diseases, but they can be if left untreated. Let’s take a look at both and how to get rid of each one.
Leverage creates the tipping point that gets you moving and taking action. Leverage can come from wants, needs, fear, love, hate and other emotional triggers. All leverage points are good if you channel them correctly, even if they…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on February 26, 2013 at 2:39pm — No Comments
How would you rate the skill sets of the sales staff at your dealership? Let’s review a few of those skill sets:
• Phone skills — taking inbound calls and making outbound calls
• Follow-up skills — Following up sold and unsold customers with an organized game plan utilizing multiple streams of follow-up methods
• Marketing — Utilizing a planned and sequenced marketing campaign utilizing multiple media methods for low- to no…
ContinueAdded by Mark Tewart on February 14, 2013 at 10:30am — 5 Comments
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