Featured Blog Posts (3,897)

Engagement Is a Two-Way Street

When considering the successful use of social media by a business, the first thing that pops into many people’s minds is quantity. Not necessarily quantity of posts, but how big their audience is. Many judge social media success by the number of fans they have on Facebook, or followers on Twitter. If that number is large and/or growing, they feel as if their efforts are a…


Added by sara callahan on January 14, 2015 at 9:38am — No Comments

TV Shows Have Made Us Better Car Negotiators

Below are some stats from a recent survey you might find interesting from a December online Swapalease.com survey that was presented to 2,500 people across U.S. and Canada.

54.8% of men said they do not look forward to environments where negotiation takes place (66.7% of women).

However, while 32.5% of men said TV shows like Pawn Stars, Storage Wars and American Pickers have made them better negotiators, 78.2% of women said the…


Added by John Sternal on January 14, 2015 at 4:32pm — No Comments

The 7 Most Important Words in Closing

The Seven Most Important Words in Closing

By David Lewis


Whether you are a Salesperson or Sales Manager, your main goal is to close sales.  Everything we do up to that point is all just set-up and preparation, yet so many of us fail when it comes to this final step.  In actuality, we fail approximately 75% of time.   You may ask how I came up with that…


Added by David Lewis on January 12, 2015 at 7:40am — 10 Comments

Time Isn’t of the Essence

Imagine a customer that is in for a routine oil change at your dealership. As part of the complimentary inspection your store provides, it is discovered that the vehicle’s brake pads are severely worn and it would be unsafe to continue driving the vehicle much longer without replacement.  The service advisor brings this to the customer’s attention. Rather than making the…


Added by Richard Holland on January 15, 2015 at 8:49am — 2 Comments

An Amazing Piece of Machinery

Welcome to this week's used car market report, with insights from Black book. The overall market activity and market movement that so non-traditionally trended in November and the non-holiday weeks of December have mostly carried over into the first two weeks of January. The trend that has continued is the steady and consistent fall in gas prices at the pump. Now at $2.21 a gallon, down…


Added by Black Book on January 13, 2015 at 10:55am — No Comments

Dealerships Vulnerable to Hack Attacks

by Jim Leman, Dec. 31, 2014 - Wards Dealer Business

Malware can steal customer social security numbers from finance and insurance department computers.

With malware known as Keylogger placed into a finance and insurance computer by a hacker, a cyberthief may capture every social security…


Added by Jim Leman on January 5, 2015 at 12:02pm — 3 Comments

Give Sound bites, Not Insight

 Have you ever noticed that all head football coaches seem to say the same thing at a press conference? When boiled down, they invariably say something like "They're a good team; we have our work cutout for us; we'll be ready to play."  That's it! It makes you wonder why there are press conferences anyway-they give no insight into the challenges,…


Added by Marsh Buice on January 10, 2015 at 9:14am — No Comments

New to car sales and struggling with the winter

Its winter time and business is slower than normal I haven't been doing my normal 8-12 cars a month. Never had to be able to drum up my own business before and I'm struggling with making calls and getting people in. Looking for other ideas to help me be a master of my craft. I recognize that I am having a problem and am looking for advice as to how to overcome this. I'm new to this site so I don't know anyone. Any help would greatly be appreciated. it is my goal to become one of the greats…


Added by Aaron Farless on January 7, 2015 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

How To Make Your Auto Dealer Website User Friendly To Improve Your Search Rating

 In the current economic times, having a business website is crucial for virtually all the businesses. This is more so in the car dealership industry where the majority of the buyers are conducting online searches in pursuit of the best deals. However, having a website is not the only thing that is required as it has to be good and reflect on the search engine results. To achieve this for your auto dealer website, you have to make it user friendly. This is because currently, one of…


Added by Fred G. Slabine on January 7, 2015 at 1:22pm — No Comments

How Customer-Centric is Your Dealership? Take the Test!

We are well into December. It's time to take stock of your year and your accomplishments. It’s definitely time to have fun and to be mindful of what is ahead. As we turn the corner into a new year, 2015, today’s Women’s Wednesday you are invited to take a short, interactive quiz to evaluate where there is room to expand your dealership’s customer excellence. And in doing so, your competitive…


Added by Anne Fleming on December 17, 2014 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments

Six Tips to Having Your Best Service Year Ever

Six Tips to Having Your Best Service Year Ever…


Added by Jeff Cowan on December 2, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Use Live Chat to Build Rapport With Shoppers

People buy from businesses they like, trust, and know -- which is a big reason why establishing rapport is so important in the sales process, both on the showroom floor and on your dealership’s website.

The number one reason live chat will fail at your dealership…


Added by Lisandra Ramos on January 6, 2015 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Why Customers Are So Defensive

Why Are Customers So Defensive?                                                                                                                      

By David Lewis


During my training seminars all over North America, regardless of whether I am working with Salespeople,…


Added by David Lewis on January 5, 2015 at 10:57am — 3 Comments

Online Automotive Leads: How Well Do Dealers Respond? (A 2015 PLADOOGLE Study)

I'm very proud of the study our team just released that tracked and graded over 400 Automotive Mystery Shops for 30 days. In the study, we read every email and listened to every voicemail. Also, we graded dealers' REAL response time: that is, the time it takes them to actually pick up the phone and call the prospect. Since we used a valid, working…


Added by Steve Stauning on January 5, 2015 at 11:00am — No Comments

L.A. retailer knows the value of a good name

L.A. retailer knows the value of a good name

Downtown revival and handy URL steer traffic to Honda store

From left, Sean Wolfington, Ted Bessen and Joe Shuster bought the Honda dealership's assets from bankruptcy court in 2011.…

Added by DealerELITE on December 28, 2014 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Background Checks Leave Much to Be Desired

In ban the box states, an employer can no longer ask a job application about his or her prior (or presumed ongoing) criminal history.

Without the ability now to ask about criminal history, the applicant you hire might be a big risk, to you, your employees and your customers.

Today, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and many states, and even municipal governments view the use of background checks as an unfair hurdle to those with prior…


Added by Jim Leman on December 15, 2014 at 5:36pm — No Comments

A Logical Connection Between Texting and Website Chat

When we look at texting as it pertains to the car business, it's easy to see that the mobile revolution has people letting their fingers do the talking. It's a method of communication that is becoming the primary way for millions of people in North America. How does a dealership translate this trend into lead generation on their website?

We're already seeing…


Added by jeff sterns on January 2, 2015 at 2:54pm — 2 Comments

The FTC Strikes AGAIN - What a Surprise!

The Federal Trade Commission started the year by making a major statement regarding how they feel about questionable auto dealer advertising practices with their Operation…

Added by Jim Radogna on December 18, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments

How Do You Know Your Digital Strategy Is Working?

How Do You Know Your Digital Strategy Is Working?

Is your business keeping you up at night? We want to offer ways to uncover some great opportunities in your strategy, including:

  • Focusing on the handling of phone calls
  • Generating more content for your website
  • Emphasizing the value of tracking your leads
  • Maintaining…

Added by Paul Potratz on December 31, 2014 at 2:12pm — No Comments

4 Customer-Centric Infographics to Check Out Right Now

As you prepare for a new year at your dealership, you’re probably on the lookout for innovative, measurable ways to effectively engage your shoppers. That’s why we’ve compiled 4 customer-centric infographics to help you improve your marketing strategy and proactively engage the modern shopper in 2015.

Check out these…


Added by Lisandra Ramos on December 29, 2014 at 11:41am — No Comments

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